Xadurk escribió:No se si se ha dicho ya por ahí, pero si haces una captura de pantalla cuando te dice que no se puede da igual el ordenador hace la captura igualmente, luego solo tienes que pegarla en el paint o donde sea y guardarla (vamos, como toda la vida)
gumm1988 escribió:Xadurk escribió:No se si se ha dicho ya por ahí, pero si haces una captura de pantalla cuando te dice que no se puede da igual el ordenador hace la captura igualmente, luego solo tienes que pegarla en el paint o donde sea y guardarla (vamos, como toda la vida)
Mejor te agregas el acceso directo a Steam, como juego no Steam (obvio xD) y ya tienes tu "capturadora".
Así lo hago yo y es muy comodo, luego subes las que mas te gusten, y ya no te preocupas si tenes que formatear o lo que sea (perdon por el offtopic)
rheed escribió:
Como osas hablar de Steam???!!!! Que es el demonio! Es un drm de mierda que no vale para nada!!!!!
PD: Perdon por el offtopic 2 xD
rheed escribió:gumm1988 escribió:Xadurk escribió:No se si se ha dicho ya por ahí, pero si haces una captura de pantalla cuando te dice que no se puede da igual el ordenador hace la captura igualmente, luego solo tienes que pegarla en el paint o donde sea y guardarla (vamos, como toda la vida)
Mejor te agregas el acceso directo a Steam, como juego no Steam (obvio xD) y ya tienes tu "capturadora".
Así lo hago yo y es muy comodo, luego subes las que mas te gusten, y ya no te preocupas si tenes que formatear o lo que sea (perdon por el offtopic)
Como osas hablar de Steam???!!!! Que es el demonio! Es un drm de mierda que no vale para nada!!!!!
PD: Perdon por el offtopic 2 xD
Shion_ escribió:Me acabo de pillar el juego y no me deja entrar en ningún servidor.. esto es normal? Cuando podre entrar a los servidores donde están casi todos los españoles
rx32555 escribió:Shion_ escribió:Me acabo de pillar el juego y no me deja entrar en ningún servidor.. esto es normal? Cuando podre entrar a los servidores donde están casi todos los españoles
Ahora es normal lamentablemente, hay mucha demanda de usuarios, tanto que suspendieron las ventas online del juego.
Te resumo el panorama actual, el post del director del juego es buena fuente:
Los problemas de servidor se solucionarán durante la próxima semana, según informativo enviado por el dev team. Pondrán máquinas con mayor capacidad.
Todos los usuarios que compraron el juego tendrán compensación de días gratis, según propias palabras de Yoshida (por los servidores colapsados de gente, no pudiendo logearse a los mundos).
También Yoshida -el director del juego- menciona en el post que han
tenido un peak récord, para desarrolladores nipones, de 218.000 usuarios conectados simultáneamente (que no de ventas de juego, eso debería ser mucho más), y que sigue en aumento.
Shion_ escribió:
Entonces quieres decir que tendre que entrar a un servidor japones hasta que arreglen los servidores? Porque le he dado a refrescar servidores y me dejaba entrar en uno de Europa, pero no era el que estaban los españoles, le he vuelto a dar a los 3 minutos a refrescar y ya no me salia ninguno . Que tengo que actualizar hasta que este alguno libre?
rx32555 escribió:Shion_ escribió:
Entonces quieres decir que tendre que entrar a un servidor japones hasta que arreglen los servidores? Porque le he dado a refrescar servidores y me dejaba entrar en uno de Europa, pero no era el que estaban los españoles, le he vuelto a dar a los 3 minutos a refrescar y ya no me salia ninguno . Que tengo que actualizar hasta que este alguno libre?
Lo que puedes hacer mientras es spamear el login con el numpad 0. Al menos a mí me resulta
Shion_ escribió:rx32555 escribió:Shion_ escribió:
Entonces quieres decir que tendre que entrar a un servidor japones hasta que arreglen los servidores? Porque le he dado a refrescar servidores y me dejaba entrar en uno de Europa, pero no era el que estaban los españoles, le he vuelto a dar a los 3 minutos a refrescar y ya no me salia ninguno . Que tengo que actualizar hasta que este alguno libre?
Lo que puedes hacer mientras es spamear el login con el numpad 0. Al menos a mí me resulta
Pero eso es porque tu tienes ya creado un PJ allí no? Yo es que me acabo de pillar el juego y no tengo server elegido y solo deja refrescar cada 3 minutos
Saikuro escribió:Finalmente ya estoy de vuelta de mis vacaciones y he desprecintado mi edición coleccionista. Es hora de darle duro a mi PLD.
cucojin escribió:querer seguir yendo a moogle por el motivo principal ke era no ver lvls altos, cuando había tanto español en moogle como en ragna (hasta el momento ke en moogle no se pudo crear en 6 días o más, que la mayoría dijeron: a la mierda moogle, para ragnarok) y aun más si pensamos que en moogle como se dice x aki, ya hay 50's hasta con el equipo del job pepi, ya n tiene sentido ese motivo, es más, aun jode mas xDD xk en ragna los ke ves altos dices ya lo eran xd en moogle dices.. mierda luego, d aquí un mes habrá mas bajas de las ke habrá en ragna ( en teoría) y en 7 días mas ya serán igual en lvls altos tanto uno como otro server.
que es eso que decís a veces x aquí, de la Wiki de ragna o moogle en la que localizais a la peña de aquí?
un saludo!!
Alex_06 escribió:cucojin escribió:querer seguir yendo a moogle por el motivo principal ke era no ver lvls altos, cuando había tanto español en moogle como en ragna (hasta el momento ke en moogle no se pudo crear en 6 días o más, que la mayoría dijeron: a la mierda moogle, para ragnarok) y aun más si pensamos que en moogle como se dice x aki, ya hay 50's hasta con el equipo del job pepi, ya n tiene sentido ese motivo, es más, aun jode mas xDD xk en ragna los ke ves altos dices ya lo eran xd en moogle dices.. mierda luego, d aquí un mes habrá mas bajas de las ke habrá en ragna ( en teoría) y en 7 días mas ya serán igual en lvls altos tanto uno como otro server.
que es eso que decís a veces x aquí, de la Wiki de ragna o moogle en la que localizais a la peña de aquí?
un saludo!!
Dado que moogle ha sido el servidor elegido no solo por la comunidad española, sino por muchas otras europeas, dudo mucho que vaya a tener bajas como para notarse, es mas, apostaria despues de ver el lanzamiento que sera el servidor europeo de referencia.
Branbal escribió:Creo que se refiere a los españoles. Mucha gente decidió cambiarse de Moogle a Ragnarok, habiendo así menos españoles aún en Moogle. Si a eso le sumas que es más probable que los nuevos de Moogle se piren y los veteranos de Ragnarok se queden, el resultado es que la gente que se ha ido a Moogle para no encontrarse lvls altos se los está encontrando (os avisamos, que la gente es muy viciada, pero no nos creísteis) y además el server se quedará con menos españoles porque la gente se irá, tanto en migraciones de pago (por ver que cada vez hay menos) como por dejar el juego. Y luego Moogle será un server con 4 gatos españoles.
Tiempo al tiempo.
KurosakiJim escribió:El servidor a elegir para un nuevo jugador entonces es moogle?
samus6666 escribió:Muy buenas a tod@s, queria ver si me podeis ayudar...me compre al juego esta mañana y no he podido entrar ni en ragnarok ni en moogle porque no me dejaban, pero mi problema viene ahora, ya puedo seleccionar moogle para crear el personaje, pero al crearlo me dice que no puedo tener mas pjs en ese servidor, lo curioso es que la cuenta es nueva y no tengo ningun personaje creado..ya no se que hacer
Gracias de antemano
Further Details on Access Restrictions
This is FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn producer and director Naoki Yoshida and I would like to take the time to personally apologize once again to all those players who have been affected by the extended World login and character creation restrictions which have been in place for the past several days. I also understand that apologies will not help you get logged in, so I would like to give you an update on the situation at hand and the various measures we are currently employing to alleviate the situation.
Concurrent Connections
On the night following the announcement of our plans to temporarily limit sales of the download version, A Realm Reborn recorded upwards of 218,000 concurrent connections. This is in spite of the fact that the peak login times for separate regions around the world arrive at differing intervals. We estimate that without time zone differences, the total number of concurrent connections would number anywhere from 300,000 to 350,000.
As many of you know, this is the second launch for FINAL FANTASY XIV─something unprecedented in the MMORPG market. Considering the outcome of our first launch, our sales estimates for this one were decidedly conservative, as we believed that there would be a more gradual rise in users over the opening weeks and months.
Instead, to our pleasant surprise, we experienced tremendous support from a great number of players who were eager to get into the game from day one. To ensure that these players, once logged in, were able to play in a stable environment, we were required to implement login restrictions which kept server population near maximum capacity without exceeding those numbers.
The fact that we had to implement these restrictions is a direct result of my inaccurate sales and login estimates, and as producer, I must accept complete responsibility for this misstep. Each and every player who has been affected has my deepest apologies.
The Reasoning behind Login Restrictions
Each FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn World server has been designed to support a maximum of 5,000 concurrent connections. This is not the maximum number of characters which can be created on a World, however, but the maximum number of characters which can be logged into that World simultaneously. When more than 5,000 characters log into a World at once, there is a higher risk of server crashes and login errors. The restoration of crashed servers is usually followed by a rush of players attempting to log back in, which, in turn, puts a strain on our lobby server, and can ultimately have an adverse affect on all of the Worlds.
To prevent this from happening, we felt that the safest course of action would be to limit logins. However, we would like you to know that the restrictions are under constant surveillance. We are currently monitoring login numbers on all Worlds 24 hours a day, and actively removing/applying restrictions as soon as we detect even the smallest fluctuation in concurrent connection numbers.
Currently, peak login times for each region are occurring from approximately 9:00 p.m. to midnight. During this three-hour window, Worlds are more likely to have login restrictions implemented. These temporary restrictions are expected to continue until the time that we can execute the measures we have planned to alleviate the current situation. Those measures, including the addition of new World servers, are listed, in detail, below.
Character Creation Restrictions
As stated above, the maximum number of simultaneous connections each World server can handle is 5,000, while the number of characters which can be created on a World is several times that amount. This estimate of 5,000, however, is based on those characters being somewhat distributed over all the in-game areas (zones).
At the game’s start, however, while everyone is still at a low level, the majority of players are concentrated in the three city-states and surrounding areas. This can not only lead to a lack of enemies to slay (preventing quest progression), but also see area servers overloaded, and ultimately lead to crashes.
Fortunately, differences in total individual play time, login times, and character/class progression will eventually lead to players being more spread out within each World. Once this happens, there will be less need for both login and character creation restrictions.
As is the case with logins, our team is working around the clock, monitoring the current population of each area in each World, as well as the class level of each character, and adjusting new character creation restrictions based on their findings. Unlike login restrictions, we believe that character creation restrictions may take slightly longer to be removed, as there are still great discrepancies in the distribution of characters across Worlds, and we thank players for their patience and understanding in this issue.
Adding Worlds and Alleviating Server Load Issues
A server is essentially a high-spec PC, with each FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn World being made up of several of these machines. Creating a new World involves physically acquiring the servers, installing the necessary programs, and conducting internal functionality tests...all before opening the World to the public.
As the login data gathered from the Open Beta test (in which anyone, including those who had not purchased the game, could participate) was inconclusive, it was during the Early Access period that we had a clearer picture of the scope with which we would need to increase World capacity, and on the 25th of August began making preparations to do so significantly.
As of this post, the servers have been acquired, the essential programs installed, and we are currently in the process of conducting our internal tests. Once these tests have concluded and the Worlds go live, we believe we will be able to better accommodate a greater number of our players, making logging in less of a hassle.
In addition to increasing the number of Worlds, we are also optimizing the Duty Finder (party matching) management servers in an effort to reduce server load and ensure better stability when using this feature.
Currently, the Duty Finder servers split our data centers into two groups of 25 Worlds, and then do the party matching from players from within the same data center. We have determined that by adding new Worlds, the Duty Finder servers will not be able to process the additional data as long as there are only two pairings of groups to match from. Therefore, we have decided to create additional groups to alleviate this problem before it occurs, and by doing so, reduce the burden on the Duty Finder servers, and ultimately allow more players to access the feature.
The development and operations teams are currently concentrating 100% of their efforts into the aforementioned tasks and are on pace to have both completed by the beginning of next week and then released to the public once our final tests have concluded. Once a date and time for the implementation of the measures have been solidified, we will release another announcement on Lodestone outlining the details. We ask that you bear with us for just a few days longer while we make the final push.
Resolving AFK Character Issues
From several users on some of our more congested Worlds, we have received requests for a feature which automatically logs out characters who are AFK for an extended period of time. We are actively looking into the implementation of such a feature, but have decided to first concentrate our efforts on increasing the number of Worlds and optimizing the Duty Finder servers.
In Conclusion
The development and operations teams are working diligently to combat the login issues which many of our users are currently facing, and ask for your continued patience and understanding over the next several days as we move to solve these problems.
To thank all of you for bearing with us for so long, we will be looking into different ways to reward our loyal fans and customers, such as an extension of the free trial period. Details on the plans we have in the works will be announced shortly.
In conclusion, I would like to say that we have been overwhelmed with the positive response for A realm Reborn, which is why it doubly pains us to implement any sort of measure that may restrict people from joining us in Eorzea. We sincerely apologize for the unwanted stress these restrictions have caused, and thank you immensely for the understanding you have shown over the past week. The fixes are almost in place and we look forward to seeing all of you very, very soon.
Thank you.
skelzer escribió:Further Details on Access Restrictions
This is FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn producer and director Naoki Yoshida and I would like to take the time to personally apologize once again to all those players who have been affected by the extended World login and character creation restrictions which have been in place for the past several days. I also understand that apologies will not help you get logged in, so I would like to give you an update on the situation at hand and the various measures we are currently employing to alleviate the situation.
Concurrent Connections
On the night following the announcement of our plans to temporarily limit sales of the download version, A Realm Reborn recorded upwards of 218,000 concurrent connections. This is in spite of the fact that the peak login times for separate regions around the world arrive at differing intervals. We estimate that without time zone differences, the total number of concurrent connections would number anywhere from 300,000 to 350,000.
As many of you know, this is the second launch for FINAL FANTASY XIV─something unprecedented in the MMORPG market. Considering the outcome of our first launch, our sales estimates for this one were decidedly conservative, as we believed that there would be a more gradual rise in users over the opening weeks and months.
Instead, to our pleasant surprise, we experienced tremendous support from a great number of players who were eager to get into the game from day one. To ensure that these players, once logged in, were able to play in a stable environment, we were required to implement login restrictions which kept server population near maximum capacity without exceeding those numbers.
The fact that we had to implement these restrictions is a direct result of my inaccurate sales and login estimates, and as producer, I must accept complete responsibility for this misstep. Each and every player who has been affected has my deepest apologies.
The Reasoning behind Login Restrictions
Each FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn World server has been designed to support a maximum of 5,000 concurrent connections. This is not the maximum number of characters which can be created on a World, however, but the maximum number of characters which can be logged into that World simultaneously. When more than 5,000 characters log into a World at once, there is a higher risk of server crashes and login errors. The restoration of crashed servers is usually followed by a rush of players attempting to log back in, which, in turn, puts a strain on our lobby server, and can ultimately have an adverse affect on all of the Worlds.
To prevent this from happening, we felt that the safest course of action would be to limit logins. However, we would like you to know that the restrictions are under constant surveillance. We are currently monitoring login numbers on all Worlds 24 hours a day, and actively removing/applying restrictions as soon as we detect even the smallest fluctuation in concurrent connection numbers.
Currently, peak login times for each region are occurring from approximately 9:00 p.m. to midnight. During this three-hour window, Worlds are more likely to have login restrictions implemented. These temporary restrictions are expected to continue until the time that we can execute the measures we have planned to alleviate the current situation. Those measures, including the addition of new World servers, are listed, in detail, below.
Character Creation Restrictions
As stated above, the maximum number of simultaneous connections each World server can handle is 5,000, while the number of characters which can be created on a World is several times that amount. This estimate of 5,000, however, is based on those characters being somewhat distributed over all the in-game areas (zones).
At the game’s start, however, while everyone is still at a low level, the majority of players are concentrated in the three city-states and surrounding areas. This can not only lead to a lack of enemies to slay (preventing quest progression), but also see area servers overloaded, and ultimately lead to crashes.
Fortunately, differences in total individual play time, login times, and character/class progression will eventually lead to players being more spread out within each World. Once this happens, there will be less need for both login and character creation restrictions.
As is the case with logins, our team is working around the clock, monitoring the current population of each area in each World, as well as the class level of each character, and adjusting new character creation restrictions based on their findings. Unlike login restrictions, we believe that character creation restrictions may take slightly longer to be removed, as there are still great discrepancies in the distribution of characters across Worlds, and we thank players for their patience and understanding in this issue.
Adding Worlds and Alleviating Server Load Issues
A server is essentially a high-spec PC, with each FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn World being made up of several of these machines. Creating a new World involves physically acquiring the servers, installing the necessary programs, and conducting internal functionality tests...all before opening the World to the public.
As the login data gathered from the Open Beta test (in which anyone, including those who had not purchased the game, could participate) was inconclusive, it was during the Early Access period that we had a clearer picture of the scope with which we would need to increase World capacity, and on the 25th of August began making preparations to do so significantly.
As of this post, the servers have been acquired, the essential programs installed, and we are currently in the process of conducting our internal tests. Once these tests have concluded and the Worlds go live, we believe we will be able to better accommodate a greater number of our players, making logging in less of a hassle.
In addition to increasing the number of Worlds, we are also optimizing the Duty Finder (party matching) management servers in an effort to reduce server load and ensure better stability when using this feature.
Currently, the Duty Finder servers split our data centers into two groups of 25 Worlds, and then do the party matching from players from within the same data center. We have determined that by adding new Worlds, the Duty Finder servers will not be able to process the additional data as long as there are only two pairings of groups to match from. Therefore, we have decided to create additional groups to alleviate this problem before it occurs, and by doing so, reduce the burden on the Duty Finder servers, and ultimately allow more players to access the feature.
The development and operations teams are currently concentrating 100% of their efforts into the aforementioned tasks and are on pace to have both completed by the beginning of next week and then released to the public once our final tests have concluded. Once a date and time for the implementation of the measures have been solidified, we will release another announcement on Lodestone outlining the details. We ask that you bear with us for just a few days longer while we make the final push.
Resolving AFK Character Issues
From several users on some of our more congested Worlds, we have received requests for a feature which automatically logs out characters who are AFK for an extended period of time. We are actively looking into the implementation of such a feature, but have decided to first concentrate our efforts on increasing the number of Worlds and optimizing the Duty Finder servers.
In Conclusion
The development and operations teams are working diligently to combat the login issues which many of our users are currently facing, and ask for your continued patience and understanding over the next several days as we move to solve these problems.
To thank all of you for bearing with us for so long, we will be looking into different ways to reward our loyal fans and customers, such as an extension of the free trial period. Details on the plans we have in the works will be announced shortly.
In conclusion, I would like to say that we have been overwhelmed with the positive response for A realm Reborn, which is why it doubly pains us to implement any sort of measure that may restrict people from joining us in Eorzea. We sincerely apologize for the unwanted stress these restrictions have caused, and thank you immensely for the understanding you have shown over the past week. The fixes are almost in place and we look forward to seeing all of you very, very soon.
Thank you.
jai jai
skelzer escribió:...
In Conclusion
The development and operations teams are working diligently to combat the login issues which many of our users are currently facing, and ask for your continued patience and understanding over the next several days as we move to solve these problems.
To thank all of you for bearing with us for so long, we will be looking into different ways to reward our loyal fans and customers, such as an extension of the free trial period. Details on the plans we have in the works will be announced shortly.
In conclusion, I would like to say that we have been overwhelmed with the positive response for A realm Reborn, which is why it doubly pains us to implement any sort of measure that may restrict people from joining us in Eorzea. We sincerely apologize for the unwanted stress these restrictions have caused, and thank you immensely for the understanding you have shown over the past week. The fixes are almost in place and we look forward to seeing all of you very, very soon.
Thank you.
jai jai
FOREVER ALONE escribió:chicos una dudad rapido urgente ¿donde registro mi codigo del juego y el del mes gratis?
Khratos escribió:FOREVER ALONE escribió:chicos una dudad rapido urgente ¿donde registro mi codigo del juego y el del mes gratis?
https://secure.square-enix.com/account/ ... mogstation
cucojin escribió:que es eso que decís a veces x aquí, de la Wiki de ragna o moogle en la que localizais a la peña de aquí?
un saludo!!
Denebed escribió:Buenas, yo tengo la edición física de PS3 y quisiera comprar la edición digital en PC para jugar también con el portátil.
¿Alguien sabe donde se puede comprar ahora mismo la versión digital para PC? En la web de Square dice no disponible.
Denebed escribió:Buenas, yo tengo la edición física de PS3 y quisiera comprar la edición digital en PC para jugar también con el portátil.
¿Alguien sabe donde se puede comprar ahora mismo la versión digital para PC? En la web de Square dice no disponible.
Chronoxsp escribió:Hola gente!
Ya tengo mi PJ por fin creado en Ragnarok. Tengo una duda sobre las clases.... Me gustaría ser scholar más adelante, por lo que tengo que tener al 15 el conjurer y al 30 el arcanista. El caso es que he empezado siendo conjurer para subirlo primero al 15 y así tener una pegatina mas y la habilidad de cleric instance para cuando cambie el arcanista y lo suba al 30.
¿Está bien hecho lo que estoy haciendo o no me va a dejar ser scholar porque debería haber elegido primero arcanista para luego cambiar a conjurer?
Juliagu escribió:Denebed escribió:Buenas, yo tengo la edición física de PS3 y quisiera comprar la edición digital en PC para jugar también con el portátil.
¿Alguien sabe donde se puede comprar ahora mismo la versión digital para PC? En la web de Square dice no disponible.
La semana que viene o asi yo creo que volverán a ponerlo a la venta, pero vaya, si no quieres esperar estoy seguro que en alguna tiendecita de barrio lo siguen vendiendo
Belphegor escribió:Juliagu escribió:Denebed escribió:Buenas, yo tengo la edición física de PS3 y quisiera comprar la edición digital en PC para jugar también con el portátil.
¿Alguien sabe donde se puede comprar ahora mismo la versión digital para PC? En la web de Square dice no disponible.
La semana que viene o asi yo creo que volverán a ponerlo a la venta, pero vaya, si no quieres esperar estoy seguro que en alguna tiendecita de barrio lo siguen vendiendo
Y seguro que algun reseller de internet tiene keys todavia.
Tengo una duda, ayer por la LS de aqui no se si me la respondieron xD La montura de chocobo, puedo coger la quest cuando el pj suba a lvl 20 o cuando la main quest llegue a lvl 20? :S
P.d: si es cuando el pj suba a lvl 20, donde se coje?
Juliagu escribió:Chronoxsp escribió:Hola gente!
Ya tengo mi PJ por fin creado en Ragnarok. Tengo una duda sobre las clases.... Me gustaría ser scholar más adelante, por lo que tengo que tener al 15 el conjurer y al 30 el arcanista. El caso es que he empezado siendo conjurer para subirlo primero al 15 y así tener una pegatina mas y la habilidad de cleric instance para cuando cambie el arcanista y lo suba al 30.
¿Está bien hecho lo que estoy haciendo o no me va a dejar ser scholar porque debería haber elegido primero arcanista para luego cambiar a conjurer?
Está bien hecho, pero te aviso que la Cleric Stance solo la puede llevar el SCH por lo que veo en xivdb, asi que hasta 30 no la tendrás. El aero si que lo podrás usar para subir