› Foros › PlayStation 4 › Juegos
diegoobiwan escribió:Viendo la sequia que esta teniendo y la que tendrá los proximos meses la consola, este juego es imprescindible para disfrutar de ella, mínimo 30 horas de diversión nos va dar, que llegue la semana que viene ya.
No si juegos van a salir, me referia a exclusivos,que excepto el Until, lleva una temporada bastante pobre, yo como tengo la one también, pillaré varios de los que has dicho para la otra, me gusta más el mando y el online, por eso me da pena tener abandonada a la ps4 y con el uncharted le daré buen uso otra vez, el año que viene ya será otra historia, pero queda mucho.DRC90 escribió:diegoobiwan escribió:Viendo la sequia que esta teniendo y la que tendrá los proximos meses la consola, este juego es imprescindible para disfrutar de ella, mínimo 30 horas de diversión nos va dar, que llegue la semana que viene ya.
Yo estos meses que vienen tengo el cupo bastante lleno...
Need for speed
Star wars battlefront
El nuevo de south park
Esto sumado a la trilogia de uncharted para mi son 6 juegos en 3 meses que quedan de año, agosto el until dawn y septiembre fifa y nba2k
ello escribió:Me ha sorprendido gratamente la demo, que gráficos mas bonitos, y que fluidez, lastima que el precio se les haya ido bastante...
diegoobiwan escribió:No si juegos van a salir, me referia a exclusivos,que excepto el Until, lleva una temporada bastante pobre, yo como tengo la one también, pillaré varios de los que has dicho para la otra, me gusta más el mando y el online, por eso me da pena tener abandonada a la ps4 y con el uncharted le daré buen uso otra vez, el año que viene ya será otra historia, pero queda mucho.DRC90 escribió:diegoobiwan escribió:Viendo la sequia que esta teniendo y la que tendrá los proximos meses la consola, este juego es imprescindible para disfrutar de ella, mínimo 30 horas de diversión nos va dar, que llegue la semana que viene ya.
Yo estos meses que vienen tengo el cupo bastante lleno...
Need for speed
Star wars battlefront
El nuevo de south park
Esto sumado a la trilogia de uncharted para mi son 6 juegos en 3 meses que quedan de año, agosto el until dawn y septiembre fifa y nba2k
ferry escribió:a mi sinceramente como si es identico a los de ps3...no los cate la pasada generación pero si tuve envidia sana por ellos ...y tenia claro que no me iba a comprar una ps3 para el caso asi que cojonudo para mi poder hacerlo ahora.
Probada la demo y se le notaran los años pero me a gustado mucho y se que naughty no defrauda asi que deseando que llegue el dia 7 para darle duro!
lio92 escribió:ferry escribió:a mi sinceramente como si es identico a los de ps3...no los cate la pasada generación pero si tuve envidia sana por ellos ...y tenia claro que no me iba a comprar una ps3 para el caso asi que cojonudo para mi poder hacerlo ahora.
Probada la demo y se le notaran los años pero me a gustado mucho y se que naughty no defrauda asi que deseando que llegue el dia 7 para darle duro!
Solo decirte que me das mucha envidia.
Yo los he jugado y rejugado (el 2 mas de tres veces) y no los voy a volver a comprar a este precio. Pero es el unico "refrito" que estoy dispuesto a comprar en un tiempo por tenerlo todo junto en la estanteria.
ello escribió:Me ha sorprendido gratamente la demo, que gráficos mas bonitos, y que fluidez, lastima que el precio se les haya ido bastante...
Fredy_ES escribió:Anoche probé la demo y debo decir que tiene un lavado de cara, es verdad, pero es que ya eran dispendios gráficos en su momento y es difícil notar taaanta diferencia. Eso si, los 60 fps le sientan de cine. Luego cuando bajen a 30 fps en Uncharted 4 echaremos de menos algo
elunicoPS4 escribió:Fredy_ES escribió:Anoche probé la demo y debo decir que tiene un lavado de cara, es verdad, pero es que ya eran dispendios gráficos en su momento y es difícil notar taaanta diferencia. Eso si, los 60 fps le sientan de cine. Luego cuando bajen a 30 fps en Uncharted 4 echaremos de menos algo
Jajaja es cierto, pero fijo que en PS5 lo tenemos xD
Megaup escribió:Me acabo de encontrar con esto en NeoGAF:
Supongo que no estara a la venta (letrero azul).
xavi sima escribió:lio92 escribió:ferry escribió:a mi sinceramente como si es identico a los de ps3...no los cate la pasada generación pero si tuve envidia sana por ellos ...y tenia claro que no me iba a comprar una ps3 para el caso asi que cojonudo para mi poder hacerlo ahora.
Probada la demo y se le notaran los años pero me a gustado mucho y se que naughty no defrauda asi que deseando que llegue el dia 7 para darle duro!
Solo decirte que me das mucha envidia.
Yo los he jugado y rejugado (el 2 mas de tres veces) y no los voy a volver a comprar a este precio. Pero es el unico "refrito" que estoy dispuesto a comprar en un tiempo por tenerlo todo junto en la estanteria.
Somos 2, yo vengo de 360 y una de mis motivaciones de comprar una ps4 era para probar lou, los uncharted y el remake de Gow 3, la verdad es que me quedé con ganas de probarlos en su día, ahora estoy fuliendome y flipando con el lou y creo que el Uncharted collection me dará muy buenos ratos ya que me encantan los juegos "tipo" Tomb Raider.
kan3da escribió:el letrero azul es muy bonito...¿qué pone?
Willzaccon escribió:Me acabo de pasar la demo y me ha dejado un poco frío. Igual había escuchado tanto sobre la trilogía cuando salieron en ps3 que me monté la película. Me temo que el paso de los años ha hecho mella en aspectos jugables sobre todo. Lo pongo en la lista aun así para cuando este de oferta.
Willzaccon escribió:Me acabo de pasar la demo y me ha dejado un poco frío. Igual había escuchado tanto sobre la trilogía cuando salieron en ps3 que me monté la película. Me temo que el paso de los años ha hecho mella en aspectos jugables sobre todo. Lo pongo en la lista aun así para cuando este de oferta.
ElHuerfano escribió:Bueno, después de pasarme la demo como 10 veces, comprobado que si desactivais el difuminado veréis el juego más nítido.
ElHuerfano escribió:Bueno, después de pasarme la demo como 10 veces, comprobado que si desactivais el difuminado veréis el juego más nítido.
JhOnNY_HD escribió:ElHuerfano escribió:Bueno, después de pasarme la demo como 10 veces, comprobado que si desactivais el difuminado veréis el juego más nítido.
Lo siento pero es que me ha hecho gracia algo tan obvio.
Esperemos que esta vez Sony se curre la predescarga que son 45Gb joder
Mariguano escribió:Los que juzgan y dicen quedarse frios tras pasarse la demo deberian de pararse a pensar un rato antes de escribir.
Son 10 puñeteros minutos de una demo. Que carajos de opinion se puede formar uno con eso?
10 minutos de un total de 30 horas aproximadamente...(10 horas por juego mas menos)
Y si, un servidor que ha jugado a los 3 ya y los tiene pasados reconoce que los años se le notan, pero aun asi, acabando la demo me quede con ganas de más, de mucho más, porque ya se todo lo que ofrece y epics moments que hay sin mostrar.
Pero por 10 minutos de demo aventurarse a juzgarlo me parece demasié.
Mas una zona que sin el contexto de la historia te quedas pues igual, que ni fu ni fa pero si ya vas puesto en el papel aseguro que ya la cosa cambia.
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered
Unlock all Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 10 Treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 30 Treasures
Proffessional Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 50 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Brutal Brawler
Kill 5 Enemies with Brutal Combo
Brutal Slugger
Kill 20 Enemies with Brutal Combo
Brutal Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Brutal Combo
Triple Dyno-Might!
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Dyno-Might Master
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion 5 Times
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Steel Fist
Kill 5 Enemies with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
20 Kills: Desert – 5
Kill 20 Enemies with the Desert 5
20 Kills: Wes – 44
Kill 20 Enemies with the Wes – 44
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: M79
Kill 30 Enemies with the M79
30 Kills: MP40
Kill 30 Enemies with the MP40
50 Kills: PM – 9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the PM – 9mm
50 Kills: Moss – 12
Kill 50 Enemies with the Moss – 12
50 Kills: AK-47
Kill 50 Enemies with the AK-47
Shoot Some B-Roll For Elena
Explore Photo Mode
These Walls Can’t Stop Me
Beat Chapter 5 – The Fortress in less than 10 minutes
Up a Short Creek Without a Paddle
Beat Chapter 12 – Heading upriver in less than 5 minutes
A Speedy Reunion
Beat Chapter 16 – The Treasure Vault in less than 7 minutes
Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)
Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Djinn With a Sniper Rifle
Kill an Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Deceptively
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Leader of the Pack
Compare Statistics with Friends
Neediest for Speediest
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 4 Hours and 15 Minutes
Cheaters Gonna Cheat
Activate a Tweak
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered
Earn all Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 Treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Bare-knucle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knucle Slugger
Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knuckle Expert
Defeat 10 Enemies in a row with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Dyno-might Master
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Steel Fist Master
Kill 20 Enemies with a Single Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Desert – 5
Kill 30 Enemies with the Desert 5
30 Kills: Wes – 44
Kill 30 Enemies with the Wes – 44
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 50 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: Moss – 12
Kill 30 Enemies with the Moss – 12
30 Kills: RPG-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
50 Kills: SAS-12
Kill 50 Enemies with the SAS-12
20 Kills: Pistole
Kill 20 Enemies with the Pistole
50 Kills: M32-Hammer
Kill 50 Enemies with the M32-Hammer
50 Kills: FAL
Kill 50 Enemies with the FAL
New Paparazzi in town
Explore Photo Mode
Staying Dry
Beat Chapter 3 – Borneo in less than 6 minutes 30 seconds
Quick Jaunt Through a Warzone
Beat Chapter 5 – Urban Warfare in less than 7 minutes 30 seconds
Bullett Train from Hell
Beat Chapter 13 – Locomotion in less than 7 minutes
Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)
Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Guardians With a Sniper Rifle
Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Among Thieves
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
Too Fat Too Furious
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Take Me to Your Leader
Compare Statistics with Friends
Needer for Speeder
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 3 Hours and 30 minutes
Cheat Hard to Cheat Harder
Activate a Tweak
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered
Earn all Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 Treasures
Skilled Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Adept Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Bare-knuckle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knucle Slugger
Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Dyno-Might Master
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Combat Leapfrog
Kill 10 Enemies in a Row, Alternating Hand-to-Hand Combat and Gunfire
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
Side Arm Master
Defeat 30 Enemies in a Row with Your Side Arm
Reload Master
Defeat 50 Enemies in a Row Without Auto-Reloading
Blindfire Marksman
Defeat 20 Enemies by Blind-Firing While in Cover (without aiming)
Defeat 10 Enemies with Thrown-Back Grenades
Throwback Master
Throw Back a Grenade and Defeat 2 Enemies at Once
He’s gonna Need a Sturgeon
Hit 3 Enemies with Fish in the Market
Riot Rocker
Kill 5 Riot Shield Enemies by Running Over Their Shield
Land Shark
Defeat 20 Enemies While Swimming
Brute Beater
Succesfully Counter all of a Brute’s Damage-Giving Attacks
Marco Solo
Play in the Swimming Pool on the Cruise Ship
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: M9
Kill 30 Enemies with the M9
30 Kills: RPG-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
30 Kills: SAS-12
Kill 30 Enemies with the SAS-12
30 Kills: Arm Micro
Kill 30 Enemies with the Arm Micro
30 Kills: G-MAL
Kill 30 Enemies with the G-MAL
30 Kills: KAL-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the KAL-7
30 Kills: Mag 5
Kill 30 Enemies with the Mag 5
30 Kills: PAK-80
Kill 30 Enemies with the PAK-80
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper
30 Kills: Tau Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Tau Sniper
Explore Photo Mode
Outrun the Flames
Beat ’Chapter 7- Stay in the Light’ in less than 9 minutes 30 seconds
Catch that Plane!
Beat ’Chapter 16 – One Shot at This’ in less than 12 minutes
My Horse is Faster
Beat ’Chapter 20 – Caravan’ in less than 15 minutes
Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)
Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Djinn With a Sniper Rifle
Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Deceptively
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Leader of the Pack
Compare statistics with Friends
Neediest for Speediest
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 4 Hours 15 Minutes
Cheaters Gonna Cheat
Activate a Tweak
Mr Hoo escribió:Bueno ya se ha filtrado la lista de trofeos de los 3 juegos ( a falta de verificar que sean 100% correctos, los he sacado de psn profiles), al parecer para el platino son exactamente los mismos que para Ps3 solo que han añadido unos pocos extra más , que no hace falta sacarlos para el platino pero si para el 100%, como por ejemplo uno relacionado con la nueva dificultad (llamada "brutal"), repito a falta de confirmación 100% oficial, la dejo aquiUncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered
Unlock all Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 10 Treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 30 Treasures
Proffessional Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 50 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Brutal Brawler
Kill 5 Enemies with Brutal Combo
Brutal Slugger
Kill 20 Enemies with Brutal Combo
Brutal Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Brutal Combo
Triple Dyno-Might!
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Dyno-Might Master
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion 5 Times
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Steel Fist
Kill 5 Enemies with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
20 Kills: Desert – 5
Kill 20 Enemies with the Desert 5
20 Kills: Wes – 44
Kill 20 Enemies with the Wes – 44
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: M79
Kill 30 Enemies with the M79
30 Kills: MP40
Kill 30 Enemies with the MP40
50 Kills: PM – 9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the PM – 9mm
50 Kills: Moss – 12
Kill 50 Enemies with the Moss – 12
50 Kills: AK-47
Kill 50 Enemies with the AK-47
Shoot Some B-Roll For Elena
Explore Photo Mode
These Walls Can’t Stop Me
Beat Chapter 5 – The Fortress in less than 10 minutes
Up a Short Creek Without a Paddle
Beat Chapter 12 – Heading upriver in less than 5 minutes
A Speedy Reunion
Beat Chapter 16 – The Treasure Vault in less than 7 minutes
Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)
Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Djinn With a Sniper Rifle
Kill an Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Deceptively
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Leader of the Pack
Compare Statistics with Friends
Neediest for Speediest
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 4 Hours and 15 Minutes
Cheaters Gonna Cheat
Activate a Tweak
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered
Earn all Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 Treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
250 Headshots
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Bare-knucle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knucle Slugger
Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knuckle Expert
Defeat 10 Enemies in a row with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Dyno-might Master
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Steel Fist Master
Kill 20 Enemies with a Single Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Steel Fist Expert
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Desert – 5
Kill 30 Enemies with the Desert 5
30 Kills: Wes – 44
Kill 30 Enemies with the Wes – 44
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 50 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: M4
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: Moss – 12
Kill 30 Enemies with the Moss – 12
30 Kills: RPG-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
50 Kills: SAS-12
Kill 50 Enemies with the SAS-12
20 Kills: Pistole
Kill 20 Enemies with the Pistole
50 Kills: M32-Hammer
Kill 50 Enemies with the M32-Hammer
50 Kills: FAL
Kill 50 Enemies with the FAL
New Paparazzi in town
Explore Photo Mode
Staying Dry
Beat Chapter 3 – Borneo in less than 6 minutes 30 seconds
Quick Jaunt Through a Warzone
Beat Chapter 5 – Urban Warfare in less than 7 minutes 30 seconds
Bullett Train from Hell
Beat Chapter 13 – Locomotion in less than 7 minutes
Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)
Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Guardians With a Sniper Rifle
Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Among Thieves
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
Too Fat Too Furious
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Take Me to Your Leader
Compare Statistics with Friends
Needer for Speeder
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 3 Hours and 30 minutes
Cheat Hard to Cheat Harder
Activate a Tweak
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered
Earn all Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure
Find 1 Treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter
Find 20 Treasures
Skilled Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures
Adept Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Bare-knuckle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knucle Slugger
Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Dyno-Might Master
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Combat Leapfrog
Kill 10 Enemies in a Row, Alternating Hand-to-Hand Combat and Gunfire
Master Ninja
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
Side Arm Master
Defeat 30 Enemies in a Row with Your Side Arm
Reload Master
Defeat 50 Enemies in a Row Without Auto-Reloading
Blindfire Marksman
Defeat 20 Enemies by Blind-Firing While in Cover (without aiming)
Defeat 10 Enemies with Thrown-Back Grenades
Throwback Master
Throw Back a Grenade and Defeat 2 Enemies at Once
He’s gonna Need a Sturgeon
Hit 3 Enemies with Fish in the Market
Riot Rocker
Kill 5 Riot Shield Enemies by Running Over Their Shield
Land Shark
Defeat 20 Enemies While Swimming
Brute Beater
Succesfully Counter all of a Brute’s Damage-Giving Attacks
Marco Solo
Play in the Swimming Pool on the Cruise Ship
30 Kills: Mk-NDI
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: M9
Kill 30 Enemies with the M9
30 Kills: RPG-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
30 Kills: SAS-12
Kill 30 Enemies with the SAS-12
30 Kills: Arm Micro
Kill 30 Enemies with the Arm Micro
30 Kills: G-MAL
Kill 30 Enemies with the G-MAL
30 Kills: KAL-7
Kill 30 Enemies with the KAL-7
30 Kills: Mag 5
Kill 30 Enemies with the Mag 5
30 Kills: PAK-80
Kill 30 Enemies with the PAK-80
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper
30 Kills: Tau Sniper
Kill 30 Enemies with the Tau Sniper
Explore Photo Mode
Outrun the Flames
Beat ’Chapter 7- Stay in the Light’ in less than 9 minutes 30 seconds
Catch that Plane!
Beat ’Chapter 16 – One Shot at This’ in less than 12 minutes
My Horse is Faster
Beat ’Chapter 20 – Caravan’ in less than 15 minutes
Extended Collection Trophies (not required for Platinum)
Charted! – Brutal
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers
Defeat 5 Djinn With a Sniper Rifle
Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Deceptively
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Leader of the Pack
Compare statistics with Friends
Neediest for Speediest
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 4 Hours 15 Minutes
Cheaters Gonna Cheat
Activate a Tweak
CaptainJL escribió:Joder pues parece que la iluminación en la versión de ps4 es peor
Carracuca escribió:Mariguano escribió:Los que juzgan y dicen quedarse frios tras pasarse la demo deberian de pararse a pensar un rato antes de escribir.
Son 10 puñeteros minutos de una demo. Que carajos de opinion se puede formar uno con eso?
10 minutos de un total de 30 horas aproximadamente...(10 horas por juego mas menos)
Y si, un servidor que ha jugado a los 3 ya y los tiene pasados reconoce que los años se le notan, pero aun asi, acabando la demo me quede con ganas de más, de mucho más, porque ya se todo lo que ofrece y epics moments que hay sin mostrar.
Pero por 10 minutos de demo aventurarse a juzgarlo me parece demasié.
Mas una zona que sin el contexto de la historia te quedas pues igual, que ni fu ni fa pero si ya vas puesto en el papel aseguro que ya la cosa cambia.
playerps3 escribió:Aquí una comparación de DigitalFoundry;
Se ve mejor el de PS3, sí
elunicoPS4 escribió:DF, análisis gráfico comparativo de el primer Uncharted: