UPDATED 7/31/13 - first working image
http://filetrip.net/view?aRNIt796w3 - write to sd card using dd or Win32DiskImager
http://filetrip.net/dl?T6ZI2PgqYU - lastest filesystem with ubuntu 12.04/triforce. To upgrade delete the contents of the linux partition, and extract this in the root.
For those who may not already know, our relentless developers finally managed to piece together the puzzle, and have some proof (yes, solid evidence) that the 'race attack' as described by fail0verflow is nearing completion. This portion of the overall 'hack' is far from finished, but is close enough to the point where it's time to branch off and begin working on the Linux portion of the over-encompassing project.
At this time, ONLY 2GB SD CARDS ARE KNOWN TO WORK. You are more than welcome to try with an SDHC card of larger size, but don't cry when it doesn't work. Though, you never know, it might work!
What you need:
WiiU with Homebrew channel installed in Wii Mode.
A 2GB SD Card
BootMii IOS 254
https://gbadev.googlecode.com/git/nswit ... v65281.wad The Trinux archive from
http://filetrip.net/view?aRNIt796w3 USB Keyboard (the older the better, it seems)
(optional) a USB LAN adapter, if you wish to use the Internet.
For the manual installation, you can extract the above archive, then the trinux_0.5.7z file inside of it, and write it to your SD card using one of the many available programs. 'dd' if you're cool, or if you prefer GUI, Win32DiskImager (sourceforge),
This SD image is broken up into three sections.
fat16 partition to store our app, you can place others in the sd:/apps/ folder if you'd like.
ext3 Linux filesystem
Linux swap space (not activated at this time)
After writing the image to your SD, you will only see partition 1. Windows is incapable of reading ext3 partitions.
If you are lucky enough to successfully log in, you can try activating the swap space by typing:
ls /dev/mmcblk* (since the swap space is on the last partition of this device, make note of this, it will probably be /dev/mmcblk0p3
to activate type: swapon /dev/mmcblk0p3
If that succeeds, let me know and I'll issue a patch that will automount the swap partition on bootup.