Los precios del bazar de Brasil están hechos con la conversión Real Brasileño>Euro , o por el contrario Real Brasileño>Dólar Estadounidense>Euro?
Es que en la página de facturación de Microsoft me pone esto:
IMPORTANTE: Todos los precios que aparecen en reales brasileños son meramente una referencia ya que se trata de transacciones internacionales y el precio final de cualquier producto está sujeto a las variaciones de la tasa de cambio y a la suma del IOF, sin emisión de facturas electrónicas (NFe).
Más información
Si pulso en más información me pone esto:
Why are Brazilian credit card statement transactions listed in US dollars?
If you are a customer paying for Microsoft services with a credit card in Brazil, your bank may have recently changed their policies regarding how they handle international transactions when using a credit card. Because of this, your bank may apply additional banking fees or taxes to your transactions, or may have declined some of your transactions involving purchases from international merchants.
To ensure that you can continue to enjoy your Microsoft services while complying with banking policies and Brazilian government regulations, we have begun automatically converting transactions based on BRL into US dollars using currency exchange rates that are set at the time your credit card is invoiced. Therefore, your bank's credit card statement will show these transactions in US dollars which may not match the prices in BRL that are listed in your transaction history since these prices are affected by exchange rates and any additional international transaction fees or taxes imposed on those transactions.