La fase 4 (Open Beta) durara una semana, entre otras cosas:
- They're trying to get Arcanist ready for Phase 4
- Please wait a little more for the details on how Arcanist works (perhaps revealed in the upcoming Niconico Live Event?)
- Event Bosses implemented in Phase 4
- SLI support implemented in Phase 4
- Male Miqotes (and other races?) will have unique motions when entering baths
- When leveling a second class, you will have bonus exp
- Addressed a bug where the cursor goes funny in some instances
- Adjustments to how (slow/fast) a Gatherer levels
- Adjustments (maybe) to the ease of making HQs from NQ materials in crafting
- An in-game event will be implemented right away after Launch (Bomb Event?)
- The dev team has designed endgame events to outright kill players
- (The Labyrinth of) Bahamut is so long, it pretty much requires players to 'save progress' as they proceed through the dungeon
- No plans to implement a 'your server only' option for the Duty Finder as for now