Night Terror escribió:Vengo, os enseño el primo de Zumosol dorado, y me voy:
brago900 escribió:@talesia Equinox prime ya lleva un tiempo en el juego.
kazka escribió:brago900 escribió:@talesia Equinox prime ya lleva un tiempo en el juego.
No esta hablando del prime sino del modelo Deluxe que es un modelo alternativo al prime y al normal. Que por lo general son una autentica belleza para el Fasionframe. Yo estyo loquito por el modelo incubus de Loki y me estoy ropiendo la cabeza para no gasterme los leuros en el.![]()
brago900 escribió:@voraz Ni idea, yo tengo pensado montar un clan el mes que viene de cara a todo el tema de la Railjack.
brago900 escribió:@voraz Yep, ya esta montado a falta de alguna forma para tener todo lo importante funcionando eso si, que el dojo come formas como el solo...
brago900 escribió:@voraz Ok, por mi parte cero problemas. Ya te he enviado la petición por steam.
kazka escribió:@brago900 Claro y que casa eliges para empezar? que habilidades de esa casa desbloqueas primero? Como farmeas enfoque? Donde te dan el Amp Mota? porque la Vigilia de saya la hice de primeras para desbloquear a Gara y claro cuando 3 meses despues haces el Segundo sueño y la Guerra interna ya ni te acuerdas donde estaba el señor Onko. Un mes despues de haber echo esas aventuras, me dio por ir a la wiki y empezar a darme cuenta de como funcionaba todo por que si hay algo que le falta a este juego son tutoriales salvo del inicial. Y eso de matar eidolones lo dices como si fueran simples Npcs que los tiras de un suspiro con un par de habilidades y sabes muy bien que no es asi.
brago900 escribió:@chomper1990 @Black Wolft
Centraros en subir a maestría 15 e ir tirando con las armas que vayáis probando, lo único que realmente os interesa conseguir son los mods esenciales. Y haced todos los eventos temporales que podáis, por ejemplo ahora mismo en venus tenéis un evento que os da recompensas bastante buenas, eso si es por culero como pocas cosas.
[DE]Lucille (WARFRAME Support)
Dec 4, 23:49 EST
Hello xxx,
Thank you for contacting us. You were found to have received a large amount of Platinum and/or gifts from a known black market Platinum re-sellers, who has been permanently banned from the game for this activity. Because the Platinum you received was fraudulently obtained, it was necessary to remove it from your account. For any gifts you might have received in the same manner, the item(s) were also removed from your inventory.
We attempted to identify and reverse as many black market transactions on your account as possible. If you believe that the transactions listed below represent all the Platinum/gifts that you have purchased from the black market, you should not notice your Platinum balance being affected any further. However, if you have made other black market transactions in the past, future investigations could result in those trades/gifts being reversed, and the Platinum value being removed from your account.
• 2016-09-06 17:27 GMT - You received 300 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account catteya
• 2016-08-19 22:29 GMT - You received 430 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account arauko
• 2016-08-11 22:56 GMT - You received 300 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account arauko
Note, purchasing in-game items from other players for cash is a violation of the Terms of Use/EULA and your account could be banned from the game for engaging in such activities. You are being given another opportunity to play, however, because you did not have enough Platinum to cover the full amount that was removed -- your Platinum balance is now in the negatives.
Your current Platinum balance is -1261
To restore access to your account, you will need to purchase enough Platinum (from a legitimate source) to bring your balance out of the negatives.
As a courtesy to you, we are offering to reverse any cosmetic-only purchases that we find on your account. Any Platinum restored to your account will help to reduce your negative Platinum balance. Please let us know if you want us to proceed.
Please be aware that if you purchase Platinum using a Steam DLC Pack, we will need to put you in contact with one of our Billing CSRs who will assist you with applying the purchase to your account.
For future reference, we strongly suggest that you avoid unbalanced trades or trades that appear to be "for free" as these are often connected to compromised accounts or other fraudulent activity. Unless the contest or giveaway is from an official Warframe partner, you cannot trust where the Platinum is coming from.
Please note, if you are found to have participated in black market activity again in the future, your account will be permanently suspended from the game with no chance to restore your Platinum balance and continue playing.
As stated in our Terms of Use, you as the account holder are solely responsible for resolving the negative Platinum balance on your account.
Thank you for your understanding.
bluebeetle escribió:Hace cosa de dos semanas al intentar iniciar sesión me saltó este aviso.
Revisé todas mis compras de Platino y todo parecía estar bien, se habían completado. Así que les mandé uin ticket a soporte y esta ha sido la respuesta.[DE]Lucille (WARFRAME Support)
Dec 4, 23:49 EST
Hello xxx,
Thank you for contacting us. You were found to have received a large amount of Platinum and/or gifts from a known black market Platinum re-sellers, who has been permanently banned from the game for this activity. Because the Platinum you received was fraudulently obtained, it was necessary to remove it from your account. For any gifts you might have received in the same manner, the item(s) were also removed from your inventory.
We attempted to identify and reverse as many black market transactions on your account as possible. If you believe that the transactions listed below represent all the Platinum/gifts that you have purchased from the black market, you should not notice your Platinum balance being affected any further. However, if you have made other black market transactions in the past, future investigations could result in those trades/gifts being reversed, and the Platinum value being removed from your account.
• 2016-09-06 17:27 GMT - You received 300 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account catteya
• 2016-08-19 22:29 GMT - You received 430 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account arauko
• 2016-08-11 22:56 GMT - You received 300 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account arauko
Note, purchasing in-game items from other players for cash is a violation of the Terms of Use/EULA and your account could be banned from the game for engaging in such activities. You are being given another opportunity to play, however, because you did not have enough Platinum to cover the full amount that was removed -- your Platinum balance is now in the negatives.
Your current Platinum balance is -1261
To restore access to your account, you will need to purchase enough Platinum (from a legitimate source) to bring your balance out of the negatives.
As a courtesy to you, we are offering to reverse any cosmetic-only purchases that we find on your account. Any Platinum restored to your account will help to reduce your negative Platinum balance. Please let us know if you want us to proceed.
Please be aware that if you purchase Platinum using a Steam DLC Pack, we will need to put you in contact with one of our Billing CSRs who will assist you with applying the purchase to your account.
For future reference, we strongly suggest that you avoid unbalanced trades or trades that appear to be "for free" as these are often connected to compromised accounts or other fraudulent activity. Unless the contest or giveaway is from an official Warframe partner, you cannot trust where the Platinum is coming from.
Please note, if you are found to have participated in black market activity again in the future, your account will be permanently suspended from the game with no chance to restore your Platinum balance and continue playing.
As stated in our Terms of Use, you as the account holder are solely responsible for resolving the negative Platinum balance on your account.
Thank you for your understanding.
Por lo visto hay usuarios con Platino ilegal y al hacer un trato con ellos en el mercado del juego, te pasan ese platino ilegal.
Al final tú, que eres un usuario legítimo que respeta las normas del juego y que solo ha hecho tratos con otro usuario en el mercado del juego, te quedas sin los artículos que has vendido, sin el Platino que deberías haber recibido, y además te banean teniendo que gastarte -en mi caso- 90 Euros para desbloquear la cuenta.
Falta decir que tenía comprados cómo unos 20 articulos Tennogen, a 7 Euros cada uno.
Dicen que aprendemos a base de ostias, y así ha sido. menudos hijos de puta estos de Digital Extremes.
brago900 escribió:bluebeetle escribió:Hace cosa de dos semanas al intentar iniciar sesión me saltó este aviso.
Revisé todas mis compras de Platino y todo parecía estar bien, se habían completado. Así que les mandé uin ticket a soporte y esta ha sido la respuesta.[DE]Lucille (WARFRAME Support)
Dec 4, 23:49 EST
Hello xxx,
Thank you for contacting us. You were found to have received a large amount of Platinum and/or gifts from a known black market Platinum re-sellers, who has been permanently banned from the game for this activity. Because the Platinum you received was fraudulently obtained, it was necessary to remove it from your account. For any gifts you might have received in the same manner, the item(s) were also removed from your inventory.
We attempted to identify and reverse as many black market transactions on your account as possible. If you believe that the transactions listed below represent all the Platinum/gifts that you have purchased from the black market, you should not notice your Platinum balance being affected any further. However, if you have made other black market transactions in the past, future investigations could result in those trades/gifts being reversed, and the Platinum value being removed from your account.
• 2016-09-06 17:27 GMT - You received 300 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account catteya
• 2016-08-19 22:29 GMT - You received 430 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account arauko
• 2016-08-11 22:56 GMT - You received 300 Platinum from the Platinum re-seller account arauko
Note, purchasing in-game items from other players for cash is a violation of the Terms of Use/EULA and your account could be banned from the game for engaging in such activities. You are being given another opportunity to play, however, because you did not have enough Platinum to cover the full amount that was removed -- your Platinum balance is now in the negatives.
Your current Platinum balance is -1261
To restore access to your account, you will need to purchase enough Platinum (from a legitimate source) to bring your balance out of the negatives.
As a courtesy to you, we are offering to reverse any cosmetic-only purchases that we find on your account. Any Platinum restored to your account will help to reduce your negative Platinum balance. Please let us know if you want us to proceed.
Please be aware that if you purchase Platinum using a Steam DLC Pack, we will need to put you in contact with one of our Billing CSRs who will assist you with applying the purchase to your account.
For future reference, we strongly suggest that you avoid unbalanced trades or trades that appear to be "for free" as these are often connected to compromised accounts or other fraudulent activity. Unless the contest or giveaway is from an official Warframe partner, you cannot trust where the Platinum is coming from.
Please note, if you are found to have participated in black market activity again in the future, your account will be permanently suspended from the game with no chance to restore your Platinum balance and continue playing.
As stated in our Terms of Use, you as the account holder are solely responsible for resolving the negative Platinum balance on your account.
Thank you for your understanding.
Por lo visto hay usuarios con Platino ilegal y al hacer un trato con ellos en el mercado del juego, te pasan ese platino ilegal.
Al final tú, que eres un usuario legítimo que respeta las normas del juego y que solo ha hecho tratos con otro usuario en el mercado del juego, te quedas sin los artículos que has vendido, sin el Platino que deberías haber recibido, y además te banean teniendo que gastarte -en mi caso- 90 Euros para desbloquear la cuenta.
Falta decir que tenía comprados cómo unos 20 articulos Tennogen, a 7 Euros cada uno.
Dicen que aprendemos a base de ostias, y así ha sido. menudos hijos de puta estos de Digital Extremes.
Esto solo es otro ejemplo de la necesidad de un sistema de comercio interno en el juego.
Y bueno te han estafado jugadores no DE aunque si que los de DE deberían ser más comprensivos con casos como el tuyo y no joderte el dinero por culpa de terceros y menos aun cobrarte el platino a precio completo cuando la gente solo lo compra cuando tiene un descuento.
Lo dicho que DE se deje de chats de comercio y que monte in sistema de subasta ingame donde todo este regulado.
brago900 escribió:@bluebeetle Yo también me he dejado mis euros en platino eso si más que nada por mis tendencias coleccionistas que me gusta acumular todo y sacarle el jugo a todas las armas... si a eso sumas el que no me gusta mercadear...
Por ejemplo ahora mismo tengo un set de Mirage Prime comiendo polvo hasta que se me cruce venderlo o cambiarlo por otra cosa(a poder ser cambiarlo obviamente).
Por eso digo que deberían montar un mercado en condiciones y solucionarían muchos problemas pero claro DE se beneficia de la ausencia de un mercado oficial pues eso hace disparar los precios de los agrietados más buscados a causa de los jugadores usureros-especuladores que su único fin en la vida es joderle los platinos a la gente y por consecuencia muchas veces el dinero...
MAKUTOR escribió:E matado a mi lich y ya tengo mi karak kuva, ahora como consigo el resto de armas kuva?
brago900 escribió:@chomper1990 @Black Wolft
Centraros en subir a maestría 15 e ir tirando con las armas que vayáis probando, lo único que realmente os interesa conseguir son los mods esenciales. Y haced todos los eventos temporales que podáis, por ejemplo ahora mismo en venus tenéis un evento que os da recompensas bastante buenas, eso si es por culero como pocas cosas.
brago900 escribió:MAKUTOR escribió:E matado a mi lich y ya tengo mi karak kuva, ahora como consigo el resto de armas kuva?
Matando más liches.
Dume escribió:Llevo apenas 7h. Le estoy dando un vistazo al juego y de momento me gusta bastante.
Tengo una duda...
El dinero del juego (platinium) veo que es básicamente solo para cosméticos, no?
Por otro lado, donde voy mas perdido es en la fusión de mods.
También he hecho una misión de extracción de minerales que parecía no tener fin. Que hay que hacer ahi a parte de defender las maquinas extractoras que van cayendo del cielo? He llegado hasta 9 y parecía que no se acababa nunca.
Y una ultima cosa.
Tengo en las opciones activado lo de encarar la camara cuando haces melé, pero parece que no funciona. Tengo que girarla yo para ir encarando a los enemigos. Juego con mando.
kazka escribió:@fluiscs Warframes y armas no, RANURAS de warframes y armas, que los warframes y las armas los consigues dentro del juego jugando.