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Spire escribió:¿Cuando se tiene previsto que se pronuncien la CMA y la UE? Por lo que leo eso va a ser lo decisivo porque la FTC casi siempre pierde esos juicios. ¿Sabéis si las resoluciones de la CMA y la UE se pueden apelar o llevar a juicio?
Pero vamos que si lo que dice la FTC sobre Redfall y Starfield es cierto, da igual lo que haga la FTC porque imagino que la UE nunca lo aprobaría.
VicenHuelva escribió:Yo, tomandomelo en serio y dejando el cachondeo de lado, no concibo que MS mienta y diga que va a sacar juegos multi si no lo va a hacer, es que no me cabe en la cabeza que mientan a un organismo regulador.
triki1 escribió:VicenHuelva escribió:Yo, tomandomelo en serio y dejando el cachondeo de lado, no concibo que MS mienta y diga que va a sacar juegos multi si no lo va a hacer, es que no me cabe en la cabeza que mientan a un organismo regulador.
Una gran corporacion mintiendo por sus intereses?Algo inaudito........... No digo que lo hayan hecho pero desde luego yo no me jugaria 20 centimos por ellos.
PD: 23 paginas de resolucion, no es tan largo despues de todo.......
VicenHuelva escribió:Yo, tomandomelo en serio y dejando el cachondeo de lado, no concibo que MS mienta y diga que va a sacar juegos multi si no lo va a hacer, es que no me cabe en la cabeza que mientan a un organismo regulador.
triki1 escribió:Pagina 4.......
14. These effects are likely to be felt throughout the video gaming industry. The
Proposed Acquisition is reasonably likely to substantially lessen competition and/or tend to
create a monopoly in both well-developed and new
Con la adquisicion de Activision es razonablemente probable que MS tenga el monopolio en los mercados actuales..........asi que MS va a suprimir de un plumazo a Sony y Nintendo del mercado de las consolas. Ok, es bueno saberlo. Se pone interesante la cosa.
triki1 escribió:Spire escribió:¿Cuando se tiene previsto que se pronuncien la CMA y la UE? Por lo que leo eso va a ser lo decisivo porque la FTC casi siempre pierde esos juicios. ¿Sabéis si las resoluciones de la CMA y la UE se pueden apelar o llevar a juicio?
Pero vamos que si lo que dice la FTC sobre Redfall y Starfield es cierto, da igual lo que haga la FTC porque imagino que la UE nunca lo aprobaría.
La UE parece que no debio poner muchas pegas en su analisis inicial al acuerdo, buscaban alguna concesion y poco mas. La CMA si es mucho mas problematica para los intereses de MS porque el analisis inicial era contrario aunque ahora la resolucion la dictaminan personas completamente diferentes. El problema para MS con la CMA( o la ventaja para Sony) es que solo se puede apelar a una especie de tribunal superior dentro de la propia CMA y éste digamos que mira solo si ha habido defectos de forma y poco mas, es casi imposible que haga cambiar un veredicto. Respecto a la UE no tengo ni idea de como son los mecanismos de revision regulatorios, otras sentencias contra la competencia si se pueden apelar a los tribunales pero en el caso de estas regulaciones de fusiones ni idea de como va el tema.
El calendario fijado mas o menos es que el borrador de la sentencia de la CMA saldria en Enero ( especulaban con que seria a comienzos de mes) y que practicamente no cambiaria en su resolucion final, el de la UE algo mas adelante. Pero vamos, parece ser que quien corta el bacalao decide el tema es la CMA. Si la CMA vota en contra fin de la historia, si la aprueba lo de la UE se da por hecho y con la FTC pues MS se tendria que pegar. Y el tema de la FTC tambien tiene su "misterio" porque de primeras se tiene que resolver en un tribunal interno de la FTC y este lo pueden alargar mas o menos lo que crean necesario lo que les sirve en ocasiones para tumbar acuerdo. Y para MS si este tribunal tambien es contrario puede ir a los tribunales federales. Tiene el problema del calendario fijado en el acuerdo aunque eso parece que se puede modificar aunque no de manera eterna, que es lo que puede hacer la FTC en su tribunal "interno". Aunque parece ser que ahora debe de haber algun caso de una empresa que tuvo algun lio de estos con la FTC ante el tribunal supremo para que se pueda ir directamente a los tribunales federales, tiene que dictaminar y sentaria jurisprudencia.
@mocolostrocolos Agosto del 2023? Éstos se creen que es una cita de la sanidad publica española o algo asi?
mocolostrocolos escribió:triki1 escribió:Pagina 4.......
14. These effects are likely to be felt throughout the video gaming industry. The
Proposed Acquisition is reasonably likely to substantially lessen competition and/or tend to
create a monopoly in both well-developed and new
Con la adquisicion de Activision es razonablemente probable que MS tenga el monopolio en los mercados actuales..........asi que MS va a suprimir de un plumazo a Sony y Nintendo del mercado de las consolas. Ok, es bueno saberlo. Se pone interesante la cosa.
Deben tener más información que nosotros para juzgar la adquisición como un posible monopolio.
Posiblemente Sony decida dejar de fabricar consolas y Nintendo pase a hacer albóndigas como IKEA.
triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
"Microsoft will not make any existing ZeniMax games exclusive to Xbox. They will continue to be available for purchase for PCs and other gaming hardware for which they are currently available, which will ensure that they continue to be available to current players of those games. Microsoft will not be removing players' access to any current games, no matter where they currently play."
"For future ZeniMax games, Microsoft intends to make these games available for purchase on PC and, where the games are designed as native mobile games, on mobile devices running both iOS and Android. Future decisions on whether to distribute ZeniMax games for other consoles will be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account player demand and sentiment, Microsoft's strategic and financial goals, and the willingness of third-party gaming hardware providers to run Microsoft games and services."
mocolostrocolos escribió:triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
El problema es que la FTC está cogiendo solo la parte que le interesa de la resolución de Zenimax para bloquear la compra y omite esto:"Microsoft will not make any existing ZeniMax games exclusive to Xbox. They will continue to be available for purchase for PCs and other gaming hardware for which they are currently available, which will ensure that they continue to be available to current players of those games. Microsoft will not be removing players' access to any current games, no matter where they currently play."
"For future ZeniMax games, Microsoft intends to make these games available for purchase on PC and, where the games are designed as native mobile games, on mobile devices running both iOS and Android. Future decisions on whether to distribute ZeniMax games for other consoles will be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account player demand and sentiment, Microsoft's strategic and financial goals, and the willingness of third-party gaming hardware providers to run Microsoft games and services."
triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
El Hombre Araña escribió:Si de verdad Microsoft ha mentido, ¿a alguien le sorprende? Lo que no entiendo es cómo pueden mentir de esa manera, sabiendo que te van a pillar en la mentira a los dos días...
La han CAGADO pero bien.
ZeniMax publishes popular game franchises (such as “The Elder Scrolls” and
“Fallout”), which enjoy recognition by players. However, despite the commercial
success of these titles, Microsoft would not have the ability to foreclose rival console
distributors by refusing to make ZeniMax games available on rival consoles or
degrading the terms under which these games are made available.
Third, exclusivity strategies are not uncommon and have already been adopted by
rival consoles, with video games that performed better than ZeniMax titles.100 Such
exclusive games have contributed to drive the success of Nintendo and Sony
consoles,101 which have a stronger market position compared to Microsoft’s Xbox.102
In this regard, almost all respondents to the market investigation consider that
Microsoft currently holds the least attractive exclusive content compared to Sony
Even if the combined entity was to engage in a (total or partial) input foreclosure
strategy, the Commission considers that such a strategy would not have a material
impact on competition in the EEA. Rival consoles would not be deprived of an
essential input, and could still rely on a large array of valuable video game content to
attract players
El Hombre Araña escribió:triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
El problema no es el juego, bien podría ser un clon de Superman 64, el problema es MENTIR, y Microsoft ha mentido, pero además de manera penosa, porque le han pillado la mentira a los dos días .
triki1 escribió:mocolostrocolos escribió:triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
El problema es que la FTC está cogiendo solo la parte que le interesa de la resolución de Zenimax para bloquear la compra y omite esto:"Microsoft will not make any existing ZeniMax games exclusive to Xbox. They will continue to be available for purchase for PCs and other gaming hardware for which they are currently available, which will ensure that they continue to be available to current players of those games. Microsoft will not be removing players' access to any current games, no matter where they currently play."
"For future ZeniMax games, Microsoft intends to make these games available for purchase on PC and, where the games are designed as native mobile games, on mobile devices running both iOS and Android. Future decisions on whether to distribute ZeniMax games for other consoles will be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account player demand and sentiment, Microsoft's strategic and financial goals, and the willingness of third-party gaming hardware providers to run Microsoft games and services."
Haciendo una analogia han cortado un video a la mitad para justificar una posicion que enseñando el video completo no tendria justificacion alguna.. Pero oye.........
Don_Boqueronnn escribió:No me lo creo vamos, no puede ser que haya alguien tan subnormal a esos niveles de profundidad jajaja, en fin, que miedo
triki1 escribió:El Hombre Araña escribió:triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
El problema no es el juego, bien podría ser un clon de Superman 64, el problema es MENTIR, y Microsoft ha mentido, pero además de manera penosa, porque le han pillado la mentira a los dos días .
Con el debido respeto, tu has leido los mensajes anteriores?
triki1 escribió:Don_Boqueronnn escribió:No me lo creo vamos, no puede ser que haya alguien tan subnormal a esos niveles de profundidad jajaja, en fin, que miedo
https://news.microsoft.com/wp-content/u ... eniMax.pdf
Don_Boqueronnn escribió:triki1 escribió:Don_Boqueronnn escribió:No me lo creo vamos, no puede ser que haya alguien tan subnormal a esos niveles de profundidad jajaja, en fin, que miedo
https://news.microsoft.com/wp-content/u ... eniMax.pdf
Si, si he recordado las declaraciones que dijeron conforme lo he leído de tu mensaje anterior, pero que me extraña el nivel tan profundo de incapacidad mental de gente que se presupone sería para temas de esta envergadura, no es admisible tanta ineptitud, independientemente de que lo hayan hecho adrede y simplemente cualquier excusa valiese, es decir, juicio si o si, no me cabe en la cabeza que hayan podido quedar con el culo tan al aire, qué barbaridad.
Asumo que el juicio si será más serio, obviamente, porque vamos, qué locura.
triki1 escribió:The gaming industry recognizes a limited top tier of independent game publishers, sometimes referred to as the “Big 4” or simply the AAA publishers: Activision, Electronic Arts, Take-Two, and Ubisoft. These publishers reliably produce AAA games for high-performance consoles and collectively own a significant portion of the most valuable IP in the gaming industry. These high-profile franchises include, for example, Call of Duty (Activision), FIFA (EA), Grand Theft Auto (Take-Two), and Assassin’s Creed (Ubisoft).
47. Only a few other studios are typically credited with releasing AAA games. Epic Games, maker of Fortnite, a free-to-play game that is currently one of the most popular games in the United States, is sometimes viewed within the industry as a AAA-level publisher, such that industry participants will sometimes refer to the “Big 4 + Epic.”
Ok, parece que solo importan Activision, EA, Take Two, Ubi y Epic asi que supongo que no habria problema en que MS o Sony comprasen empresas como Square, Capcom, Sega, Embracer,Konami,CD Projekt,etc....no?
Heracles15 escribió:triki1 escribió:The gaming industry recognizes a limited top tier of independent game publishers, sometimes referred to as the “Big 4” or simply the AAA publishers: Activision, Electronic Arts, Take-Two, and Ubisoft. These publishers reliably produce AAA games for high-performance consoles and collectively own a significant portion of the most valuable IP in the gaming industry. These high-profile franchises include, for example, Call of Duty (Activision), FIFA (EA), Grand Theft Auto (Take-Two), and Assassin’s Creed (Ubisoft).
47. Only a few other studios are typically credited with releasing AAA games. Epic Games, maker of Fortnite, a free-to-play game that is currently one of the most popular games in the United States, is sometimes viewed within the industry as a AAA-level publisher, such that industry participants will sometimes refer to the “Big 4 + Epic.”
Ok, parece que solo importan Activision, EA, Take Two, Ubi y Epic asi que supongo que no habria problema en que MS o Sony comprasen empresas como Square, Capcom, Sega, Embracer,Konami,CD Projekt,etc....no?
En cierto sentido tienen razón. Me explico: EA, Ubi y Activision tienen la capacidad de sacar uno o varios triple A anuales y vender 10millones. Take Two con Rockstar y GTA es el rey Midas. Los otros que mencionas, en términos económicos , no pueden competir. Si bien es cierto que un The Witcher, un Final fantasy o un Monster Hunter venden millonadas, son juegos que salen cada muchos años. Yo creo que aquí se está midiendo solo la capacidad económica y el número de ventas, no le veo otra explicación para ver su lógica.
triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
kron-ragnarok escribió:triki1 escribió:Juro por Dios que recibo de vez en cuando notificaciones de Hacienda en la empresa con mucha mas "materia legal" y fundamentos que esta resolucion.............de verdad se bloquea o aprueba un acuerdo de cerca de 70000 millones con este texto digno de la ESO? Hombre, no me jodas. Lo de Zenimax
Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by Microsoft to
European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close,
after the EC cleared the transaction, Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. For
example, although previous titles in ZeniMax’s franchise were released on
PlayStation, Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming will be available only
on Xbox consoles, Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services. Microsoft has also
stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly anticipated new games in development at the
time of Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
exclusives upon release.
115. Microsoft’s previous representations to the EC about its incentives after its
purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead,
Microsoft put its true post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play them on a
competing product. Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles through the end of
Activision’s existing agreement with Sony (i.e., through ).
Redfall uno de los grandes juegos anticipados durante la compra de Zenimax? Pero si no se sabia nada de él, solo que los de Arkane Austin estaban desarrollando un juego, nada mas, y los anteriores que habian sacado habian vendido bastante poco. Yo ya no se.......
Se anunció(sin plataformas aún), en 2018.
Se anunció la compra de zenimax por parte de microsoft en septiembre de 2020(en plena pandemia).
A todas luces, a sido un tiro en el pie a lo Froilán de microsoft.
Polnareff escribió:entonces por ejemplo, ¿si Sony o Microsoft comprasen a Bandai Namco, con todas sus franquicias, no se investigaria como este caso? me sorprende
John_Dilinger escribió:Que mal pinta esto para Microsoft..
John_Dilinger escribió:Que mal pinta esto para Microsoft..
BaTSu80s escribió:John_Dilinger escribió:Que mal pinta esto para Microsoft..
Para Ms no, para los jugadores. Tendremos que seguir pagando 70-80€ por jugar COD entre otros tantos
triki1 escribió:BaTSu80s escribió:John_Dilinger escribió:Que mal pinta esto para Microsoft..
Para Ms no, para los jugadores. Tendremos que seguir pagando 70-80€ por jugar COD entre otros tantos
Bueno, de primeras tampoco iban a meter el COD en Gamepass por los contratos con Sony.
BaTSu80s escribió:John_Dilinger escribió:Que mal pinta esto para Microsoft..
Para Ms no, para los jugadores. Tendremos que seguir pagando 70-80€ por jugar COD entre otros tantos
Algarro14 escribió:@triki1 pues mismamente el diablo IV, que con suerte se retrasa y logra entrar para cuando acabe todo esto.
John_Dilinger escribió:Que mal pinta esto para Microsoft..
mocolostrocolos escribió:Ayer mismo saltó la noticia de que los trabajadores de Blizzard están echando más horas que un reloj para poder sacar Diablo IV a tiempo para la fecha prevista porque no quieren retrasarlo más.