In order to fine-tune the balance of our game and to ensure the best possible player experience for everyone, we have decided to move the release of Title Update 3—including Operation Dark Hours, our 8-player Raid—from April 25 to May 2019. The final release date of Title Update 3 will be based on results from further testing and balancing of the game. Operation Dark Hours will be your biggest challenge to date, and we want to make sure that we've properly tested the large amount of balance changes that are coming to both PvE and PvP and listen to your feedback about the changes before introducing the raid.
spiderrrboy escribió:@DarkMessiah no se puede recalibrar ahora o como es?? Joder que soy nivel 16 todavia, ni me he metido con eso...
WGP Kakashii escribió:donde pone q quitan el recalibrado en el texto ese q habeis pegado no pone eso, dice recalibrar el juego no q quiten la opcion
State of the Game
In this State of the Game Ryan Liebscher and Terry Spier joined Hamish to talk about Dark Zone, PVP and general in-game-balancing that will be tested out on the PTS that went live today.
Title Update 3 & Raid Delayed – focus on PTS
As explained, the Raid and Title Update 3 will be delayed until May to fix all the balancing issues that have been brought up by the community:
=> The Division 2 Development Update: Title Update 3.0
The focus will be on PTS that went live today and you can download now:
=> The Division 2 PTS is here
The first phase of the PTS will focus on finding bugs and other issues, while the second phase will focus more on general balance issues.
Normalization Changes
These are the changes they are planning for the Normalization that will be tested out on the PTS.
These changes are ONLY for PVP content and it will apply to Conflict, Normalized Dark Zone and Occupied Dark Zone.
Normalizing mechanics
The Equipment and weapons will be normalized to GS 500 (even if your GS is higher)
That also means, that they are no longer normalizing for a middleground but they are respecting the rolls on your gear. That means when you had an item with a very high crit chance roll, it will be like that in normalized content.
Skill Power will also be respected and when the mods are active in PVE, they will also be active in normalized content.
Global PVP Modifiers
The PVP damage modifier will be reduced from 70% to 40% and that will bring the Time to Kill down to what you experience in PVE. This way, you have more time to react.
The Skill Damage modifier will be increased from 20% to 25%, so that should make your skills more effective.
Overall the encounters should last longer overall and the skills should be more useful.
Occupied Dark Zone PVP Modifiers
They have also added a specific ODZ PVP damage modifier
Currently it also sits at 40% same as the normalized DZ – but they have the ability to specifically fine-tune the ODZ depending on how things change.
That should also help to lower the Time To Kill in the ODZ
PVP Modifiers for Weapon Archetypes
They will add specific PVP modifiers for specific weapon types.
For example, they can specifically buff the Assault Rifle in PVP now.
That also enables for specific PVP balancing, because the damage of the weapon is overwritten by the PVP Modifiers when you enter PVP content.
Hip fire Changes
In PVP content you will not be able to crit when you hip-fire
In PVE it behaves as it is now.
Dark Zone
Loot Changes
NDZ and ODZ will drop less clean loot and more contaminated loot, they want players to engage in the Loot Extraction – loop.
Named bosses guarantee contaminated loot and higher levelled landmark bosses have the ability to drop multiple items.
Landmark Cooldown
Landmarks got a cooldown now once they are cleared before they activate again (about a minute)
That should also encourage more player movement and not just farming the same Landmark.
Dark Zone NPC Balancing
The NPCs in the Dark Zone will be less lethal, but they will also have more armor.
Rogue Loop Changes
They Remove the Rogue Cooldown when you die
The Rogue-Toggle cooldown will stay, so you will not be able to spam that.
Dark Zone Perk was also changed that it will no longer reduce the Rogue Timer cooldown, but you will lose less XP when you die as a rogue
Dark Zone Pouch increased
You will be able to carry more Contaminated items.
Default is 6 items per bag
The Character Perks were also changed – The Tier 1 Perk will increase the bag-size to 8
The Dark Zone Perk will increase the bag-size to 10 in total.
Preventing Empty Dark Zones
They plan multiple changes to “guarantee” that you encounter 12 players in a Dark Zone Session.
They are reducing the amount of Dark Zone Brackets to 2. Everyone below Character Level 30 and everybody in Endgame.
Not all changes will be implemented with Title Update 3 – there is more in queue down the line.
Player Count increase in DZ is not planned
First they are implementing the changes that the player count per Dark Zone Instance is 12, because that is already a completely different experience than it is now.
Occupied Dark Zone changes
The ODZ specific damage modifier was already mentioned
They also lower the XP loss when you die in the ODZ
GS 515 Items will drop in the Dark Zone
In endgame Dark Zone you will be able to get GS 515 items.
More details about where to get loot will follow once all the content has been revealed.
Thieves Den Changes
When you get the special ammo there, you are now allowed to weapon swap.
There are also more changes panned to the Thieves Den to make it more attractive – but no further details were given.
Future Changes to the Occupied Dark Zone
These changes are planned, but they will not be implemented with Title Update 3
Rogue and Manhunt Loop will be added to the ODZ (no grey rogues)
The NPC-Patrols will also be lowered and more or less limited to the Landmarks.
UI Change
The UI will now display the real value of the armor and not a standard value. So when a player has a ton of armor, you will see that displayed accordingly.
Boost Change
The Boosts (damage and armor) that become active over the course of a match will be lowered by 50%. They should have an impact but not that big as it is now.
Synchronizing Team Spawns
The chance that you spawn with a teammate is increased so that you don’t just spawn and die
Conflict NPC more visible
There is apparently an NPC in Conflict, he will get more visible.
Skill Cooldown Respected
The Skill cooldown will be respected now after you die.
That should also lower the skill-spam
Exotic / Talents / Gear
Exotic should feel special
They should not specifically do the most damage, but they should also promote a fun and unique playstyle that does not have to be the most effective one.
They are not always centered around raw DPS
But that being said – they buff the damage of the exotics across the board.
Pestilence will be buffed specifically and even more effective in PVP specifically.
”Just buff everything”
We are in the process of aligning the game
But there is only so high you can go and that causes issues when you add new World Tiers for example.
So at the moment they are aligning the items, the activities and the talents so that it is fun to play and then they go from there.
They know that nerfing items is not popular, but it also makes things more diverse.
Talent Changes
Unhinged - Damage bonus reduced to 20% / Handling reduced to 20%
Strained - Missing armor requirement increased to 10%
Frency - in PVE reloading weapon from empty grants 20% weapon damage & 15% rate of fire for 3 seconds / In PVP 15% Weapon Damage 15% Rate of fire for 3 Seconds
Preservation - PVE Killing an enemy repairs 10% armor over 5 seconds – headshots improve the repair to 20% / In PVP 5% armor over 3 seconds – headshots to 15% (Requires 7 defense attributes)
Spike - Headshot kills grant 35% Skill Damage for 20 Seconds (Requires 5 utility attributes)
Reformation - Headshot kills increase skill repair and healing by 15% (Requires 9 Utility attributes)
Safeguard - Reduce healing bonus to 50% - reduced duration to 5 seconds (Less than 4 defensive attributes)
Clutch - increased health gained per critical hit to 20% reduced armor gained per critical hit to 1%
Surgical - Reduce critical hit chance bonus to 5%
Spotter - increased weapon damage to pulsed targets to +20% (increased requirements to 5 utility attributes)
Kneecap - Shooting an enemy in the legs has a 15% chance to apply bleed
Entrench - headshots from cover repair armor increased to 10% of your armor.
Patience - after being in cover for 5 seconds, armor repairs by 5% every 1 second (requires 9 defensive attributes)
Unbreakable - PVE: 70% of max armor is repaired when your armor is depleted. Armor kits used within the next 7 seconds are not consumed. / PVP it is 20% of max armor and 7 Seconds. (requires 11 defensive attributes)
Bloodsucker - PVE: Depleting enemies armor adds a stack of 25% armor bonus for 10 seconds, max stack is increased to 6 / PVP: 20% armor bonus for 5 seconds, max stack of 5 (requires 11 defensive attributes)
Berserk - PVP: the 10% weapon damage for every 20% armor depleted (requires 11 offensive attributes and AR LMG or SMG equipped)
Bloodlust - PVE: Swapping weapons within 3 seconds of a kill grants 35% weapon damage for 5 seconds / PVP: 20% Weapon damage for 5 seconds
Used to require - Requires 9 offensive attributes now
Blacksmith - Killing an enemy with your sidearm repairs 50% of your armor can occur once every 15 seconds. (Require 11 defensive attributes)
Gear Stat Changes
Critical - Reduce critical hit damage bonus to 5%
While these are some drastic changes in some cases, they are also changing the health of NPCs – so just because you need some of the talents now to be effective in heroic difficulty – they are not necessarily mandatory in the new big picture and the new balancing.
DarkMessiah escribió:EDIT:
Lista de cambios. Vengaaaaaaaaaaaa a lo locoooo!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
State of the Game
In this State of the Game Ryan Liebscher and Terry Spier joined Hamish to talk about Dark Zone, PVP and general in-game-balancing that will be tested out on the PTS that went live today.
Title Update 3 & Raid Delayed – focus on PTS
As explained, the Raid and Title Update 3 will be delayed until May to fix all the balancing issues that have been brought up by the community:
=> The Division 2 Development Update: Title Update 3.0
The focus will be on PTS that went live today and you can download now:
=> The Division 2 PTS is here
The first phase of the PTS will focus on finding bugs and other issues, while the second phase will focus more on general balance issues.
Normalization Changes
These are the changes they are planning for the Normalization that will be tested out on the PTS.
These changes are ONLY for PVP content and it will apply to Conflict, Normalized Dark Zone and Occupied Dark Zone.
Normalizing mechanics
The Equipment and weapons will be normalized to GS 500 (even if your GS is higher)
That also means, that they are no longer normalizing for a middleground but they are respecting the rolls on your gear. That means when you had an item with a very high crit chance roll, it will be like that in normalized content.
Skill Power will also be respected and when the mods are active in PVE, they will also be active in normalized content.
Global PVP Modifiers
The PVP damage modifier will be reduced from 70% to 40% and that will bring the Time to Kill down to what you experience in PVE. This way, you have more time to react.
The Skill Damage modifier will be increased from 20% to 25%, so that should make your skills more effective.
Overall the encounters should last longer overall and the skills should be more useful.
Occupied Dark Zone PVP Modifiers
They have also added a specific ODZ PVP damage modifier
Currently it also sits at 40% same as the normalized DZ – but they have the ability to specifically fine-tune the ODZ depending on how things change.
That should also help to lower the Time To Kill in the ODZ
PVP Modifiers for Weapon Archetypes
They will add specific PVP modifiers for specific weapon types.
For example, they can specifically buff the Assault Rifle in PVP now.
That also enables for specific PVP balancing, because the damage of the weapon is overwritten by the PVP Modifiers when you enter PVP content.
Hip fire Changes
In PVP content you will not be able to crit when you hip-fire
In PVE it behaves as it is now.
Dark Zone
Loot Changes
NDZ and ODZ will drop less clean loot and more contaminated loot, they want players to engage in the Loot Extraction – loop.
Named bosses guarantee contaminated loot and higher levelled landmark bosses have the ability to drop multiple items.
Landmark Cooldown
Landmarks got a cooldown now once they are cleared before they activate again (about a minute)
That should also encourage more player movement and not just farming the same Landmark.
Dark Zone NPC Balancing
The NPCs in the Dark Zone will be less lethal, but they will also have more armor.
Rogue Loop Changes
They Remove the Rogue Cooldown when you die
The Rogue-Toggle cooldown will stay, so you will not be able to spam that.
Dark Zone Perk was also changed that it will no longer reduce the Rogue Timer cooldown, but you will lose less XP when you die as a rogue
Dark Zone Pouch increased
You will be able to carry more Contaminated items.
Default is 6 items per bag
The Character Perks were also changed – The Tier 1 Perk will increase the bag-size to 8
The Dark Zone Perk will increase the bag-size to 10 in total.
Preventing Empty Dark Zones
They plan multiple changes to “guarantee” that you encounter 12 players in a Dark Zone Session.
They are reducing the amount of Dark Zone Brackets to 2. Everyone below Character Level 30 and everybody in Endgame.
Not all changes will be implemented with Title Update 3 – there is more in queue down the line.
Player Count increase in DZ is not planned
First they are implementing the changes that the player count per Dark Zone Instance is 12, because that is already a completely different experience than it is now.
Occupied Dark Zone changes
The ODZ specific damage modifier was already mentioned
They also lower the XP loss when you die in the ODZ
GS 515 Items will drop in the Dark Zone
In endgame Dark Zone you will be able to get GS 515 items.
More details about where to get loot will follow once all the content has been revealed.
Thieves Den Changes
When you get the special ammo there, you are now allowed to weapon swap.
There are also more changes panned to the Thieves Den to make it more attractive – but no further details were given.
Future Changes to the Occupied Dark Zone
These changes are planned, but they will not be implemented with Title Update 3
Rogue and Manhunt Loop will be added to the ODZ (no grey rogues)
The NPC-Patrols will also be lowered and more or less limited to the Landmarks.
UI Change
The UI will now display the real value of the armor and not a standard value. So when a player has a ton of armor, you will see that displayed accordingly.
Boost Change
The Boosts (damage and armor) that become active over the course of a match will be lowered by 50%. They should have an impact but not that big as it is now.
Synchronizing Team Spawns
The chance that you spawn with a teammate is increased so that you don’t just spawn and die
Conflict NPC more visible
There is apparently an NPC in Conflict, he will get more visible.
Skill Cooldown Respected
The Skill cooldown will be respected now after you die.
That should also lower the skill-spam
Exotic / Talents / Gear
Exotic should feel special
They should not specifically do the most damage, but they should also promote a fun and unique playstyle that does not have to be the most effective one.
They are not always centered around raw DPS
But that being said – they buff the damage of the exotics across the board.
Pestilence will be buffed specifically and even more effective in PVP specifically.
”Just buff everything”
We are in the process of aligning the game
But there is only so high you can go and that causes issues when you add new World Tiers for example.
So at the moment they are aligning the items, the activities and the talents so that it is fun to play and then they go from there.
They know that nerfing items is not popular, but it also makes things more diverse.
Talent Changes
Unhinged - Damage bonus reduced to 20% / Handling reduced to 20%
Strained - Missing armor requirement increased to 10%
Frency - in PVE reloading weapon from empty grants 20% weapon damage & 15% rate of fire for 3 seconds / In PVP 15% Weapon Damage 15% Rate of fire for 3 Seconds
Preservation - PVE Killing an enemy repairs 10% armor over 5 seconds – headshots improve the repair to 20% / In PVP 5% armor over 3 seconds – headshots to 15% (Requires 7 defense attributes)
Spike - Headshot kills grant 35% Skill Damage for 20 Seconds (Requires 5 utility attributes)
Reformation - Headshot kills increase skill repair and healing by 15% (Requires 9 Utility attributes)
Safeguard - Reduce healing bonus to 50% - reduced duration to 5 seconds (Less than 4 defensive attributes)
Clutch - increased health gained per critical hit to 20% reduced armor gained per critical hit to 1%
Surgical - Reduce critical hit chance bonus to 5%
Spotter - increased weapon damage to pulsed targets to +20% (increased requirements to 5 utility attributes)
Kneecap - Shooting an enemy in the legs has a 15% chance to apply bleed
Entrench - headshots from cover repair armor increased to 10% of your armor.
Patience - after being in cover for 5 seconds, armor repairs by 5% every 1 second (requires 9 defensive attributes)
Unbreakable - PVE: 70% of max armor is repaired when your armor is depleted. Armor kits used within the next 7 seconds are not consumed. / PVP it is 20% of max armor and 7 Seconds. (requires 11 defensive attributes)
Bloodsucker - PVE: Depleting enemies armor adds a stack of 25% armor bonus for 10 seconds, max stack is increased to 6 / PVP: 20% armor bonus for 5 seconds, max stack of 5 (requires 11 defensive attributes)
Berserk - PVP: the 10% weapon damage for every 20% armor depleted (requires 11 offensive attributes and AR LMG or SMG equipped)
Bloodlust - PVE: Swapping weapons within 3 seconds of a kill grants 35% weapon damage for 5 seconds / PVP: 20% Weapon damage for 5 seconds
Used to require - Requires 9 offensive attributes now
Blacksmith - Killing an enemy with your sidearm repairs 50% of your armor can occur once every 15 seconds. (Require 11 defensive attributes)
Gear Stat Changes
Critical - Reduce critical hit damage bonus to 5%
While these are some drastic changes in some cases, they are also changing the health of NPCs – so just because you need some of the talents now to be effective in heroic difficulty – they are not necessarily mandatory in the new big picture and the new balancing.
Selicos escribió:no se que ha pasado, que desde la actu de ayer el juego se tira un siglo para abrirse, y encima, la primera carga antes del menu donde sale tu personaje es eterna, y lo tengo instalado en un ssd.
Selicos escribió:no se que ha pasado, que desde la actu de ayer el juego se tira un siglo para abrirse, y encima, la primera carga antes del menu donde sale tu personaje es eterna, y lo tengo instalado en un ssd.
MeiiToR escribió:GS que es ?
The_Witcher escribió:El global máximo alcanzable ahora mismo es 510.
DarkMessiah escribió:Esto me gusta:
Dark Zone Pouch increased
You will be able to carry more Contaminated items.
Default is 6 items per bag
The Character Perks were also changed – The Tier 1 Perk will increase the bag-size to 8
The Dark Zone Perk will increase the bag-size to 10 in total.
eso de tener que estar cada 5 cajas teniendo que ir al helicóptero... cansaba un pocoThe_Witcher escribió:El global máximo alcanzable ahora mismo es 510.
Negativo. Yo tengo 511.
De todas formas, de lo que hablan entiendo, es que el valor base para equipo máximo, sin recalibrar (si es que encima meten lo del PTS que ya no subirá GS), será de 515 y de las armas "entiendo" que también, pero eso ya no lo sé.
Ahora mismo.... de equipo máximo 515 recalibrando y de armas, tengo máximo 505 y yo creo que más no se puede.
GS total, eso seguro... 511 a día de hoy.
Mañana, pues veremos. Si se puede recalibrar será otra cosa y si tanto armas como equipo podrá ser de 515, pues el total sería entonces de 515 y no 511.
Han buffeado la peste, así que el que tenga esa exótica, para PVP, es donde dicen que irá mejor
The_Witcher escribió:DarkMessiah escribió:Esto me gusta:
Dark Zone Pouch increased
You will be able to carry more Contaminated items.
Default is 6 items per bag
The Character Perks were also changed – The Tier 1 Perk will increase the bag-size to 8
The Dark Zone Perk will increase the bag-size to 10 in total.
eso de tener que estar cada 5 cajas teniendo que ir al helicóptero... cansaba un pocoThe_Witcher escribió:El global máximo alcanzable ahora mismo es 510.
Negativo. Yo tengo 511.
De todas formas, de lo que hablan entiendo, es que el valor base para equipo máximo, sin recalibrar (si es que encima meten lo del PTS que ya no subirá GS), será de 515 y de las armas "entiendo" que también, pero eso ya no lo sé.
Ahora mismo.... de equipo máximo 515 recalibrando y de armas, tengo máximo 505 y yo creo que más no se puede.
GS total, eso seguro... 511 a día de hoy.
Mañana, pues veremos. Si se puede recalibrar será otra cosa y si tanto armas como equipo podrá ser de 515, pues el total sería entonces de 515 y no 511.
Han buffeado la peste, así que el que tenga esa exótica, para PVP, es donde dicen que irá mejor
¿Armas a 505 tenes?, sos el primero que leo decir eso.
Estaba en duda si era 510 o 511 sí, yo tenía sólo 2 piezas a 514 (las otras 4 a 515) y pensaba que ya no iba más allá de 510.
Tengo la peste, sí, lo único que buffearon, y lo hicieron porque daba SIDA usar esa mugrienta arma, no servía para nada.
Coincido que lo único positivo del parche de mañana es eso, la capacidad de la bolsa para contaminados...
The_Witcher escribió:DarkMessiah escribió:EDIT:
Lista de cambios. Vengaaaaaaaaaaaa a lo locoooo!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
State of the Game
In this State of the Game Ryan Liebscher and Terry Spier joined Hamish to talk about Dark Zone, PVP and general in-game-balancing that will be tested out on the PTS that went live today.
Title Update 3 & Raid Delayed – focus on PTS
As explained, the Raid and Title Update 3 will be delayed until May to fix all the balancing issues that have been brought up by the community:
=> The Division 2 Development Update: Title Update 3.0
The focus will be on PTS that went live today and you can download now:
=> The Division 2 PTS is here
The first phase of the PTS will focus on finding bugs and other issues, while the second phase will focus more on general balance issues.
Normalization Changes
These are the changes they are planning for the Normalization that will be tested out on the PTS.
These changes are ONLY for PVP content and it will apply to Conflict, Normalized Dark Zone and Occupied Dark Zone.
Normalizing mechanics
The Equipment and weapons will be normalized to GS 500 (even if your GS is higher)
That also means, that they are no longer normalizing for a middleground but they are respecting the rolls on your gear. That means when you had an item with a very high crit chance roll, it will be like that in normalized content.
Skill Power will also be respected and when the mods are active in PVE, they will also be active in normalized content.
Global PVP Modifiers
The PVP damage modifier will be reduced from 70% to 40% and that will bring the Time to Kill down to what you experience in PVE. This way, you have more time to react.
The Skill Damage modifier will be increased from 20% to 25%, so that should make your skills more effective.
Overall the encounters should last longer overall and the skills should be more useful.
Occupied Dark Zone PVP Modifiers
They have also added a specific ODZ PVP damage modifier
Currently it also sits at 40% same as the normalized DZ – but they have the ability to specifically fine-tune the ODZ depending on how things change.
That should also help to lower the Time To Kill in the ODZ
PVP Modifiers for Weapon Archetypes
They will add specific PVP modifiers for specific weapon types.
For example, they can specifically buff the Assault Rifle in PVP now.
That also enables for specific PVP balancing, because the damage of the weapon is overwritten by the PVP Modifiers when you enter PVP content.
Hip fire Changes
In PVP content you will not be able to crit when you hip-fire
In PVE it behaves as it is now.
Dark Zone
Loot Changes
NDZ and ODZ will drop less clean loot and more contaminated loot, they want players to engage in the Loot Extraction – loop.
Named bosses guarantee contaminated loot and higher levelled landmark bosses have the ability to drop multiple items.
Landmark Cooldown
Landmarks got a cooldown now once they are cleared before they activate again (about a minute)
That should also encourage more player movement and not just farming the same Landmark.
Dark Zone NPC Balancing
The NPCs in the Dark Zone will be less lethal, but they will also have more armor.
Rogue Loop Changes
They Remove the Rogue Cooldown when you die
The Rogue-Toggle cooldown will stay, so you will not be able to spam that.
Dark Zone Perk was also changed that it will no longer reduce the Rogue Timer cooldown, but you will lose less XP when you die as a rogue
Dark Zone Pouch increased
You will be able to carry more Contaminated items.
Default is 6 items per bag
The Character Perks were also changed – The Tier 1 Perk will increase the bag-size to 8
The Dark Zone Perk will increase the bag-size to 10 in total.
Preventing Empty Dark Zones
They plan multiple changes to “guarantee” that you encounter 12 players in a Dark Zone Session.
They are reducing the amount of Dark Zone Brackets to 2. Everyone below Character Level 30 and everybody in Endgame.
Not all changes will be implemented with Title Update 3 – there is more in queue down the line.
Player Count increase in DZ is not planned
First they are implementing the changes that the player count per Dark Zone Instance is 12, because that is already a completely different experience than it is now.
Occupied Dark Zone changes
The ODZ specific damage modifier was already mentioned
They also lower the XP loss when you die in the ODZ
GS 515 Items will drop in the Dark Zone
In endgame Dark Zone you will be able to get GS 515 items.
More details about where to get loot will follow once all the content has been revealed.
Thieves Den Changes
When you get the special ammo there, you are now allowed to weapon swap.
There are also more changes panned to the Thieves Den to make it more attractive – but no further details were given.
Future Changes to the Occupied Dark Zone
These changes are planned, but they will not be implemented with Title Update 3
Rogue and Manhunt Loop will be added to the ODZ (no grey rogues)
The NPC-Patrols will also be lowered and more or less limited to the Landmarks.
UI Change
The UI will now display the real value of the armor and not a standard value. So when a player has a ton of armor, you will see that displayed accordingly.
Boost Change
The Boosts (damage and armor) that become active over the course of a match will be lowered by 50%. They should have an impact but not that big as it is now.
Synchronizing Team Spawns
The chance that you spawn with a teammate is increased so that you don’t just spawn and die
Conflict NPC more visible
There is apparently an NPC in Conflict, he will get more visible.
Skill Cooldown Respected
The Skill cooldown will be respected now after you die.
That should also lower the skill-spam
Exotic / Talents / Gear
Exotic should feel special
They should not specifically do the most damage, but they should also promote a fun and unique playstyle that does not have to be the most effective one.
They are not always centered around raw DPS
But that being said – they buff the damage of the exotics across the board.
Pestilence will be buffed specifically and even more effective in PVP specifically.
”Just buff everything”
We are in the process of aligning the game
But there is only so high you can go and that causes issues when you add new World Tiers for example.
So at the moment they are aligning the items, the activities and the talents so that it is fun to play and then they go from there.
They know that nerfing items is not popular, but it also makes things more diverse.
Talent Changes
Unhinged - Damage bonus reduced to 20% / Handling reduced to 20%
Strained - Missing armor requirement increased to 10%
Frency - in PVE reloading weapon from empty grants 20% weapon damage & 15% rate of fire for 3 seconds / In PVP 15% Weapon Damage 15% Rate of fire for 3 Seconds
Preservation - PVE Killing an enemy repairs 10% armor over 5 seconds – headshots improve the repair to 20% / In PVP 5% armor over 3 seconds – headshots to 15% (Requires 7 defense attributes)
Spike - Headshot kills grant 35% Skill Damage for 20 Seconds (Requires 5 utility attributes)
Reformation - Headshot kills increase skill repair and healing by 15% (Requires 9 Utility attributes)
Safeguard - Reduce healing bonus to 50% - reduced duration to 5 seconds (Less than 4 defensive attributes)
Clutch - increased health gained per critical hit to 20% reduced armor gained per critical hit to 1%
Surgical - Reduce critical hit chance bonus to 5%
Spotter - increased weapon damage to pulsed targets to +20% (increased requirements to 5 utility attributes)
Kneecap - Shooting an enemy in the legs has a 15% chance to apply bleed
Entrench - headshots from cover repair armor increased to 10% of your armor.
Patience - after being in cover for 5 seconds, armor repairs by 5% every 1 second (requires 9 defensive attributes)
Unbreakable - PVE: 70% of max armor is repaired when your armor is depleted. Armor kits used within the next 7 seconds are not consumed. / PVP it is 20% of max armor and 7 Seconds. (requires 11 defensive attributes)
Bloodsucker - PVE: Depleting enemies armor adds a stack of 25% armor bonus for 10 seconds, max stack is increased to 6 / PVP: 20% armor bonus for 5 seconds, max stack of 5 (requires 11 defensive attributes)
Berserk - PVP: the 10% weapon damage for every 20% armor depleted (requires 11 offensive attributes and AR LMG or SMG equipped)
Bloodlust - PVE: Swapping weapons within 3 seconds of a kill grants 35% weapon damage for 5 seconds / PVP: 20% Weapon damage for 5 seconds
Used to require - Requires 9 offensive attributes now
Blacksmith - Killing an enemy with your sidearm repairs 50% of your armor can occur once every 15 seconds. (Require 11 defensive attributes)
Gear Stat Changes
Critical - Reduce critical hit damage bonus to 5%
While these are some drastic changes in some cases, they are also changing the health of NPCs – so just because you need some of the talents now to be effective in heroic difficulty – they are not necessarily mandatory in the new big picture and the new balancing.
Es una verguenza lo que están haciendo en cada parche.
Una vez que vas armando una build determinada al poco tiempo literalmente TE LA DESTROZAN.
Demasiados cambios implementados a la vez, hoy una build con Bestia Salvaje, Salvoconducto y Paciencia mañana literalmente NO EXISTIRÁ, totalmente ROTA.
¿Para qué crean talentos así si en menos de 2 meses los están haciendo POLVO?, yo no entiendo la verdad.
Luego que en definitiva las horas que has echado para armar la Build TIRADAS A LA BASURA, a farmear todo nuevamente para crear una nueva y que en 1 mes LA ROMPAN NUEVAMENTE.
No estoy para nada contento con los cambios que se vienen...................
Nerfeos de TODO lo que hay en el juego básicamente, tétrico.
Eddie11 escribió:¿Hay mantenimiento?
Se queda en "conectando"
MAKUTOR escribió:Yo hasta esta noche no puedo entrar, ponerme por aqui si dan la 4 pieza del franco exotico. Gracias a las 7 peste exotica que me saque tengo para 10 subidas de exoticos asi que nada mas caiga la pingo a 500.
xavi_bravo escribió:Alguien sigue con los malditos crasheos?
spiderrrboy escribió:Y yo que sigo en nivel 16, de todas formas en un mes darle casi 300 horas como leo aqui algunos, yo no se si sera muy que hagan lo que hagan se os va a quedar pequeño a ese ritmo... A mi el juego me esta gustando mucho mas de lo que pensaba, y eso que el 1 me encanto, pero este tiene detalles que flipo, pero prefiero jugarlo poco a poco y disfrutando mucho de la campaña, que se que aunque por historia no es nada del otro mundo, jugablemente, graficamente, en ambientacion, escenarios... Es la parte mas currada para mi...