Nixurugy escribió:¿Se sabe si habrá unidades nuevas para el modo online?
Si no, no se le compra ni el Tato.
Wghos7 escribió:Según este
avance el precio va a ser acorde al de una expansión. Siendo
Activision Blizzard serán
60 €
Acabo de ver el video y pongo lo mismo que en la noticia de la portada:
- Gorgelings
- Splitterlings
- Una habilidad tipo Pounce para los lings (Creo que es la llamada "Raptor" pero me da a mi que si por la similitud con los Velociraptors) y que parece que estara disponible para el multi
- Una habilidad OnTrigger:Death llamada Posthumous Mitosis, y que parece que sera exclusiva para la campaña (logicamente)
- El famoso upgrade de Swarmling (de la que se hablo en la alpha del WoL y que logicamente se quedara para la campaña)
- Otro upgrade llamado Rapid Genesis y que probablemente tambien se quede para uso exclusivo en la campaña
- Una nueva unidad Toss de apariencia mezcla entre colossus y stalker
Creo que no me he dejado nada, voy a ver que ponen por los foros, que seguro que se me ha escapado algo...
Joder si se me ha escapao... ... _id=228212Bonita presentancion a la que han asistido unos miembros del TL, pongo segun lo que he leido, lo que me parece mas interesante:
- En la campaña:Zergling
Metabolic Boost – Movement speed increased by 33%.
Posthumous Mitosis – A 20% chance of after dying to spawn 2 broodlings.
Rapid Genesis – Zerglings are trained instantly.
Swarmling – Hatches three swarmlings instead of two zerglings, the third comes at no extra cost.
Raptor - +10 HP, and leaps into battle.
Notes: While the swarmling does not cost extra minerals, it does take up food. A raptor’s leap is similar to a zealot charge, and while it does not explicitly state a cooldown, it does in fact have an internal cooldown. The wings attained through metabolic boost are smaller and less visible, only after evolution does it appear completely. The swarmling’s wings are a slight neon green, while a raptor changes its whole body color to a purple/pink texture.
Chitinous Plating - +1 armor.
Bile Ducts – +2 damage.
Organic Carapace – Health regeneration increased by 2
Prowler – Enables burrow movement.
Leech – Every unit killed gains the leech 10 HP (up to a maximum of 60). Also, Health regeneration increased.
Notes:The prowler is no different than a fully upgraded roach in WoL. Take note that each second evolved unit listed here is a recolor of the first. A leech has a purple tint to the regular brown of a roach.
Viscous Discharge – Upon impact, slows the target by 25%.
Centrifugal Hooks – Movement speed is increased by 25%.
Rupture – Splash radius increased by 25%.
Splitterling – The baneling now splits into smaller explosive units when killed.
Gorgeling – After exploding, the gorgeling returns a sum of minerals and gas on the floor.
Notes: The splitterling breaks into two twice in its lifetime. Big (40HP/20dmg) becomes Medium (20HP/10dmg), and then becomes Small (10HP/5dmg). The gorgeling is basically a purple/pink baneling, and the minerals/gas are automatically granted through impact.
- Habilidades de Kerrigan en la campaña:Battle Focus is the main menu screen that you can customize Kerrigan’s abilities. When the developers mentioned RPG-like elements, this is it. On display is Kerrigan’s stats and choices between specializations that fit your playstyle. Kerrigan’s skills and stats are obtainable through increasing her infestation level. At the mission on Char, Kerrigan received +6 infestation, granting her to the next level. Upon promotion, she gained extra HP/energy, along with armor and additional damage. In this demo, two battle focus choices were available to us: Spec Ops and Corruption.
Spec Ops (+50 Energy)
Energy Cost: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Description: Deals light damage to all targets in a 2.5 tiles radius. Also stuns the units for 3 seconds.
Psionic Shadow
Energy Cost: 50
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Description: Kerrigan creates a Psionic Shadow of herself that deals half damage.
Infested Cortex (Unlockable)
Energy Cost: Passive
Description: Grants Kerrigan an additional maximum of 50 energy.
Corruption (+3 Armor)
Corrosive Spores
Energy Cost: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Description: Target all units in a 2.5 tiles radius, all units receive an additional 3 damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
Spawn Broodlings
Energy Cost: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Description: Kills the target. The target spawns 5 broodlings upon death. Massive/Heroic units are immune.
Mencion especial, mejor os vais agarrando que vienen curvas:Q: What changes will come to with Heart of the Swarm?
A: As far as improvements, one primary focus will be on getting the StarCraft Marketplace up and running at some point around the launch of Heart of the Swarm. The maps and mods community in StarCraft II has published tens of thousands of custom maps using the StarCraft II editor. Our goal with the new Marketplace design will be in upgrading the custom map UI to better showcase the wide variety of great new maps and mods to players who are looking for fun new gaming experiences. We want players to be able to more easily find, rate, and sort through all the great custom maps that have been created.
The Marketplace will also eventually include a commerce element that will allow mapmakers to charge a fee for their work. While there will always be a wealth of free content, we believe that allowing content creators to profit from their work will foster an environment for more complex and higher-quality custom maps. Our ultimate hope is that the StarCraft Marketplace will function and thrive in a similar manner as mobile "app-stores" -- tons of free and premium content for players, and a limitless source of entertainment through StarCraft II and
We do have other feature upgrades and improvements planned as well, and we'll have more details on those at a later date.