Parn1024 escribió:Algun comando de Admin para teletransportarse por el mapa en tu propio server?
No, los comandos disponibles son estos (muchos le quitan la gracia al juego).
- adduser = Use this command to add a new user in a whitelisted server, use : /adduser "username" "pwd"
- save = Save the current world
- quit = Quit the server (but save it before)
- chopper = Start the choppers (do noise on a random player)
- gunshot = Start a gunshot (do noise on a random player)
- startrain = Start rain on the server
- stoprain = Stop rain on the server
- grantadmin = Grant the admin rights to a user, use : /grantadmin "username"
- removeadmin = Remove the admin rights to a user, use : /removeadmin "username"
- reloadoptions = Reload the options on the server (ServerOptions.ini) and send them to the clients
- banuser = Ban a user, add a -ip to also ban his ip, add a -r="reason" to specify a reason for the ban, use : /banuser "username" -ip -r="reason", ex /banuser "rj" -ip -r="spawn kill"
- unbanuser = Unban a player, use : /unbanuser "username"
- kickuser = Kick a user, add a -r="reason" to specify a reason for the kick, use : /kickuser "username" -r="reason"
- addalltowhitelist = Add all the current users connected with a password in the whitelist, so their account is protected.
- addusertowhitelist = Add the user connected with a password in the whitelist, so his account is protected, use : /addusertowhitelist "username"
- removeuserfromwhitelist = Remove the user from the whitelist, use: /removeuserfromwhitelist "username"
- showoptions = Show the list of current Server options with their values.
- changeoption = Use this to change a server option, use : /changeoption optionName="newValue"
- godmod = Set a player invincible, if no username set it make you invincible, if no value it toggle it, use : /godmod "username" -value, ex /godmod "rj" -true (could be -false).
- invisible = Set a player invisible zombie will ignore him, if no username set it make you invisible, if no value it toggle it, use : /invisible "username" -value, ex /invisible "rj" -true (could be -false).
- additem = Add an item to a player, the username isn't mandatory, if you don't specify it the item will be added to you, use /additem "username" "module.item", ex : /additem "rj" "Base.Axe"
- createhorde = Use this to spawn a horde near you, use : /createhorde count, ex /createhorde 150
- changepwd = Use this command to change your password, use : /changepwd "previouspwd" "newpwd".