soen escribió:El cliente del juego se puede descargar de algun sitio? Es que me llegara el juego mañana o pasado mañana y me gustaria tenerlo instalado cuando lo tenga
Living in a Materia World
Melded to gear, materia is said to imbue the bearer with enhanced powers, ranging from herculean strength to imperviousness to torrid flames. It takes not a scholar to see that the advent of materia will change our way of life—even how we wage war.
Yet whence came these stones of such power and versatility? The answer will at once shock and amaze: materia is born of trusty old equipment that has seen better days.
Without further ado, let us examine the origins and uses of materia, that the shroud of mystery surrounding it might be lifted.
The Origin of Materia
That the revolutionary technique for the creation and application of materia was brought to Eorzea by the goblin geomancer Mutamix Bubblypots is a well known fact. The truth behind the origin of the stones, however, remains the subject of heated debate. Some believe that materia is advanced military technology painstakingly appropriated from Garlemald, while others speculate that it was born of Near Eastern wisdom that had long slumbered within the ancient tomes of the Great Library.
Though the origin theories are many, all are agreed that, at some point in time, a fraternity of goblin scholars calling themselves the Illuminati acquired the secrets of materia. Governed by a code of secrecy, the coterie jealously guarded the knowledge. However, they were ultimately betrayed by one among their own—aye, Mutamix. Resolving that materia should be allowed to benefit all folk rather than remain the curio of a select few, Mutamix proceeded to propagate the secrets of the craft to adventurers. And so it was that the age of materia dawned over Eorzea.
The Makings of Materia
The production of materia requires an apparatus known as a materia assimilator, which adventurers can use to transform to materia equipment with which they have achieved full spiritbond—the measure of an object’s aetheric alignment with a person. The assimilator works by reducing gear to its aetheric state, which it then crystallizes into a substance not unlike a gemstone in appearance. Thus is materia created.
As might be expected, different items produce materia of varying properties. For instance, the gladius, a tool of war, houses the dual aetheric energies of a slashing weapon and its wielder's desire for victory; from it materia that grants enhanced vision can be created.
* The same gear does not necessary convert into the same materia. Although certain trends may be observed in the transformation, adventurers can expect materia of varying types and potency to be created from the same item.
Materia comes in four degrees of potency, indicated via numerals (I-IV).
Sample Materia
Intelligence: Increases intelligence
Ironman’s Will: Increases strength and vitality
Fire: Increases the power of fire-based attacks
Sagacious Aim: Increases magic critical hit rate
Enhancing Gear with Materia
Materia can be attached to equipment, thus strengthening it, by using an apparatus called a materia melder. For instance, attaching a heavens’ eye materia to an iron spatha will imbue the latter with a bonus accuracy attribute. The melding process requires the use of a compatible catalyst item.
* In order to attach materia to a certain piece of equipment, Disciples of the Hand must fulfill the class and level requirements for crafting it.
* Catalyst items are obtainable through gathering only.
* It is possible to have equipment purged of materia by paying a fee in gil to certain NPCs. Be warned, however, that any purged materia will permanently be lost.
The Dark Side...
Much remains unknown about materia and its full potential. There are dark whispers, however, that tell of a forbidden branch of the craft that leads to power beyond imagining…but only at great cost.
Tekan escribió:Chains, /wave cosas utiles del XI 11 meses despues
Mejor tarde que nunca
Tekan escribió:Eso de que claimees a un mob y todo el server entero le pueda pegar aunque solo el que claimea reciba el reward me parece la mayor estupidez jamás hecha en un mmo...
Goes una LS de 40 personas a por el buffalo, pum pum pum, muerto, da igual que la main party sea de 8 si están organizados para los drops, no hay limite de personas para pegar a los mobs que no estén instanciados ...
At the following time, we will be performing emergency maintenance on FINAL FANTASY XIV. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XIV will be unavailable.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
* Clients will update automatically upon launch after completion of the emergency maintenance.
[Date & Time]
Aug. 29, 2011 from 21:00 to 23:00 (GMT)
* The completion time may be subject to change.
Battle Regimens ... post314610
* The following revision, planned for patch 1.19, is still in development, and therefore subject to change.
Patch 1.19 will see the suspension of Battle Regimens.
We are currently in the process of rebuilding the framework of the battle system, which involves large-scale revisions to the enemy claiming and linking systems as well as damage calculations. Unfortunately, these changes will render Battle Regimens unusable, and so we have decided to suspend their use in patch 1.19. We aim to have a new and optimized regimen system in place after the adjustments to battle classes have been completed alongside the launch of the job system.
* The reimplementation schedule is yet to be determined.
Tekan escribió:Fail regimen LOL
Les voy a dar una idea sobre un sistema que funciona... El del XI
[EU]Patch 1.18b Hotfixes (Aug. 29)
An issue wherein, under certain conditions, casting times would last indefinitely has been addressed.
soen escribió:He visto vídeos de gameplay de los magos y no me convencen, así que he decidido hacerme disciple of war, pero tengo alguna dudas.
Los que mas me interesan son el archer, el gladiator y el marauder en ese orden, la duda es si comparten mas o menos los mismos stats o no? Y otra duda es, los stats que se asignan luego se pueden resetear?
Zaguer escribió:Joder no hay narices de encontrar el maldito juego para descargar...
Ya se ha dicho mil veces... SE podria poner el maldito cliente para descargar xDD
Rising_Hei escribió:Yo hubiera preferido que hubieran seguido con el sistema viejo, pero mejorándolo obviamente.
De esa manera sería todo "diferente" y no se habría perdido un año sin avance alguno como ha ocurrido.
Kaiba escribió:Para quienes tengáis el juego, ¿me recomendáis comprármelo ahora? He visto que por el momento no tiene cuotas debido a una serie de "problemas"... ¿Podríais explicármelos por encima?
THumpER escribió:Desde mi punto de vista, deberian liberar al juego a que sea free. Es decir como el guild wars 2, compras el juego y a jugar pa siempre sin cuotas. Basicamente porque el GW2 le hará competencia y aparte de que ha sido un rotundo fracaso el FF14.... los mismos de square lo admitieron.
Ganarian mas liberandolo pienso yo....
Zaguer escribió:THumpER escribió:Desde mi punto de vista, deberian liberar al juego a que sea free. Es decir como el guild wars 2, compras el juego y a jugar pa siempre sin cuotas. Basicamente porque el GW2 le hará competencia y aparte de que ha sido un rotundo fracaso el FF14.... los mismos de square lo admitieron.
Ganarian mas liberandolo pienso yo....
Actualmente no van a ganar de ninguna forma, no se puede liberar algo que ahora mismo es gratuito!
THumpER escribió:Zaguer escribió:THumpER escribió:Desde mi punto de vista, deberian liberar al juego a que sea free. Es decir como el guild wars 2, compras el juego y a jugar pa siempre sin cuotas. Basicamente porque el GW2 le hará competencia y aparte de que ha sido un rotundo fracaso el FF14.... los mismos de square lo admitieron.
Ganarian mas liberandolo pienso yo....
Actualmente no van a ganar de ninguna forma, no se puede liberar algo que ahora mismo es gratuito!
Bueno ahora si xD pero square no a anunciado que quitará el pago mensual. Posiblemente si lo anunciaran oficialmente, habria bastante gente que lo pillaria ( yo incluido xD ) ahora pues pagas el juego y puedes jugar gratis porque estan arreglando bugs o los cambios estos que haran, pero de momento la idea del pago mensual sigue vigente.... xD
Por cierto, cuales son los cambios gordos que habeis mencionado?
GaldorAnárion exactamente no lo se.... pero mas o menos la cosa apunta en que, cuando salio el juego ya pedia un maquinon del 15 para jugarlo....y ahi tenemos la primera regla que no debes romper. Es decir.... no puedes crear un juego para que utilize hardware recomendado del mismo año que has hecho del juego... porque fracasaras en ventas... ya que la gente no se cambiara de pc solo por tu juego, entiendes? xD habran algunos que si porque les pillaria de paso el tema cambiar o gente rica pero en lo general.... va asi.
Lo mismo pasó con el famoso crysis..... que cuando salio apenas habian equipos para hacer funcionar como dios manda.
Pero aparte de esto, tambien fracasó el FF14 por que ya salio de serie con enormes bugs e historias..... desconozco los detalles pero mas o menos es algo asi el tema del fracaso del juego.
[dev1072] Abolition of Physical Levels / Attribute Point Revisions
* These revisions, planned for patch 1.19, are still in development, and therefore subject to change.
Patch 1.19 will see the abolition of physical levels.
Along with this change, the following adjustments will be made:
-Abolition of Attribute and Element Points
Attribute and element points will be abolished, and character development will be automated based on class level. A system whereby players can voluntarily allocate attribute points to each class will be implemented in patch 1.20 or later, along with class balance adjustments.
-Introduction of Automated Character Development
Automated character development will be implemented in patch 1.19, and will entail the following changes:
The growth curve will be revised, with each gain in level to be accompanied by greater increases in attributes.
Attributes will be made to have greater impact.
The impact of attributes will decrease as players gain in level; however, the benefits granted by gear will be increased.
Player accuracy will be increased slightly.
Race-based differences will be limited to the starting attributes.
Revisions to Terminology
The following in-game terms will be renamed.
Skill points -> Experience points
Rank -> Level
Tekan escribió:Es mejor que lo quiten, el juego se basa en un sistema de clases, asi se simplifica a los progresos de cada clase y no lian a la gente
stan01 escribió:Tekan escribió:Es mejor que lo quiten, el juego se basa en un sistema de clases, asi se simplifica a los progresos de cada clase y no lian a la gente
En un juego de este genero no se hasta que punto es positivo "simplificar". La gente lo adquiere pensando en cientos de horas de juego y cuanto mas se pueda personalizar cada pj mejor. Podian optar por dar la opcion de un autonivel automatico que reparta los puntos en funcion de la clase si uno se lia demasiado al empezar, pero dejando la posiblidad de al menos una modificacion luego.
Si era muy lioso seguramente es porque no han sabido equilibrar bien los stats y las skills o lo que me parecia mas comun, por una mala interfaz o falta de curva de aprendizaje.
Ademas, los jugadores que llevan desde le principio y que lo han adquirido sabiendo que el juego le daba esa posibilidad, no se hasta que punto les hara gracia.
stan01 escribió:La gente lo adquiere pensando en cientos de horas de juego y cuanto mas se pueda personalizar cada pj mejor.
Ademas, los jugadores que llevan desde le principio y que lo han adquirido sabiendo que el juego le daba esa posibilidad, no se hasta que punto les hara gracia.
zoggy escribió:Hola que tal!
Pues tengo un problema, estoy intentando instalar el juego, dado a ue ahora es gratis, pues me lo he comprado, pero siempre me da error 11024 version check timed out,
como recomiendan un par de webs yankis, he abierto los puertos que decian (ahora mismo no lo tengo delante)
alguna idea/ ayuda? porque tengo ganas de jugarlo, pero me da a mi que al final me quedo con las ganas!
y por cierto, en que server suele estar la gente española?
un saludo y gracias
Originally Posted by Naoki_Yoshida
Hello, this is Yoshida, the Producer/Director.
I appreciate all the comments from your heated discussion.
I will post my objectives regarding power leveling and the removal of the claim system.
I want to make it clear now that I believe there is no way to settle this argument in a way that everybody will be 100% satisfied with.
Also, this is going to be a very long post, so it may be a difficult read.
(I decided that I would divide up the post, rather than rush through each topic. I hope you read my entire post.)
This is an extreme example, but even for non-online, stand alone games, there are players who enjoy completing the game even if they use cheats to obtain all items or max out their levels. However, other players feel that this is a waste of time and that it defeats the purpose of buying the game. As such, this is a difficult issue to address.
In MMOs, there are players who would like help with leveling, because they want to play with other players as soon as possible. There are also players who would like to help new players level up, so that they can play with them. These players don’t want strong restrictions on power leveling, nor to be confined to parties with major level differences.
In contrast, there are players who believe that, “Players grow together with their characters,” “If other players are power leveling, leveling up becomes meaningless,” “Power leveling will become a necessary part of the game,” and “Power leveling will disrupt areas for proper party play.”
Even without considering RMT and people who level up other players’ characters for profit, this issue is the cause of a lot of friction. For online games, RMT and people who level up other players’ characters for profit will both certainly exist, so they must be considered. This is a good point of discussion, but opinions will vary based on perspective, so it is difficult to reach a definite conclusion.
Thus, I will post the development of how we reached the new specs.
Why the claiming system will be removed
We decided to remove the claiming system from FFXIV because we decided that claiming would become a troublesome spec in the future development of the game. When considering large scale PvE content involving multiple parties and PvP between large numbers of players, the spec that claiming occurs on a 1:1 basis becomes a nuisance. Also, instances will become more prevalent in future content. The concept of having to claim opponents to prevent being disturbed by other players becomes less and less relevant, so we decided that claiming is unnecessary.
Securing reward rights
Up next is the decision on the right to obtain rewards.
This regards who has the right to obtain experience points, dropped items, and quest completion flags when multiple parties (including solo players) attack the same monster.
In first generation MMOs the party that dealt the most damage to the monster was given the rights to the rewards. In the worst case, fighting over rewards was possible. The claiming system in FFXI was implemented to avoid this issue. I decided that it would be best for the player or party that attacked the monster first to obtain rights to the rewards. This makes it so that “the early bird gets the worm,” which I think is the simplest solution. Future content will be heavily instanced, so we think that NMs in public fields will be the most affected by these changes. Rather than allowing players to fight over rewards, I think it is better to feature some kind of gameplay system to make third party involvement in a NM battle impossible. As such, I decided to implement a “first attack” system for rewards rights.
Revision of distribution of rewards
Up next is experience points, the center of our debate.
If we simplify the specs, power leveling will certainly become easier.
I will provide an example involving soloing that is easy to understand. (Power leveling a party involving multiple levels is complicated) Suppose you attack a level 50 monster with your level 1 character. If a level 50 character nearby kills the level 50 monster, the skill points will be given to the level 1 character.
However, the gap between your level 1 character and the level 50 monster is too large, so the “defeating a higher rank monster bonus” will be significantly reduced. The experience points earned by the level 1 character will be adjusted quite drastically.
Suppose you attack a level 3 monster with your level 1 character and a level 50 character nearby kills the level 3 monster. The level 3 monster is appropriate for a level 1 character, so there will be no major drastic loss in experience points.
These are the basics. I will move on to determining whether or not a player is power leveling.
Determining power leveling
The standard for battle length from here on out will be 30-40 seconds to defeat a monster of the same level while soloing. It would take about 4-5 seconds for a level 50 character to defeat a level 3 monster next to a level 1 character. The level 1 character can obtain the full amount of experience points just by standing there. However, the level 50 player involved is spending their time leveling up the other player instead of playing other content.
At this point, it depends how the level 1 character feels about being "helped" by the level 50 character.
Forcing out power leveling
It is not easy to distinguish whether the above actions are an act of good will or serve the purpose of RMT or leveling up other characters for money.
By investigating logs, it is possible to identify for-profit violators and mete out punishment, but it would be very difficult to completely put an end to these actions. Doing so would require implementing very complicated specs, which will place a strain on ordinary users.
Distribute experience points based on the amount of damage done to the monster
Distribute experience points based on hate
The above methods were used by first generation MMOs to reduce power leveling, but these methods have their own problems. Players can aggressively fight each other over experience points, classes that do not do much damage are at a disadvantage, and for-profit violators can create bots that randomly attack monsters and steal EXP. (As I said earlier, we will punish for-profit violators. However, we do not want to ban ordinary players, so it will take us time to properly identify for-profit violators.)
One thing we would like to avoid all costs is EXP stealing by bots.
Taking everything into consideration, we understand that there will be pros and cons no matter what, but ultimately, we have decided that as a current generation MMORPG we would like to do something about,
"new players who would like some help, because they want to play with their friends as soon as possible, as well as players who are willing to sacrifice their own time to help out new players get involved in the game quicker."
We plan on implementing end-game content that is extremely difficult, so if assistance is necessary to reach this point I believe that it should be OK for players to help each other out, as long as there are players who are willing to help out.
Differences in gained experience points based on the difference between the player’s level and the defeated monster’s level will still exist, and will be adjusted. Our goal is to prevent any kind of extreme behavior. If any loopholes are found, we would like to fix these issues as they are discovered.
I believe that whether a player is playing seriously or not is a separate issue from whether the player is receiving assistance or not.
Personally, I am the type who believes that it is more fun to work hard and experience as much as you can first hand up until at least level 40, but if somebody comes asking for help saying, "I tried my best up until level 30, but I don’t have any more time!" I will help out.
Of course you would want your friends to enjoy an MMO that you enjoy playing, and if somebody is stuck in a situation where their enjoyment is hitting a wall, you would want to help out. Ultimately, it would be best for everybody to get along and play together.
Nir_Vanderberg escribió:Mañana me llega el juego y me he puesto a leer un poco por foros y estoy viendo que mucha gente juega con mando. Que es mas comodo el mando o teclado y raton? En caso de que me digais el mando podeis decirme algún sitio donde ponga una buena configuración de botones?
Khazar escribió:Alrighty, Yoshida made a large post regarding the new claim system this morning and we've been working on getting you guys the translation - sorry about the delay. ... post317185
zoggy escribió:misteriosamente ahora funciona, lo he reinstalado 3 veces y ya esta haciendo el update....
lo dicho, en que server hay mas españoles?
zoggy escribió:ehi nir , ya nos veremos, yo tambien empezare a jugar esta noche o ya mañana, yo y mi hermanoasi que somos 2 noobs al atakerl!
Nir_Vanderberg escribió:Gracias por las configuraciones del mando, a ver si me llega el juego y las pruebo. Por cierto alguna Linkshell de Gysahl acepta jugadores nuevos?