con loq se me caeria la baba seria con un Mirror Edge adaptado para Kinect, ese juego me encantó, era un concepto totamente diferente, un plataformas en primera persona con unos graficos y capacidad de inmersion en el juego sorprendentes, y no creo q fuese tan dificil hacer algo asi parta Kinect, un juego de Parcour con historia como ese seria genial (adaptado para patanes como yo claro, q no es cuestion de estar saltando por encima del sofa y por las paredes,
![carcajada [carcajad]](/images/smilies/nuevos/risa_ani2.gif)
joder !!!! me acaba de dar por buscar Mirrors EDGE KINECT en google y coño el proyecto esta en marcha !!!! voy a fliparrrrrr's already been revealed by EA chief Riccitiello that there are plans for Mirror's Edge to return to the living room screen, so let me paint a completely made up and completely possible picture for you:

Mirror's Edge Kinect will take full advantage of the system's abilities, transforming its complex control scheme into a natural, immersive, full-body experience.
If you want to run: you run.
If you want to jump: you jump.
If you want to slide: you duck.
If you want to kick off a wall, or kick a guard in the head: you kick.
If you want to grap a ledge or disarm a guard: you grab.
The whole game works off your personal body movement. Steering could probably be handled by leaning left to right, or pointing your hand in the right direction, or even just turning your head, but it might not even need to be there. After two 2d mirror's edge games, a 3d first person game on a 2d plane would be an excellent way to test the waters. It's an HD game that would appeal to hardcore fans as well casual, action-movie, and parkour enthusiasts. It's perfect.
Ad in a glasses-free HD set, which should be a reality within the next 2 years, and you have what amounts to a true next generation in gaming: full 3d dimensional interface, full 3 dimensional image, full quality gameplay and presentation. I don't need more specs and higher fidelity from games, I need full interaction, I need the holodeck, and this very likely scenario is auspiciously similar to that example.
If you really want a head trip: imagine what they could do with a realism mode. You run at the speed you move your feet, you jump as far as you can physically jump high, the timing is as precise and demanding as a real life scenario. You would have to develop yourself physically to beat other players in a head to head race. It would be a true parkour game, teaching you the athletic basics of the sport.
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 06/19/2010 21:59:06
ALUCINANTEEEEEEEEveremos si se hace realidad, pq la noticia es de junioooooo