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Y que esto me ha llevado hacer carreras y carreras, repetir y repetir (aún sigue siendo así, mantener mínimo 44xkm/h ahí para poder hacer buen tiempo en 1a vuelta es complicado), no es echar 4 carreras, hacer alguna "pirula" y capturar/subir imagen(o eso o habilidad nivel Dios como decía @Dene
y siempre tiene que haber algún listo que... Luego quien se quiera dar por aludido el sabrá... Pero bueno, dejemos lo estar
Off-topic: se me ocurrió mirar en Amazon.de, que tienen buenos precios, y tenían la MegaDrive mini a 50€ + 8€ de envío, así que una se viene para casa. Parecía oferta de pocas unidades, porque hoy la han subido unos cuantos euros, pero vaya, es curiosa la fluctuación de precios para el mismo producto, en países de la UE.
Awicho escribió:A ver si mañana me pongo un rato a probar los circuitos y de camino subo algún tiempo que llevo estos dias con otras cosas.
Veo que ya están aqui los jefes haciendo buenos tiempos
@aleroh Como veo que controlas con los gatillos te pregunto que si hace que gires más perdiendo más velocidad o cómo va ? Es que no los uso y asi voy aprendiendo cosas.
General Information
By David van Moer & Edward
The Right Car
The Fire Stingray is your only option. It has the best grip, best boost and highest top speed of the four available vehicles. The three other cars don't even come close to the Stingray's performance. The only downside to the Stingray is the slow acceleration so you'll have to get it at its 478 kph max speed as quickly as possible and make it stay there. This entire strategy is written with the Fire Stingray in mind.
Blast Turning
This is THE most important technique in F-Zero and one that any F-Zero MV veteran will be familiar with. Blast turning simply means tapping the accelerator very quickly while steering through a corner. Without it, the Stingray will have a nasty tendency to under steer and continue going straight, certainly at top speed. Use blast turns constantly; it's the best way to get around the track and speed through those corners like a pro.
Using the shoulder buttons will make your car lean over and enable it to get through much sharper corners. Unlike later F-Zero games, drift turning (steering into a corner while holding the opposite shoulder buttons) isn't possible so you'll have to do with a combination of leaning and tapping the accelerator to get through the corners. Try and limit leaning as much as you can though as it will slightly decrease your speed when used in a blast turn.
Hugging the corners + rail-cutting
Sticking close to the inside rail and hugging the corners is always important. If you swerve wide you'll lose quite a lot of time when you add the five laps together. While your boost is active you can gain a few hundredths by taking the corners extra sharp and cut through the rails. But watch out that you don't cut too much or you'll bounce back.
The brakes have little use: tapping the accelerator is a far more efficient way to get through the corners. However, there are a few tracks where you WILL have to brake when boosting through a twisty section to avoid an unfriendly collision with the rails. See the track-strats for more details.
Jump plates
These are pretty handy in the opening lap as they give a quick 40 kph boost. Avoid them when you're boosted as they seem to bring your speed back down to 478 kph. Always hold 'down' on the D-pad when landing or you'll lose lots of speed!
Use your boost just after the slowest point of the track or use it to travel over dirt patches or other speed-eating obstacles. See the track-stats for more details. When going for a lap record, stock up on boosts until the last lap. Boost just in front of the starting line of the final lap because you can only carry three boosts at the same time.
A more advanced technique when leaning + blast turns just aren't enough. The rails in F-zero have a 'bouncy' quality and on some tracks this can be used to your advantage. Crash into the rail at full speed when the corner is just too tight to clear normally and you'll bounce right back at the same angle. You'll lose less speed this way when compared to braking and trying to avoid the rails.
Turbo start + getting bumped = fast openers
The opening lap is the most important of all. Lots of time can be gained (or lost) by overcoming the Stingray's slow acceleration and getting to the 478 kph top speed as soon as possible. At the start, hold down the accelerator as soon as the countdown for the race begins to make a small boost forward. Take advantage of the small lead and maneuver in front of the other vehicles to get bumped in the back and win valuable time. In Grand Prix mode, first steer in front of the Blue Falcon and have it hit you on your left back side. If you've done it correctly the Stingray will be pushed forward again. Now steer in front of the Wild Goose to get a second bump. Again, have it hit you on the left back side for the best speed gain. In Practice mode, choose the Golden Fox as your rival and have it bump you twice. Depending on where it hits you the first time, it will catch up more quickly to give you a second bump. Just experiment to see what gives the best result on each particular track. The difference between a normal and a 'double-bump' opener can be more than two seconds!
aleroh escribió:@Awicho Muy buen tiempo en Big BlueSe pone interesante la cosa jeje. Y espera guerra por parte de yuragalo. Ya ha demostrado que es un crack.
En cuanto a Silence, estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices. Si tocas rail para asegurarte el salto, creo que compensa, de hecho me salía a veces involuntariamente. Cuesta pillarle el truco a entrar a esa rampa desde la recta de minas, y a veces fallas. Lo que hice muchas veces es forzar un giro más cerrado con gatillo, y así me aseguraba coger la rampa. Pero es un circuito de tocar muchas veces el rail de esquina, por las curvas de 90º, que incitan a ello. Puede compensar si vas con velocidad alta. En primera vuelta, diría que evitar railes es lo mejor, penaliza bastante más.
Bueno pues al final poco a poco me he liado, he ido rascando y optimizando poco a poco uso de turbo y curvas en Big Blue.
Awicho escribió:Y bueno si, sintiendo el aliento de @yuragalo en la nuca (no homo por supuesto) me he puesto un rato y tengo mejora de tiempo en ambos circuitos.