[HO] Grand Theft Auto V (Compras y temas técnicos a sus hilos)

TP S.A. escribió:
No sé, pero tu respuesta me deja más tranquilo, pensaba que ya tenía algún problema. He hablado con un amigo y a él también le pasa.

Ha caído los servidores de inicio de sesión de inicio de sesión de steam a rockstar... Vaya cagada...
Les afectado a todos de la plataforma de Steam.
Más gente afectada en el foro de Steam de GTA V (Inglés)
http://steamcommunity.com/app/271590/di ... 675389110/
Un saludo
El prosas escribió:Yo pondría fotos si alguien me dijera donde coño se guardan las fotos que sacas con la cámara, osea la carpeta en el pc donde están los archivos, por que en el social club no las veo, lo tengo en físico, no va por steam.

¿Has probado a hacer capturas con la tecla Impr Pant? Yo iba a probar ahora pero no me deja entrar ni al modo offline. Es indignante el DRM agresivo que tiene. Porque es mi juego favorito, que si no iba a comprarlo con esa mierda de DRM su tía.
Lo de la carpeta lo buscaré, pero para verlas en tu social club debes subirlas antes en el juego (menu>galeria>subir a social) e ir a http://es.socialclub.rockstargames.com/ ... c/myphotos
El prosas escribió:Yo pondría fotos si alguien me dijera donde coño se guardan las fotos que sacas con la cámara, osea la carpeta en el pc donde están los archivos, por que en el social club no las veo, lo tengo en físico, no va por steam.

Se guardan en "\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\XXXXXX" y comienzan por "PGTAXXXXX" pero que yo sepa solo pueden verse desde el menú del juego, le das arriba a una de las flechitas de los lados hasta ver el apartado Galería y ahí las tienes, pero es una mierda porque no se pueden ver en grande, por eso yo el móvil le he usado muy poco para fotos, saco las capturas con el Fraps como siempre y punto.
Pongo 3 más, a ver si ahora salen bien.



Efraim27 escribió:
El prosas escribió:Yo pondría fotos si alguien me dijera donde coño se guardan las fotos que sacas con la cámara, osea la carpeta en el pc donde están los archivos, por que en el social club no las veo, lo tengo en físico, no va por steam.

Se guardan en "\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\XXXXXX" y comienzan por "PGTAXXXXX" pero que yo sepa solo pueden verse desde el menú del juego, le das arriba a una de las flechitas de los lados hasta ver el apartado Galería y ahí las tienes, pero es una mierda porque no se pueden ver en grande, por eso yo el móvil le he usado muy poco para fotos, saco las capturas con el Fraps como siempre y punto.

A mí con el fraps activado se me congela el juego, si fuera por steam ..pero va por social club ,no es la primera vez que no me deja usar fraps con un juego abierto, con un AC3 igual por Uplay.
El prosas escribió:
Efraim27 escribió:
El prosas escribió:Yo pondría fotos si alguien me dijera donde coño se guardan las fotos que sacas con la cámara, osea la carpeta en el pc donde están los archivos, por que en el social club no las veo, lo tengo en físico, no va por steam.

Se guardan en "\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\XXXXXX" y comienzan por "PGTAXXXXX" pero que yo sepa solo pueden verse desde el menú del juego, le das arriba a una de las flechitas de los lados hasta ver el apartado Galería y ahí las tienes, pero es una mierda porque no se pueden ver en grande, por eso yo el móvil le he usado muy poco para fotos, saco las capturas con el Fraps como siempre y punto.

A mí con el fraps activado se me congela el juego, si fuera por steam ..pero va por social club ,no es la primera vez que no me deja usar fraps con un juego abierto, con un AC3 igual por Uplay.

¿No decía la gente que se podían añadir juegos a Steam que no fueran de Steam y se podían hacer capturas sin problema?

Prueba a ver. Sino con el MSI Afterburner juraría que podías hacer capturas
Senegio escribió:¿No decía la gente que se podían añadir juegos a Steam que no fueran de Steam y se podían hacer capturas sin problema?

Prueba a ver. Sino con el MSI Afterburner juraría que podías hacer capturas

Acabo de mirar y sí que se puede.
El prosas escribió:
A mí con el fraps activado se me congela el juego, si fuera por steam ..pero va por social club ,no es la primera vez que no me deja usar fraps con un juego abierto, con un AC3 igual por Uplay.

Yo tengo el juego físico y uso fraps de 64 bits, no sé si tendrá algo que ver pero yo lo uso y 0 problemas
El prosas escribió:
Efraim27 escribió:
El prosas escribió:Yo pondría fotos si alguien me dijera donde coño se guardan las fotos que sacas con la cámara, osea la carpeta en el pc donde están los archivos, por que en el social club no las veo, lo tengo en físico, no va por steam.

Se guardan en "\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\XXXXXX" y comienzan por "PGTAXXXXX" pero que yo sepa solo pueden verse desde el menú del juego, le das arriba a una de las flechitas de los lados hasta ver el apartado Galería y ahí las tienes, pero es una mierda porque no se pueden ver en grande, por eso yo el móvil le he usado muy poco para fotos, saco las capturas con el Fraps como siempre y punto.

A mí con el fraps activado se me congela el juego, si fuera por steam ..pero va por social club ,no es la primera vez que no me deja usar fraps con un juego abierto, con un AC3 igual por Uplay.

A mi si me funciona con el Fraps, tengo la ultima versión y W8.1, aunque si usas Reshade puede ser esa la causa, pero puedes iniciar el juego con Reshade sin Fraps y luego minimizar y abrir el Fraps [oki]
Alguien sabe si cambiando la ropa de los personajes....te banean?? Me refiero a poner camisrtas de basket y demas...
kechua escribió:Alguien sabe si cambiando la ropa de los personajes....te banean?? Me refiero a poner camisrtas de basket y demas...

Cualquier modificación en los archivos del juego puede ser motivo de ban.
En el online, no pongas ningún mod, entiendo que es por ahí tu pregunta.

En el modo de un jugador se pueden usar sin problema alguno.
metalgear escribió:En el online, no pongas ningún mod, entiend por ahí tu pregunta.

En el modo de un jugador se pueden usar sin problema alguno.

La pregunta es para el online. No es un mod, solo cambio texturas...no me beneficio de nada...es solo visual
kechua escribió:
metalgear escribió:En el online, no pongas ningún mod, entiend por ahí tu pregunta.

En el modo de un jugador se pueden usar sin problema alguno.

La pregunta es para el online. No es un mod, solo cambio texturas...no me beneficio de nada...es solo visual

Eso de no beneficiarte en nada es muy relativo. Yo no me la jugaba, creo recordar que hubo problemas en el online con gente que usaba mods de arreglo del FOV (que no es lo mismo ya, pero baneaban por eso)
Ok. Gracias...no me arriesgare.
kechua escribió:Ok. Gracias...no me arriesgare.

Oye que si te arriesgas y tienes la mala suerte de que te den ban, creo que es una semana solamente.
Buenas, acabo de terminar el modo historia ¿que me recomendais, continuar jugando hasta completar el 100% o pasar ya al GTA Online?
entrerigc escribió:Buenas, acabo de terminar el modo historia ¿que me recomendais, continuar jugando hasta completar el 100% o pasar ya al GTA Online?

Empieza el modo online y cuando te vaya pareciendo le sigues dando al individual.
Os pongo unas bonitas imágenes paisajistas con el imponente Hydra de protagonista.




entrerigc escribió:Buenas, acabo de terminar el modo historia ¿que me recomendais, continuar jugando hasta completar el 100% o pasar ya al GTA Online?

Yo estoy igual... :Ð
Y después de habérmelo pasado también en PS3...
Pero es que el OnLine me parece taaaaan inmenso que le tengo miedo... y unas ganas terribles a la vez... [looco] [angelito]

¡Me tiraré a la piscina en breve!
¡Ánimo con el OnLine entrericg!
isra655 escribió:
entrerigc escribió:Buenas, acabo de terminar el modo historia ¿que me recomendais, continuar jugando hasta completar el 100% o pasar ya al GTA Online?

Yo estoy igual... :Ð
Y después de habérmelo pasado también en PS3...
Pero es que el OnLine me parece taaaaan inmenso que le tengo miedo... y unas ganas terribles a la vez... [looco] [angelito]

¡Me tiraré a la piscina en breve!
¡Ánimo con el OnLine entrericg!

Pues ayer estuve una hora dandole y es bruuutal.
Cuando salen los eventos aleatorios ?llevo 8 misiones de la trama, y todas.las.secundarias de extraños y.locos q va saliendo pero no me salen puntoa rojos o azules en en el mapa de las aleatorias , aun es pronto? Aun no he empezado con trevor
El prosas escribió:Cuando salen los eventos aleatorios ?llevo 8 misiones de la trama, y todas.las.secundarias de extraños y.locos q va saliendo pero no me salen puntoa rojos o azules en en el mapa de las aleatorias , aun es pronto? Aun no he empezado con trevor

Esos no hay que buscarlos, ya irán saliendo, dales tiempo.
Gaiden escribió:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZZquVylLEo

Joder, que currada [tadoramo]
Alguien sabe como desbloquear los animales del modo director?
zell1990 escribió:Alguien sabe como desbloquear los animales del modo director?

Encontrando y comiéndose el peyote.
Sobre que hora meten mañana la actualización?
Efraim27 escribió:
Gaiden escribió:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZZquVylLEo

Joder, que currada [tadoramo]

Es que es alucinante! es todo! .... animaciones, sonidos, cada pequeño detalle y cada gran detalle como que las localizaciones son reales, Los Santos existe! [flipa]
Jori escribió:
Efraim27 escribió:
Gaiden escribió:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZZquVylLEo

Joder, que currada [tadoramo]

Es que es alucinante! es todo! .... animaciones, sonidos, cada pequeño detalle y cada gran detalle como que las localizaciones son reales, Los Santos existe! [flipa]

Obviamente, pero que esta muy currado el video para que parezca un GTA. A ver si el GTA VIII ya alcanza esos gráficos [looco]
En un par de horas debería de estar el Update para el online.

A ver si salta ya, que tengo ganas de ver el contenido nuevo ^^

PD: Agarraos los machos, 19 millones cuesta comprar solo los vehículos:

http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/10/gta-5-a ... lc-prices/
entrerigc escribió:
isra655 escribió:
entrerigc escribió:Buenas, acabo de terminar el modo historia ¿que me recomendais, continuar jugando hasta completar el 100% o pasar ya al GTA Online?

Yo estoy igual... :Ð
Y después de habérmelo pasado también en PS3...
Pero es que el OnLine me parece taaaaan inmenso que le tengo miedo... y unas ganas terribles a la vez... [looco] [angelito]

¡Me tiraré a la piscina en breve!
¡Ánimo con el OnLine entrericg!

Pues ayer estuve una hora dandole y es bruuutal.

Jojojjojoo, qué ganas!! [sonrisa]
DJCaRLoS escribió:En un par de horas debería de estar el Update para el online.

A ver si salta ya, que tengo ganas de ver el contenido nuevo ^^

PD: Agarraos los machos, 19 millones cuesta comprar solo los vehículos:

http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/10/gta-5-a ... lc-prices/

Pues ese Stirling GT me lo tienen ya vendido porque está muy guapo.
Y el Osiris si es más veloz que el Adder, también.
El avión de 10 millones y el heli de 5 millones ni con un palo XD

Edito: A ver si meten también algún arma nueva. Molaría mucho algo con munición explosiva [uzi]

Edito otra vez: Ya me ha saltado la actualización en Steam, 816 MB.
En el RSC no ha saltado aún.
Ya está esto actualizándose. Qué ganas de probar el Pegassi Osiris. [plas]
A mi se me descargo 55mb y no me aparece nada de lo nuevo de la actualización, esto se a vuelto crazy
A mi me ha descargado unos 800 y pico MB
Yo no se que cojones han hecho... Que ahora el hud se me ve deformado, el icono del raton es enorme y el telefono movil esta aplastado y movido al centro.. Solo se ve bien si no lo pongo a pantalla completa
Alguno me puede decir que versión tiene de GTA O? a mi me aparece la 1.26.. al iniciar el launcher hizo una cosa rara como si no se descargase nada, la segunda vez que lo abrí se descargaron 55mb y no se actualiza más, pone que no tengo mas actualizaciones xD
esta actualizacion es de online o trae algo mas de offline?
Cual es el coche más rápido en GTA Online?
Yo ya arregle mi problema, borrando el archivo gtav.exe se me descargo las 2 actualizaciones.

Lista de cambios:

GTAV Title Update 1.27 Notes (PS4/Xbox One/PS3/Xbox 360/PC)

Rockstar Games
Today at 17:08

New Content – All Platforms

Four new vehicles have been added to Legendary Motorsports for Story Mode and GTA Online: Pegassi Osiris, Albany Virgo, Benefactor Stirling GT, and Enus Windsor.
Two new vehicles have been added to Elitas Travel for Story Mode and GTA Online: the Buckingham Luxor Deluxe and the Buckingham Swift Deluxe.
All new vehicles are available to purchase immediately in Story Mode on Xbox One, PS4 and PC and in GTA Online for all platforms and are deposited straight into the players’ relevant vehicle storage properties in Story Mode for Xbox 360 and PS3.
The Combat PDW has been added to Ammu-Nation for Story Mode and GTA Online.
The Combat PDW unlocks in Story Mode as the player progresses through the flow on Xbox One, PS4 and PC, is available immediately in Story Mode for Xbox 360, PS3 and is available to purchase in GTA Online for all platforms.
15 new tattoos have been added to the Tattoo Parlors for both Male and Female characters in GTA Online.
Hundreds of new clothing items, including new designer outfits and accessories have been added to the Clothes Stores for Male and Female characters in GTA Online.
Alternative livery designs for the Enus Windsor are available in the Respray section in Los Santos Customs for Story Mode and GTA Online.

New Content – PS4, Xbox One, and PC Only

Luxurious interior activities have been added in GTA Online for passengers in the Luxor Deluxe and Swift Deluxe and are available in first person. Activities available are:
Drinking Champagne (Both)
Smoking Cigars (Luxor Deluxe)
Browsing Internet (Swift Deluxe)
Luxury Engravings have been added for a selection of weapons & attachments for Story Mode and GTA Online.
Yusuf Amir Luxury Finish is available for the following weapons: Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Pistol, SMG, Marksman Rifle, and Micro SMG.
Gilded Gun Metal Finish is available for the following weapons: Advanced Rifle, AP Pistol, Sawed Off Shotgun.
Etched Wood Grip Finish is available for the Heavy Pistol and Sniper Rifle.
Platinum Pearl Deluxe Finish is available for the Pistol .50.

New Features/Updates - All Platforms

All of the vehicle websites have been re-designed on all platforms. The sales page for each vehicle has also been updated for all vehicles excluding bicycles on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
A Friends in Session option has been added to the On Call phone menu in GTA Online. This allows a player to auto invite all friends in session to the Job they are On Call for. Accepting these invites will place their friends On Call too.
Better feedback is now given to hosts and players in a lobby as to what is happening with auto-invites.
The Clothes and Tattoo shop menus have been re-organized. There are now more menu options and the newest items will appear on the top in each category.
The Karin Technical now comes with bulletproof tires when ordered from Pegasus.
Flashing help text is now displayed for non-host players on the Job settings screen if the Criminal Mastermind challenge would reset because of the difficulty setting the host has chosen.
The Crew Challenge playlists have been removed.
Additional methods have been added to complete the "Bribe the Cops and cause havoc" Daily Objective.
Vehicles with topless variants now have the option to add or remove the vehicle roof in Los Santos Customs. Sale prices of these vehicles have been rebalanced in line with this change.
When calling in an Airstrike, a jet range indicator now appears to show how far away the jet is. Once the jet is nearby, the indicator will turn red.
Fixed an issue where award T-shirts were not unlocking properly.
Some weapon rebalancing tweaks have been made based on community feedback. The MG and the Combat MG have increased damage, and the Assault Shotgun is now less effective at longer ranges.
The hook of the Cargobob can no longer lift the vehicles of players in passive mode.
Added the ability to cycle between targets when using lock-on missiles (such as Buzzard missiles or the Homing Launcher).

New Features/Updates – PS4, Xbox One, and PC

First person Vehicle Hood Cam (already in PC) has been added for Xbox One and PS4.
More accessories have been added to the Interaction Menu in GTA Online. Players can now change their Watches, Chains and Earrings from the Accessories section in the Interaction Menu.
Vanilla Unicorn dancers are now topless for private dances on Xbox One and PS4 in GTA Online.
Improvements to controller rumble strength.
The number of dancers at Vanilla Unicorn in GTA Online has increased to match Story Mode.

New Features/Updates – PC Only

Team colors are now used in PC text chat during team Deathmatches.
The control icon that displays whether a player is using keyboard and mouse or a game pad displayed in the Job settings screen now updates live to indicate what input method the player is using at that time.
A new sort / filter system has been introduced for Clip Management in the Rockstar Editor.
The radio tracks available in the Rockstar Editor have been adjusted. If any clips you’ve created have been affected, the game will alert you when loading the clip.

Generic / Miscellaneous Fixes – All Platforms

Fixed numerous exploits in GTA Online.
Fixed an issue where the Heist Loyalty challenge would improperly reset when going from a 2 player to a 4 player Job.
Fixed an issue where invites on the Job List show up as coming from the same person even though the invites are coming from different players.
Fixed an issue where stunt jumps that had previously been completed weren’t being counted towards the "Complete a Stunt Jump" Daily Objective.
Fixed an issue where players’ chains were disappearing from their necks when launching a Heist.
Fixed several issues where players were seen falling through the apartment when accepting an invite to a Heist or during apartment cutscenes on a Heist.
Fixed an issue where players couldn’t access another player’s personal vehicles even though their vehicle access setting allowed it.
Fixed an issue where players see themselves falling through the Velum just before the Prison Break Finale cutscene.
Fixed an issue where the hacking minigame would stall if the player launches their mobile phone at the same time as interacting with the panel.
Fixed an issue where the Prison Break Heist didn’t fail when blowing up the prison bus.
Fixed an issue where a player could see another player’s body dropping from the table into the drinking position during the final cutscene of the Heist.
Fixed an issue where players start a Job in a vehicle would sometimes be stuck and unable to move.
Fixed several issues with character’s appearances changing after a migration.
Fixed an issue where players could lose control of their characters when going out of bounds during a Versus Mission.
Fixed an issue where players would not be told to lose their wanted level, even though other players were unable to progress (because they had to wait for the local player to lose their wanted level).
Fixed an issue where players could fall through the world at the army base after committing suicide on a Job.
Fixed an issue where personal vehicles were spawning on top of each other outside player’s apartments.
Fixed an issue where the player’s currently equipped armor was lost when joining a new session or when migrating from another saved profile.
Fixed an issue where players would get stuck on a white or black screen when finishing The Fleeca Job: Scope Out.
Fixed an issue where one player was spawning far away from the other player and had no vehicle when launching a One on One Vehicle Deathmatch.
Fixed an issue where robbing a store while another player is browsing snacks can cause their game to become unresponsive.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect Marshall Country livery was being delivered.
Fixed an issue with major traffic build up at intersection which was causing explosions.
Fixed an issue where spectators were disconnecting at the end of a Job.
Fixed an issue where characters imported from 360 or PS3 (which hadn’t been updated since the Beach Bum Pack) to Xbox One or PS4 lost all their purchased garage vehicles.
Fixed some issues where players were being kicked from a player’s apartment when trying to join a Heist Setup Mission.
Fixed an issue where players could get temporarily stuck in their garage after quitting a lobby while in an apartment.
Fixed an issue with blips remaining on the Trackify App.
Fixed an issue with the Snapmatic grid remaining on screen if the camera is used after the circuit board hacking minigame.
Fixed an issue where the player had limited functionality accessing their Inventory in the Interaction Menu after successfully hacking a terminal outside the vault door.
Fixed an issue where players who transferred both 360 and PS3 platforms to Xbox One and/or PS4 couldn’t transfer again to PC.
Fixed an issue where the Hooded Jacket could be worn with the hood up without a mask.
Fixed an issue where players would get stuck when there were server issues while joining a new session and the player had outstanding cross-session invites that needed displaying.
Fixed an issue where balaclavas on GTA Online characters in Director Mode clip through the character’s face.
The change gender option has been removed from the Character Creator if the player chooses to edit their character’s appearance or access the Creator following a migration.
The police station back door is now locked in GTA Online.
The rollercoaster no longer appears invisible when viewing it from a distance.
Fixed an issue that can lead to unpopulated sessions and sessions with just one player.
Fixed various issues which caused body parts to become invisible.
Fixed an issue which caused t-shirt designs to appear over saved outfits.
Fixed an issue which caused players to lose played Jobs from the Recently Played Jobs list.
Fixed an issue which allowed players on the Prisoner team to buy weapons during the Prison Break Heist.
Fixed various issues with incomplete / incompatible outfits.
Fixed an issue which caused the aircraft carrier to incorrectly appear in GTA Online.
Fixed issues which caused certain horns to be incorrectly priced in Los Santos Customs.
Fixed an issue with Depth of Field in Snapmatic.
Fixed an issue which prevented players from selling the Mesa.
Fixed an issue which caused Parachute Bags to become Duffel Bags.
Fixed an issue with the behavior of RPGs in water.
Players in the Creator will no longer receive a wanted level when testing their Jobs.
Fixed an issue which caused players to drop parachutes in the Saved Outfits menu.
Fixed an issue which caused loss of player control when entering the garage.
Fixed an issue which prevented players from changing license plates on some vehicles.
Fixed an issue which caused Heist pay-out cuts to display a negative value.
Fixed an issue which caused placed weapons to be replaced with pistols in the LTS creator.
Fixed an issue which caused parachute smoke trails to reset.
Fixed an issue with the Mesa’s roof options.
Fixed an issue which caused the Armored Kuruma’s doors to be too vulnerable to sniper fire.
Fixed an issue which caused players whose teammates disconnected to count as having passed a Heist.
Fixed an issue which caused the driving and stealth stats to switch while viewing player stats in the lobby.
Vehicles will now deform appropriately on PS4, Xbox One, and PC when smashed with bats or other melee weapons.
Fixed an issue with Lifeinvader discounts on Warstock Cache and Carry.
Fixed an issue which prevented Heist invites being sent following the disconnection of a player.
Fixed an issue with radar blips in Survivals. Previously, if you died in a Survival and chose to spectate a teammate, their blip on the radar would remain wherever the previous round ended and not properly follow the player.
Fixed an issue with the logo on the Declasse Voodoo’s steering wheel.
Fixed an issue which caused the trunk to disappear on the Coquette Classic Topless.
Fixed an issue which caused drunkenness to persist at the start of each round of an LTS.
Fixed an issue with dynamic props which caused the Creator to return to the main menu.
Fixed an issue with certain vehicles where players could not destroy the windshields from the inside.
Game invites will no longer be lost for players that transition from GTA Online to Story Mode while the invite is being sent.
Fixed an issue where players could not enter the Prison Bus because of bus positioning.
Fixed an issue where NPCs set on fire by an explosion would not scream or writhe when on the ground.
Fixed an issue where incorrect audio effects would play when firing suppressed weapons from the side of a helicopter in first person view.
Fixed an issue where the reload animation of the Flare Gun could playback incorrectly when the player is behind low cover.
Fixed an issue with explosions triggering incorrectly when shooting a Sticky Bomb held by a friendly player.
Fixed an issue that caused duplicate Dynasty 8 signposts to appear when owning multiple apartments within Eclipse Towers.
Fixed an issue where an incorrect error message regarding profile permissions would sometimes appear when joining another player’s created Job.
Fixed an issue with the suspension height on low profile cars being incorrect when respawning during a race.
Fixed an issue that caused incorrect member information to display when browsing non-active Crews on the pause menu.
Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly able to send session invites to party members when in a Solo Session.
Fixed an issue with lit gas trails from the Jerry Can rendering incorrectly in GTA Online.
Fixed issue where certain scenes in the GTA Online introduction would not render correctly.
Fixed several issues that caused roads to appear empty in GTA Online sessions.
Fixed an issue that caused parked cars to incorrectly spawn during races when traffic was turned off.
Fixed an issue where rewards from completing Daily Objectives would not appear in the player’s Maze Bank transaction history.
Fixed a crash caused by invalid names on the GTA Online character selection screen.
Fixed a crash that had a rare chance of occurring during Golf in GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that caused some players to be split into different sessions after completing a Heist Setup Mission.
Fixed an issue during the Pacific Standard Finale that caused the interior of the bank to render incorrectly.
Fixed an issue that would cause aircraft helmets to sometimes appear when the ‘Auto Show Aircraft Helmet’ option in the Interaction Menu was set to ‘Off’.
Fixed an issue which caused some players to get stuck on the transition screen after certain Heist Setup Missions.
Fixed an issue that caused the reticule of the HVY Insurgent’s mounted gun to be slightly misaligned in first person view.
Fixed an issue where the ‘Featured Playlist’ loading option would sometimes incorrectly send the player to GTA Online instead of the playlist lobby.
Fixed issues with animations playing incorrectly on female GTA Online characters wearing high heels.
Fixed an issue where a lobby host was not able to invite others from “From Last Job” and “From Current Session” screens in Job lobbies.
Fixed an issue with animations when switching weapons and blind firing at the same time whilst behind cover.
Players can now place Points of Interest without issue in GTA Online and Story Mode.
Fixed an issue where muting another player wouldn’t carry over between multiple GTA Online sessions.
Fixed an issue where the player was unable to view the Friends menu correctly in the Pause Menu.
Fixed an issue where the Invite from Friends List menu would show an incorrect prompt if the player has no friends.
Fixed an issue where incorrect button prompts were displayed on the Social Club sign in page.
Fixed an issue where loading screen help text would not display in the correct location.
Fixed an issue where the depth of field effect would render incorrectly when switching between targets.
Fixed an issue where players were not able enter the van during the Series A Finale.
Fixed an issue with player ranks appearing incorrectly when comparing stats in a lobby menu.
Fixed an issue where the “Expanded Radar” setting would reset to “Off” when changing sessions in GTA Online

Generic / Miscellaneous Fixes – PC Only

Fixed button conflicts with the pause menu and the hacking minigames on PC.
Fixed several issues with memory leaks that may have caused the game to crash after running for long periods of time.
Fixed a display driver crash on PC.
Fixed several issues which led to conflicts between text chat entry and player control on PC.
Fixed an issue on PC which caused a stored Oracle to turn into an Oracle XS.
Fixed an issue which caused PC players to get the error "Your account has been logged in elsewhere".
Black suit pants are now black and no longer have a purple tinge.
Fixed an issue where the artist and title for tracks in Self Radio did not display correctly on vehicle dashboard displays.
Fixed an issue where certain combinations of anti-aliasing settings on CrossFire systems could cause graphical corruption.
Fixed an issue with hairstyles and beards not rendering correctly when using certain combinations of shader and anti-aliasing settings.
Fixed multiple issues of camera clipping in vehicles caused by multi-monitor setups.
Fixed an issue where mouse input could not be used to select options on the Report Player screen.
Fixed an issue where the player was unable to move the cursor with the keyboard or mouse when typing a Job description in Creator Mode.
Fixed an issue that caused the loading spinner to disappear when the game is minimized during the initial loading screen.
Fixed an issue that prevented the mobile phone from being displayed if the player is signed out of Social Club.
Fixed an issue with the activation screen that could cause a hang during initial loading.
Fixed an issue that caused excessive blurring when on GTA Online transition screens.
Fixed an issue where the Hacking minigame would be more difficult when running at lower frame rates.
Fixed issues with mouse input when running at lower frame rates.
Fixed an issue with loading the game when the My Documents folder has been moved to a non-default location such as a network drive.
Added a new command line option for advanced users to specify the number of cores used by GTAV on their system by using the command line argument “-maxthreads #”.
Fixed a crash when updating a previously published user created Job.
Fixed a crash that could occur on the “Change Character Appearance?” screen when entering GTA Online.
Fixed an issue that caused certain PC configurations to display black graphical corruption.
Fixed a crash that occasionally occurred during character switches with some advanced graphics settings set to maximum.
Fixed issues with UI positioning when using 5:4 aspect ratio.
Fixed an issue where the player was unable to close the game using Alt+F4 while disconnecting from a Job lobby.
Fixed an issue caused by switching windows when the game’s resolution was set higher than the desktop resolution.
Fixed an issue where player would sometimes lose control when sending a text message in GTA Online.
GTAV will now warn the player if the settings file could not be saved.
Fixed an issue where monitor refresh rate in Windows Borderless mode would not match actual monitor refresh rate.
Putting guidelines in Golf will now render properly when using 3D monitors.
Fixed an issue with VSync locking the framerate to a low value when switching to higher than 1920x1080 resolutions due to incorrect monitor refresh rate value.
Fixed an issue of graphical corruption during the tutorial race of GTA Online with certain SLI setups.
Fixed an issue where a player could get stuck on the “Invite Friends” screen of Social Club when starting a new Job.
Fixed an issue that prevented the mobile phone from being displayed when accepting a GTA Online invitation whilst editing Snapmatic text.
Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor caused by picking up and trimming audio tracks simultaneously.
Fixed an issue where weapons being dropped upon death would render incorrectly in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed a crash that occurred on certain CrossFire configurations when exporting long Rockstar Editor videos at high frame rates.
Fixed an issue where dirt levels on vehicles were not being recorded correctly in Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue with water rendering incorrectly during recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue with vehicle doors not recording positions correctly in Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue where vehicle dials would appear incorrect in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue where vehicle Crew emblems did not appear in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed a crash that could occur when recording a GTA Online clip featuring grenades or other throwable projectiles.
Fixed an issue which caused a hang when launching the Rockstar Editor after switching Social Club accounts.
Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause explosion effects to not playback in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue that would occasionally hinder full video and audio playback in the Rockstar Editor Video Gallery.
Fixed several issues where story dialogue was missing or overlapping during playback in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue where score tracks used in Rockstar Editor projects would end abruptly instead of fading out.
Fixed issues where the score would drop out or skip during clip transitions.
The free camera will now follow a target that is freefalling or parachuting.
Fixed issues with camera collision in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue with the "At Target" microphone type in the Rockstar Editor camera menu.
Fixed an issue which caused free camera to change position when scrubbing through clips in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue with first person camera restrictions in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue with keyboard and mouse controls in the Rockstar Editor and Director Mode.
Fixed an issue where the "Skip To Beat" function would be slightly off-beat after trimming a clip in the Rockstar Editor
Fixed an issue with environment streaming when scrubbing through clips.
Fixed an issue with the "Skip To Beat" function which would restrict the player's ability to skip backwards through a song in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the game to crash when playing back an exported video in the Rockstar Editor Video Gallery.
Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the game to crash when saving Rockstar Editor clips during a GTA Online race job.
Fixed several issues caused when signing out of Social Club while loading a clip in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue which caused the game to crash during the export of very long videos (multiple hours) in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed issues that could occur when loading into select locations in Director Mode.
Fixed an issue where GTA Online Crew t-shirt colors would not show correctly in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue with saved variations in the “Recently Used” character menu in Director Mode.
Fixed an issue with the dialogue available for the “Emergency Services – Paramedic” model in Director Mode.
Fixed an issue where television shows would play at an incorrect speed when Rockstar Editor videos are exported at a high frame rate.
Fixed issues with flickering effects that could be seen on some CrossFire systems.
Fixed an issue where GTA Online in game text chat would sometimes be disabled after using the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue where Rockstar Editor clips did not pause when opening the Social Club overlay menu.
Fixed issues that occurred when trimming text clips in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue with the clouds changing on clip transitions during Rockstar Editor playback.
Fixed an issue with particle effects not appearing or disappearing as expected when scrubbing through clips in the Rockstar Editor.
Fixed an issue with blood occasionally not appearing on player model's face during Rockstar Editor playback.
Fixed an issue with video playback freezing when uploading to YouTube.
En gráficos avanzados creo que le han metido una opción de reescalado.

¿Como se sube el brillo del juego?

Perdón, hilo equivocado
Como zumba el osiris, se agradece que siga añadiendo cosas a estas alturas y gratis
Que jodios, han vuelto ha desactivar el scripthook V para los mods, a volver a esperar a que lo actualicen.
Para cazar animalitos.....es mejor el online? O solo es posible pffline.
Habrán arreglado muchas cosas, pero creo que en todo el tiempo que tiene el juego no han arreglado un bug de los objetivos diarios. El bug que digo es que si en los tres objetivos diarios que te mandan uno de ellos es "Hacer un caballito durante diez segundos" olvidate de que siga contando ese día para la cuenta de días seguidos haciendo desafíos.

Por ejemplo, yo llevaba cerca de tres semanas seguidas haciendo los desafíos diarios, y me quedaban dos o tres días para completar los 28 días y me dieran el medio millón de gta dólares. Me tocó ese objetivo diario, y al llegar al supuesto día que completaba los 28 días, me dieron la recompensa SEMANAL, la mensual se pierde si te toca ese objetivo en los 28 días. Ya podían arreglarlo, que lo que me jodió a mi el estar 28 días haciendo los objetivos para que luego no me dieran nada...

Un saludo!
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