[HO] Assetto Corsa

seco46 escribió:
eddye escribió:Sí te he entendido. Eres tú el que no ha entendido el mío. Me refería a que hace mucho tiempo que ese mod lo sacaron de pago, al igual que el resto del nuevo dlc. Habrá que ver la diferencia de calidad entre todos.
Ah vale :p.

@uodyne, yo si creo que sea in-game, han mejorado las texturas, los shaders y algunos efectos (algo me dice que en esa captura ya han implementado el sistema de post-procesorado Yebis 3 [sonrisa]) y eso se tiene que notar.

Cómo puedes ver en la ilustración anterior, ahí está el flamante mod del Hurácan GT3...cortesía de Locks.
eddye escribió:
seco46 escribió:
eddye escribió:Sí te he entendido. Eres tú el que no ha entendido el mío. Me refería a que hace mucho tiempo que ese mod lo sacaron de pago, al igual que el resto del nuevo dlc. Habrá que ver la diferencia de calidad entre todos.
Ah vale :p.

@uodyne, yo si creo que sea in-game, han mejorado las texturas, los shaders y algunos efectos (algo me dice que en esa captura ya han implementado el sistema de post-procesorado Yebis 3 [sonrisa]) y eso se tiene que notar.

Cómo puedes ver en la ilustración anterior, ahí está el flamante mod del Hurácan GT3...cortesía de Locks.

Y de físicas cómo anda? son datos oficiales?
Datos oficiales no sé si serán, salvo los mods co-oficiales como podrían ser los de URD, pero las físicas son brutales.
Prometheus06 escribió:
seco46 escribió:
eddye escribió:Sí te he entendido. Eres tú el que no ha entendido el mío. Me refería a que hace mucho tiempo que ese mod lo sacaron de pago, al igual que el resto del nuevo dlc. Habrá que ver la diferencia de calidad entre todos.
Ah vale :p.

@uodyne, yo si creo que sea in-game, han mejorado las texturas, los shaders y algunos efectos (algo me dice que en esa captura ya han implementado el sistema de post-procesorado Yebis 3 [sonrisa]) y eso se tiene que notar.

Creo que si fuese yebis 3 lo anunciarian a bombo y platillo en el change log. Hasta la version de 2016 creo leer no saldra. Pero seguira sin música en menus jajaja
Supongo que a lo mejor en la PGW si terminan enseñando la versión de PS4 (tiene toda la pinta porque 505 Games va a estar allí), muestren el juego con ese sistema ya implementado y algo de la música xd.

@eddye ya lo he visto, y no esta mal, aunque se parece más al Super Trofeo que al GT3 por la parte delantera.

P.D.El Shadow Refraction se nota bastante en el parabrisas de la foto de Kunos xd.
@seco46 Sí hay que ver con los nuevos gráficos cómo cambia todo.
A Yebis 3 en Assetto le quedan meses todavía.

En cuanto al Lambo, en cuanto salga el DLC mañana, bye bye mod.
pupegbl escribió:A Yebis 3 en Assetto le quedan meses todavía.

En cuanto al Lambo, en cuanto salga el DLC mañana, bye bye mod.

Evidentemente si es mejor, algo que se supone, pues sí.
pupegbl escribió:A Yebis 3 en Assetto le quedan meses todavía.

En cuanto al Lambo, en cuanto salga el DLC mañana, bye bye mod.

El lambo tengo "bastante" claro que si aunque es muy bueno. Pero lo tienen muy difícil con el R8 Ultra, el mod es una pasada en todo....

Por cierto alguien cree que sale mañana el DLC?¿ ni reserva, ni menciones, ni nada...
Kunos publico la semana pasada en su Facebook toda la informacion sobre el DLC, en este dlc no hay reserva ya que el precio es unico (8€).


clockwok escribió:Kunos publico la semana pasada en su Facebook toda la informacion sobre el DLC, en este dlc no hay reserva ya que el precio es unico (8€).



Esto me recuerda hace un par de días, estoy en la calle con un compañero del curro, y un coche aparcado pues nada, "arranca" y sale. Un "fisssssssh" que apenas se oía, que asco de eléctricos...

Bueno, entonces mañana sale el DLC y la nueva versión, no? espero por la noche poder probarla [chulito]
¿Sobre qué hora suelen actualizar?
rugrande escribió:¿Sobre qué hora suelen actualizar?

pupegbl escribió:
rugrande escribió:¿Sobre qué hora suelen actualizar?


Esperemos que arreglen el sonido con la 1.3, hoy he estado jugando un rato y no había manera, jugar sin sonido de motor pues es un poco de lastre.
Incoming - Assetto Corsa Dream Pack 2 - available by October 8th, 2015



Me gustaría saber si me podéis ayudar. Un grupo de amigos hemos creado una comunidad nueva, y mañana la estrenamos. Y me encuentro, que no hay ningúna forma de mostrar en tiempo real el estado del servidor y la gente que está dentro.

He visto una aplicación del móvil, pero me gustaría algo para poder montarlo en la web y el foro nuestro y dar esa info

Conocéis como puedo hacerlo?

Caballeros y caballeras, mantenganse expectantes. Próximamente TrackDay en su multiplayer favorito de Assetto Corsa. En unas horas más información.
pupegbl escribió:Caballeros y caballeras, mantenganse expectantes. Próximamente TrackDay en su multiplayer favorito de Assetto Corsa. En unas horas más información.

Ya era hora!!

Se supone que el dlc saldra en el Steam , no ????
chakal0666 escribió:Se supone que el dlc saldra en el Steam , no ????

no, te lo envian a casa si has echo prereserva, yo ya lo tengo instalado, ten envian un cd y 3 disquetes de 5 1/4 para instalar., falta que lo activen...y ya estara
si no hasta el dia 12 no esta para los demas.....

[hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [looco] [looco] [looco] [looco]
Prometheus06 escribió:
chakal0666 escribió:Se supone que el dlc saldra en el Steam , no ????

no, te lo envian a casa si has echo prereserva, yo ya lo tengo instalado, ten envian un cd y 3 disquetes de 5 1/4 para instalar., falta que lo activen...y ya estara
si no hasta el dia 12 no esta para los demas.....

[hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [looco] [looco] [looco] [looco]

El CD es la banda sonora.
pupegbl escribió:
Prometheus06 escribió:
chakal0666 escribió:Se supone que el dlc saldra en el Steam , no ????

no, te lo envian a casa si has echo prereserva, yo ya lo tengo instalado, ten envian un cd y 3 disquetes de 5 1/4 para instalar., falta que lo activen...y ya estara
si no hasta el dia 12 no esta para los demas.....

[hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [hallow] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [sonrisa] [looco] [looco] [looco] [looco]

El CD es la banda sonora.

Joer pues yo sólo tengo dos disquettes. Debe ser que mi edición no es la ultimate. [buuuaaaa]
El cd es la musica de los menus..... y el tercer disquete es el circuito de barcelona . Solo para premiums
De Aris respecto a la update:

So the imminent version 1.3 (and Dream Pack 2) brings a whole new bunch of improvements, features and novelties.
Here's some previews regarding the driving (I wanted to write "warnings" but it sounded a bit too harsh :p )

64bit - 32bit.
Nothing changes in terms of driving and physics between the two. 64bits though permits addressing bigger chunks of memory and can do stuff like saving bigger replays. I do not know if this is already enabled by Stefano, but if not, will be in the future. Certainly 64bit is the way forward, so start updating too...

- New ABS system which now supports 1,2,3,4 channels. Cars should stop better now. (obviously realistic distances)
- Active differentials also at the rear wheel drive cars. I'm not talking EDLs supporting mecchanical diffs but actual active differentials. They can do some great tricks... try the M4, Ferrari 458, Ferrari LaFerrari for some amazing results.
- EDL differentials now active also at the front of AWD active systems. Yes we managed to eliminate some (not all) understeer from the Por... sorry RUF AWD. The Nissan GT-R pulls some amazing tricks too.
- Modified Front splitter height sensitivity for some cars will make some famous turns not so easy to do.
- Added wheel offset simulation in suspension so that you can simulate more easily and accurately the correct suspension scrub. Scrub value is also available in the dev app "suspensions"

V5 Tyre model:
Our tyre model evolves with each release and this is a big step forward! We now have completely reworked load sensitivity equations, new over the peak curve, different flat-spotting based also on load, modified and corrected rolling resistance equations, new heating values and simulation of both surface and core temperatures with speed (from air speed) sensible cool down and more. All of that in the core system

Because of all those changes in the core system, we have put a massive effort to completely rework all the tyres for all the cars. That's more than 130 files each of one with at least 2 compounds, usually 3, sometimes 5... the struggle was (is) real.

As such, the bad news is that some of the cars are still on the V4 tyre model (which is still compatible so your mods also are not broken). The good news is that there are just 7 cars that are still on the V4 model, namely:
Ferrari 312T, Lamborghini Miura SV, Lotus 49, Lotus 98T, Lotus EXOS 125 (and S1), Shelby Cobra 427.
As you can see, they are all either extreme single seaters or vintage tyres. We need some studying to do for them and couldn't make it in time. Expect an update soon™

All the other cars are on the brand new V5 tyre model!

What to expect in terms of driving?
Nothing and everything.
As usual we have a pretty decent idea on what a tyre should do and that hasn't changed, so we don't believe you'll feel something completely new. More of a global improvement of weak points of the old model. Nevertheless my advice is: Forget everything. Forget your laptimes, forget your setups, forget your FFB settings, actually set everything to 100% gain as we changed how the FFB handles for all cars too.
Just drive, from scratch, without any muscle memory.

A few notes.
- Heat your tyres slowly. It will need 1 to 2 laps to bring the tyres to proper temperature both surface and internally in the core. The surface will keep going up and down but the core will stabilise. Then start to push. Otherwise use the tyre blankets
- What was the core temperature on the apps is now surface. Don't go crazy on the surface temperature. It is VERY variable now. It will go up and down in terms of mere seconds! What you need is a proper temp range on turn in, apex, exit. Ignore what it does at high speed on the straights, that's how it works. (look at some F1 heat cameras videos on youtube to understand the effect).
- Cars are even more sensitive to setup now. One click at a time.
- Did you spun out? It happens. But be VERY careful when you rejoin. It really takes nothing to overheat the tyres while doing burnouts to get back on track. The next turn might be fatal! Take it easy for at least 2-3 turns to cool the tyres down.

And a mea culpa. The new heat tyre model is extremely complicated. We should have made a proper app or proper messages to warn you when the tyres are cold, overheated, good or bad condition. We didn't make it. We apologize, we will try to do it... err... soon™. Please be kind and have patience, it's complicated for us too and days have only 32 hours.


os funciona el g27 en windows 10?¿
Ya me pasareis esos disquetes, por lo menos oiré algo mientras juego jaja.

Voy a pegarme unas partidas mientras se hacen las 7, que es la hora que ponían en páginas atrás (sin audio [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa] ).
green escribió:os funciona el g27 en windows 10?¿

Me funciona bien, pero no me lo detecta bien en la configuración de dispositivos de juego como antes. Ahora tengo que acceder a la configuración del volante a través del Logitech Profiler.
seco46 escribió:De Aris respecto a la update:

So the imminent version 1.3 (and Dream Pack 2) brings a whole new bunch of improvements, features and novelties.
Here's some previews regarding the driving (I wanted to write "warnings" but it sounded a bit too harsh :p )

64bit - 32bit.
Nothing changes in terms of driving and physics between the two. 64bits though permits addressing bigger chunks of memory and can do stuff like saving bigger replays. I do not know if this is already enabled by Stefano, but if not, will be in the future. Certainly 64bit is the way forward, so start updating too...

- New ABS system which now supports 1,2,3,4 channels. Cars should stop better now. (obviously realistic distances)
- Active differentials also at the rear wheel drive cars. I'm not talking EDLs supporting mecchanical diffs but actual active differentials. They can do some great tricks... try the M4, Ferrari 458, Ferrari LaFerrari for some amazing results.
- EDL differentials now active also at the front of AWD active systems. Yes we managed to eliminate some (not all) understeer from the Por... sorry RUF AWD. The Nissan GT-R pulls some amazing tricks too.
- Modified Front splitter height sensitivity for some cars will make some famous turns not so easy to do.
- Added wheel offset simulation in suspension so that you can simulate more easily and accurately the correct suspension scrub. Scrub value is also available in the dev app "suspensions"

V5 Tyre model:
Our tyre model evolves with each release and this is a big step forward! We now have completely reworked load sensitivity equations, new over the peak curve, different flat-spotting based also on load, modified and corrected rolling resistance equations, new heating values and simulation of both surface and core temperatures with speed (from air speed) sensible cool down and more. All of that in the core system

Because of all those changes in the core system, we have put a massive effort to completely rework all the tyres for all the cars. That's more than 130 files each of one with at least 2 compounds, usually 3, sometimes 5... the struggle was (is) real.

As such, the bad news is that some of the cars are still on the V4 tyre model (which is still compatible so your mods also are not broken). The good news is that there are just 7 cars that are still on the V4 model, namely:
Ferrari 312T, Lamborghini Miura SV, Lotus 49, Lotus 98T, Lotus EXOS 125 (and S1), Shelby Cobra 427.
As you can see, they are all either extreme single seaters or vintage tyres. We need some studying to do for them and couldn't make it in time. Expect an update soon™

All the other cars are on the brand new V5 tyre model!

What to expect in terms of driving?
Nothing and everything.
As usual we have a pretty decent idea on what a tyre should do and that hasn't changed, so we don't believe you'll feel something completely new. More of a global improvement of weak points of the old model. Nevertheless my advice is: Forget everything. Forget your laptimes, forget your setups, forget your FFB settings, actually set everything to 100% gain as we changed how the FFB handles for all cars too.
Just drive, from scratch, without any muscle memory.

A few notes.
- Heat your tyres slowly. It will need 1 to 2 laps to bring the tyres to proper temperature both surface and internally in the core. The surface will keep going up and down but the core will stabilise. Then start to push. Otherwise use the tyre blankets
- What was the core temperature on the apps is now surface. Don't go crazy on the surface temperature. It is VERY variable now. It will go up and down in terms of mere seconds! What you need is a proper temp range on turn in, apex, exit. Ignore what it does at high speed on the straights, that's how it works. (look at some F1 heat cameras videos on youtube to understand the effect).
- Cars are even more sensitive to setup now. One click at a time.
- Did you spun out? It happens. But be VERY careful when you rejoin. It really takes nothing to overheat the tyres while doing burnouts to get back on track. The next turn might be fatal! Take it easy for at least 2-3 turns to cool the tyres down.

And a mea culpa. The new heat tyre model is extremely complicated. We should have made a proper app or proper messages to warn you when the tyres are cold, overheated, good or bad condition. We didn't make it. We apologize, we will try to do it... err... soon™. Please be kind and have patience, it's complicated for us too and days have only 32 hours.



Suena muy bien, mejoras esenciales para una simulación mas realista en suspensión, frenos, diferencial y neumáticos.

Parece que todos los mods tendrán que actualizar los neumáticos, no creo que sea difícil...

Tengo ganas de probarlo. A ver si en vez de una paso adelante, es un salto.
seco46 escribió:De Aris respecto a la update:

So the imminent version 1.3 (and Dream Pack 2) brings a whole new bunch of improvements, features and novelties.
Here's some previews regarding the driving (I wanted to write "warnings" but it sounded a bit too harsh :p )

64bit - 32bit.
Nothing changes in terms of driving and physics between the two. 64bits though permits addressing bigger chunks of memory and can do stuff like saving bigger replays. I do not know if this is already enabled by Stefano, but if not, will be in the future. Certainly 64bit is the way forward, so start updating too...

- New ABS system which now supports 1,2,3,4 channels. Cars should stop better now. (obviously realistic distances)
- Active differentials also at the rear wheel drive cars. I'm not talking EDLs supporting mecchanical diffs but actual active differentials. They can do some great tricks... try the M4, Ferrari 458, Ferrari LaFerrari for some amazing results.
- EDL differentials now active also at the front of AWD active systems. Yes we managed to eliminate some (not all) understeer from the Por... sorry RUF AWD. The Nissan GT-R pulls some amazing tricks too.
- Modified Front splitter height sensitivity for some cars will make some famous turns not so easy to do.
- Added wheel offset simulation in suspension so that you can simulate more easily and accurately the correct suspension scrub. Scrub value is also available in the dev app "suspensions"

V5 Tyre model:
Our tyre model evolves with each release and this is a big step forward! We now have completely reworked load sensitivity equations, new over the peak curve, different flat-spotting based also on load, modified and corrected rolling resistance equations, new heating values and simulation of both surface and core temperatures with speed (from air speed) sensible cool down and more. All of that in the core system

Because of all those changes in the core system, we have put a massive effort to completely rework all the tyres for all the cars. That's more than 130 files each of one with at least 2 compounds, usually 3, sometimes 5... the struggle was (is) real.

As such, the bad news is that some of the cars are still on the V4 tyre model (which is still compatible so your mods also are not broken). The good news is that there are just 7 cars that are still on the V4 model, namely:
Ferrari 312T, Lamborghini Miura SV, Lotus 49, Lotus 98T, Lotus EXOS 125 (and S1), Shelby Cobra 427.
As you can see, they are all either extreme single seaters or vintage tyres. We need some studying to do for them and couldn't make it in time. Expect an update soon™

All the other cars are on the brand new V5 tyre model!

What to expect in terms of driving?
Nothing and everything.
As usual we have a pretty decent idea on what a tyre should do and that hasn't changed, so we don't believe you'll feel something completely new. More of a global improvement of weak points of the old model. Nevertheless my advice is: Forget everything. Forget your laptimes, forget your setups, forget your FFB settings, actually set everything to 100% gain as we changed how the FFB handles for all cars too.
Just drive, from scratch, without any muscle memory.

A few notes.
- Heat your tyres slowly. It will need 1 to 2 laps to bring the tyres to proper temperature both surface and internally in the core. The surface will keep going up and down but the core will stabilise. Then start to push. Otherwise use the tyre blankets
- What was the core temperature on the apps is now surface. Don't go crazy on the surface temperature. It is VERY variable now. It will go up and down in terms of mere seconds! What you need is a proper temp range on turn in, apex, exit. Ignore what it does at high speed on the straights, that's how it works. (look at some F1 heat cameras videos on youtube to understand the effect).
- Cars are even more sensitive to setup now. One click at a time.
- Did you spun out? It happens. But be VERY careful when you rejoin. It really takes nothing to overheat the tyres while doing burnouts to get back on track. The next turn might be fatal! Take it easy for at least 2-3 turns to cool the tyres down.

And a mea culpa. The new heat tyre model is extremely complicated. We should have made a proper app or proper messages to warn you when the tyres are cold, overheated, good or bad condition. We didn't make it. We apologize, we will try to do it... err... soon™. Please be kind and have patience, it's complicated for us too and days have only 32 hours.



[looco] Me gusta lo que leo de la temperatura de las ruedas [looco]
Coño, a 5,99€.

Allá vamos. A disfrutar como locos!!!!!!!

Ha habido un lapsus con el precio del dlc, pero es a 7,99 el precio con un supuesto 20 por ciento de descuento.
(mensaje borrado)
}:/ }:/ }:/ }:/ }:/

A criticar en 3,2,1...
Sale a 7,99 cuando lo metes al carro, no os flipeis
Fanzelda escribió:Sale a 7,99 cuando lo metes al carro, no os flipeis

6€ pague yo.
Y yo. Eso he pagado, pero ahora no veo donde descargarlo, ni se descarga.

clockwok escribió:
Fanzelda escribió:Sale a 7,99 cuando lo metes al carro, no os flipeis

6€ pague yo.

Bien por ti, pero era fail...
Fanzelda escribió:
clockwok escribió:
Fanzelda escribió:Sale a 7,99 cuando lo metes al carro, no os flipeis

6€ pague yo.

Bien por ti, pero era fail...

Fail?? Pues no sé que decirte. Será fail de quien sea, pero los que lo hemos comprado por 5,99€, no hemos hecho nada mal y no creo que ahora puedan decirnos que ha sido un fallo. Ya veremos.

Gadir9 escribió:Fail?? Pues no sé que decirte. Será fail de quien sea, pero los que lo hemos comprado por 5,99€, no hemos hecho nada mal y no creo que ahora puedan decirnos que ha sido un fallo. Ya veremos.


Es posible que sea fail pero da igual quien lo compro a 6 lo tiene a 6.
Gadir9 escribió:Fail?? Pues no sé que decirte. Será fail de quien sea, pero los que lo hemos comprado por 5,99€, no hemos hecho nada mal y no creo que ahora puedan decirnos que ha sido un fallo. Ya veremos.


Ese es el fail, no es raro en steam. Suerte el que lo pillara, pero que eso, es fail de steam, no su precio. Y ha sido un minuto poco mas, que ni me dio tiempo
clockwok escribió:
Gadir9 escribió:Fail?? Pues no sé que decirte. Será fail de quien sea, pero los que lo hemos comprado por 5,99€, no hemos hecho nada mal y no creo que ahora puedan decirnos que ha sido un fallo. Ya veremos.


Es posible que sea fail pero da igual quien lo compro a 6 lo tiene a 6.

Efectivamente. Hemos tenido premio por ser unos neuras que estábamos dándole a actualizar a las 19:00. A ver, que son 2 euros guarros, pero que cojones.

Gadir9 escribió:
clockwok escribió:
Gadir9 escribió:Fail?? Pues no sé que decirte. Será fail de quien sea, pero los que lo hemos comprado por 5,99€, no hemos hecho nada mal y no creo que ahora puedan decirnos que ha sido un fallo. Ya veremos.


Es posible que sea fail pero da igual quien lo compro a 6 lo tiene a 6.

Efectivamente. Hemos tenido premio por ser unos neuras que estábamos dándole a actualizar a las 19:00. A ver, que son 2 euros guarros, pero que cojones.


Pos si, me daria igual comprarlo por 8 o 10 pero oye pos compre por 6 pos perfecto.
yo diría que ha durado menos de un minuto el fail pero bueno yo personalmente le voy a disfrutar igual por los 6€ que me ha salido que por los 8€ de no haber estado al f5 como loco XD
A ver, algún piloto de manos sensibles nos puede hacer un análisis, sobre todo de físicas, que hay muchas novedades. Que jodienda, hoy llego tarde a casa..
spanisharmy escribió:A ver, algún piloto de manos sensibles si nos puede hacer un análisis, sobre todo de físicas, que hay muchas novedades. Que jodienda, hoy llego tarde a casa..

Ya somos dos lo q llegamos tarde :(
Gadir9 escribió:Coño, a 5,99€.


donder? esta a 8 en estim

PD: ah.

21481 respuestas