talesia escribió:Parece que el próximo frame prime será Wukong Prime por lo que dijo Rebecca en una entrevista.
Empíreo dijo también seria estilo Sea of Thieves y que habría que estar en un clan para acceder a ello (creo se puede jugar solo, pero mejor en escuadrón).
During E3 2019, the editorial department had an opportunity to interview Rebecca Ford, a developer Digital Extremes. This time, I asked about new content, such as the next expansion and a new frame.
First of all, please introduce yourself briefly.
Rebecca Ford: I'm Rebecca Ford. I'm a Live Operations & Community Director at Digital Extremes. I'm in charge of "Warframe" and I have been working on it for nine years. I'll be working on Warframe for a long time to come.
How many active players are there currently?
Rebecca: The number we can reveal is that there are 50 million "Warframe" accounts. That's 50 million people around the world playing this game.
What is the population distribution by country?
Rebecca: There are a lot of users in the United States. Overall, the United States is the largest, but other regions are quite similar. If you can show the numbers I think it's amazing.
How about Japan?
Rebecca: Japan is in the top 15 countries. Japan is also a big market for us, and it seems that everyone in Japan likes what we release. It's a mix of anime and Canadian Sci-fi. As the director is a fan of "Guyver" and "Neon Genesis Evangelion", these two influence the direction of the game.
How many people are involved in the development of "Warframe"?
Rebecca: There are almost 300 people now. There were only 10 people when I joined, so it's a big leap (laughs). At the time there were about 150 people in the studio, but I was involved in another project. Now everyone is involved in Warframe.
What is the popular frame in the development team?
Rebecca: Maybe Excalibur.
The Nintendo switch version has been released. How has the community changed with this?
Rebecca: I love Nintendo because I grew up playing Nintendo hard. Nintendo users are creative and kind, and they value games as pure entertainment, so they are making the community more healthy.
Do you have a plan for cross-platform?
Rebecca: I do not know. If so, cross-platform will be the most difficult. I think cross-save is better than that.
So like a PS4 version at home and a Switch version outside?
Rebecca: That's right. I think it is difficult, but I would like to do it.
If there is a next-generation console, will you release the next-generation Warframe?
Rebecca: I think this game is already a seven-year-old game, so I think it is a choice to make a sequel or to continue updating it, but at the moment you can play Warframe on all platforms as much as possible so I want to continue updating.
Google announced Stadia, are you interested?
Rebecca: It's amazing! This game is a free-to-play game, so the more platforms you have, the better.
Please tell us about the next expansion, Empyrean. Will it have PvP?
Rebecca: No. Although the scale is different, imagine the space version of "Sea of Thieves". I have my own battleship and I have a gunner. While visiting familiar planets, you can do dogfights in space, board enemy spaceships, and blow up their mothership. It is completely different from the previous "Warframe".
Can I play with other random players?
Rebecca: Yes, we will use matchmaking, so it can be played by up to four people.
In the trailer, battleships were fighting each other, but what kind of battle is it actually?
Rebecca: The weapons they carry are important. First of all, battleships will shoot each other, but there are times when the enemy boards you, so you aren't using gunners all the time. It's quite troublesome when they get in.
Does the ability of a battleship change depending on the equipped frame, etc?
Rebecca: There is no such effect because battleships have inherent abilities.
What kind of reward can you get with Empyrean?
Rebecca: Good question! I haven't announced anything yet, but there is a battleship upgrade and it is possible to strengthen shields, speed, power and more. There is also a huge reward, but this will be announced in the future.
When can Empyrean be played?
Rebecca: You will need a clan, so you need to be in a clan. In fact, it is difficult to answer this question, and it has not yet been decided if we want people to play 100 hours first, or if they can join the game and immediately play. As we have to playtest first, we have not decided on it now.
Do you plan to add an archwing?
Rebecca: That is the plan. It will be an interesting module. (?)
The Runner Warframe and the Oni Frame are newly announced . What kind of frame are they?
Rebecca: The Runner Warframe is based on a speedometer concept. It's like a race car. Increase the engine speed with an accelerator and overheat the enemy, being careful not to overheat yourself. Oni Frame is a frame that swallows the enemy. As it is the first huge frame, it's brutal and uses the enemy's life.
Wukong will be reworked. Do you have plans for other frames?
Rebecca: The Wukong rework will take place in the next few weeks. It is probably Vauban after that. We'll go back to the old ones and make adjustments to make them more fun to play.
What is the next prime frame to be added?
Rebecca: The answers is hidden in the answers so far!
Sentient tiles have been announced. What is this map like?
Rebecca: It is a map of unprecedented scale and is automatically generated. Because the ultimate villain is at the root castle, it is vast, alien chic, flashy, in Gore .... Because the Sentient is an artificial race, it has a completely new look and is designed to be unprecedented in space. It's like a reward for veteran players.
So far, there are two open world zones, Earth and Venus, but is there any further development going on?
Rebecca: Yes, it will be announced at Tennocon. You may see something under development.
What will be the biggest feature announced at Tennocon?
Rebecca: Empyrean is big. It's made using what we have learned so far. Shooter element, space element ... Space segmetns have not been very popular so far, but I make this into a wonderful thing. The space battles have to be fun.
Are there any plans for events in Japan?
Rebecca: I wanted to do it last year! But the timing did not match. I wanted to go to the Tokyo Game Show, but there was an update. I would definitely like to go to Tokyo Game Show in the future. In fact, I have never been to Japan, so I think it would be fun to have a small event in Japan. You can come too!
Gore is regulated in the PS4 version of Japan, but are you planning to loosen the regulation?
Rebecca: I'll see what we can do! More blood! Please put up with green blood if it is impossible. The German version is green (laughs).
People say that beginners do not know what to do without a wiki, but what do you think?
Rebecca: I understand the situation and I think it is a problem. People without friends already playing don't know what to do without a wiki. We're planning to improve the intro, and I'm going to announce something at Tennocon.
Some people say that long-range melee attacks are too strong compared to short-range melee attacks, what do you think?
Rebecca: I think that's right. We're trying to make melee attacks better and we're planning to balance them. It's going to be as powerful and pleasant as a ranged attack.
You often post photos of cosplay, do you like cosplay?
Rebecca: Yes, I love it! If you are a game creator, it's the best. The character of the game is digital, but I think it's great that cosplay makes it a reality.
Lastly, please give a message to Japanese fans.
Rebecca: I love you all. Thank you for making Warframe a success in Japan. I'm really happy to have a fan in Japan.
Thank you very much.
bluebeetle escribió:@LepucK si, se puede jugar perfectamente con mando y no, no es pay2win.
LepucK escribió:bluebeetle escribió:@LepucK si, se puede jugar perfectamente con mando y no, no es pay2win.
Gracias, mañana lo estoy bajando
talesia escribió:LepucK escribió:bluebeetle escribió:@LepucK si, se puede jugar perfectamente con mando y no, no es pay2win.
Gracias, mañana lo estoy bajando
Cuidado que engancha el juego y mucho
P3l0ch0 escribió:Si no sabes nada de el juego te abrumara de tal manera que no te enteraras de nada,tienes decenas de horas para enterarte de que va la cosa,un consejo,centrate en ir descubriendo todos los planetas,mirate guias de armas y warframes para novatos y tomatelo con calma o te quemaras.
No sé por qué no le había prestado atención antes
No sé si tendrá una serie de misiones a modo tutorial
...o un modo historia que poder acabar en solitario.
Hunk Stalker escribió:@LepucKNo sé por qué no le había prestado atención antes
Desgraciadamente es la maldición de este juego, echa atrás a mucha gente sin ni siquiera probarlo o simplemente ni les llama la atención, cuando una vez que lo pruebas lo más probable es que te enganche y te robe la vida.No sé si tendrá una serie de misiones a modo tutorial
Sí, al empezar a jugar te enseñan movimientos básicos, luego de hecho todo el primer planeta lo puedes considerar un tutorial por su baja dificultad extrema y porque será tu primera toma de contacto con la mayoría de tipos de misión....o un modo historia que poder acabar en solitario.
Sí, tiene un modo historia o aventura, conforme avances por los planetas o cumplas unos requerimientos se irán desbloqueando dichas misiones de aventura. Aunque las primeras misiones sean algo sosas verás que de golpe y porrazo hay una donde pega un subidón de calidad y de ahí ya sin frenos ahora mismo son una pasada y hay por lo general mucho hype por continuar.
Estas misiones las puedes jugar en solitario o con gente, y ahora no recuerdo si alguna te obliga a hacerla en solitario creo que sí, pero por lo general la elección es tuya. Sinceramente las misiones de aventura yo prefiero jugarlas solo para enterarme bien del argumento.
Mi recomendación es que la aventura te la hagas solo, pero el avance por los planetas para no agobiarte mejor acompañado, irás más rápido, verás a otros warframes te familiarizarás consus habilidades y la comunidad por lo general suele ser muy amable y te explican cosas que te serán útiles. Y por cierto yo diria que avanzar en los planetas es alta prioridad, hará que se desbloquee todo el contenido del juego y aventuras. Pero tómatelo con calma y reparte bien el contenido no te agobies porque hay mucho.
LepucK escribió:Es solo verlo con la cuenta vinculada?? O sale algún botón para pulsar durante el stream o código? Lo digo por si lo puedo dejar puesto si no me va a pillar en casa.
talesia escribió:LepucK escribió:Es solo verlo con la cuenta vinculada?? O sale algún botón para pulsar durante el stream o código? Lo digo por si lo puedo dejar puesto si no me va a pillar en casa.
Es sólo ver el Stream te llegará por el correo del juego. Te saltará la notificación o se abrirá directamente.
El año pasado se estropeó y dieron a Ash Prime a todos los jugadores que se conectaron por esas fechas.
Próximo Prime Vault estaría bien fueran Ash Prime y Vauban Prime, que ya les toca también.
LepucK escribió:talesia escribió:LepucK escribió:Es solo verlo con la cuenta vinculada?? O sale algún botón para pulsar durante el stream o código? Lo digo por si lo puedo dejar puesto si no me va a pillar en casa.
Es sólo ver el Stream te llegará por el correo del juego. Te saltará la notificación o se abrirá directamente.
El año pasado se estropeó y dieron a Ash Prime a todos los jugadores que se conectaron por esas fechas.
Próximo Prime Vault estaría bien fueran Ash Prime y Vauban Prime, que ya les toca también.
Vale perfecto, muchas gracias por toda la información que me estás dando jejeje
Hay que tener slots libres para los frames??? Aún no sé como funciona, si esos slots son para cambiar al momento o son para almacenar los frames que se van consiguiendo, porque como sea así, en 5 días no consigo platinums para comprar slots ni de coña
...y a la hora de explorar pues a buscar gente, que por cierto, según veo no hay salas no? Hay que tener amigos agregados??
talesia escribió:
Efímera de Lotus
Sábado 6 a las 17:00
Sábado 6 a las 22:00
Nekros Prime
Sábado 6 a las 23:59
Domingo 7 a la 12:59
fluiscs escribió:Hora española ¿no?
In the weeks leading up to TennoCon, we will be more and more focused on preparing for the event itself, and that means our usual schedule of Livestreams has come to an end! Our last Livestream before TennoCon was Prime Time on June 20th, and our next Live Stream will be on July 6th, at 6:00PM ET for TennoLive - straight from the TennoCon Main Stage! Here are some things you can do to prepare for TennoCon!
If you are at home during TennoCon and not able to physically attend, make sure you link your Twitch and Mixer accounts to your Warframe account. You can link these accounts by going to https://www.warframe.com/user and using the Twitch Sync and Mixer Sync options.
If you are a TennoCon Digital Pack holder (and why wouldn’t you be?!), you should save up those Ducats, because Baro is going to be in town, and he is bringing everything he has ever sold!
If you are traveling to London Ontario, make sure you take a look at our handy travel guide to TennoCon 2019 to get some information about the area and how to get there!
If you are attending in person, there is a whole bunch of stuff for you to do at the Event! TennoCon is a jam-packed day, filled with a whole host of activities, displays and finally ending off the night with a huge live event, stuffed with reveals, secrets and information about what is to come! During the day, you can expect to see some of the following:
A Warframe Museum with a collection of art, artefacts and models from the warframe universe, many of which have not been seen before!
The return of the Simaris Sanctuary Showcase, featuring teams made up of both attendees and Warframe Partners!
Escape rooms! Can you brave the perils of the Orb Vallis?
Workshops! Are you interested in working for Digital Extremes? How about starting your adventure as a TennoGen artist? Ever wanted to ask questions of the Sound team? Well, here is your chance!
Meet the Developers! As you will walk around the event, Warframe Developers will be amongst you, giving you the opportunity to share your Warframe stories. We want to hear from you!
For those of you watching the day from home, you will have access to watch some of these activities yourself!
Watch various on-the-day Warframe Partner streams for the event floor!
Watch Panels and Workshops as if you were there in person!
Tune into TennoLive at 6:00PM ET to catch all of the latest information as we stream it to Twitch and Mixer!
We have had reports of the Grineer patrolling around the London Convention center, however. Darvo has been looking pretty nervous of late, and we are sure that something is going on. What does this mean for TennoCon? Attendees will have to find out what’s going on, and figure out what the militant Grineer Security Administration want!
For the first time ever, we’re streaming all Main Stage TennoCon panels throughout the day before TennoLive! Watch any panel on Twitch or Mixer for 30 consecutive minutes to receive a free Lotus Ephemera. This drop ends at 5:59PM ET.
Then at 6:00PM ET, watch TennoLive 2019 and witness the full reveal of Warframe: Empyrean to get a FREE Nekros Prime! You’ll earn him by watching the show for 30 consecutive minutes between 6:00PM ET and 7:00PM ET. (Includes a free Warframe slot!)
talesia escribió:fluiscs escribió:Hora española ¿no?
Sí claro, No te voy a poner los horarios de Canadá (de donde es el juego).
fluiscs escribió:LepucK escribió:talesia escribió:
Es sólo ver el Stream te llegará por el correo del juego. Te saltará la notificación o se abrirá directamente.
El año pasado se estropeó y dieron a Ash Prime a todos los jugadores que se conectaron por esas fechas.
Próximo Prime Vault estaría bien fueran Ash Prime y Vauban Prime, que ya les toca también.
Vale perfecto, muchas gracias por toda la información que me estás dando jejeje
Hay que tener slots libres para los frames??? Aún no sé como funciona, si esos slots son para cambiar al momento o son para almacenar los frames que se van consiguiendo, porque como sea así, en 5 días no consigo platinums para comprar slots ni de coña
Lon slots de warframe son tu número de warframe maximo, si. Pero tranquilo, cuando compras con dinero/platinum o cuando te regalan un warframe te viene con su propio hueco y reactor Orokin instalado.
LepucK escribió:Vale, gracias, entonces perfecto, me veía farmeando a castaña esta semana o comprando platinum para poder quedarme los frames
@Hunk Stalker Al final lo he descargado y no me ha dado tiempo a arrancarlo, así que ni idea de la interfaz, entonces perfecto, por ahora no buscaré clan, gracias
MAKUTOR escribió:Se ha medio filtrado el sistema nuevo para nuevos jugadores, espero que se anime mas gente.
bluebeetle escribió:@MAKUTOR la cinemática inicial que se ha visto es top top
talesia escribió:De parte de TanChan horarios para los drops de la TennoCon .
Efímera de Lotus
Sábado 6 a las 17:00
Sábado 6 a las 22:00
Nekros Prime
Sábado 6 a las 23:59
Domingo 7 a la 12:59
Debéis vincular vuestras cuentas de Twitch y Warframe desde la web oficial.
Y ver los eventos programados por 30 min.
Canal oficial de Warframe: https://www.twitch.tv/warframe
En Mixer también se supone darán los drops pero a mi me funciona mejor Twitch.
Drops o regalos hay casi todos los jueves por los Prime Time y los viernes que hay DevStream. También hay semanas o fines de semana que dan cosas por ver streams de los partners, más info y estar al día siguiendoles en Twitter.
También tienen canal y Twitter en español:
bluebeetle escribió:@xavijan ojalá a partir de ahora las cinemáticas de las aventuras tengan ese nivel, sería brutal
bluebeetle escribió:Yo no lo he podido ver en directo pero pinta tremendo lo que he visto, o de lo que me he enterado hasta ahora. Ojalá tengamos fechas concretas pronto...
talesia escribió:
Códigos Promocionales de ayer:
SIMARISDUCATS - 500 ducados
SIMARISCREDITS - potenciador créditos 3 días
SIMARISDISPLAY - adorno orbitador
IronArthur escribió:talesia escribió:
Códigos Promocionales de ayer:
SIMARISDUCATS - 500 ducados
SIMARISCREDITS - potenciador créditos 3 días
SIMARISDISPLAY - adorno orbitador
Tienen algún truco o caducidad los códigos? estoy probando ahora y no me funcionan.