@mocolostrocolos Pero es lo que estoy diciendo. Si estuvieran tranquilos, por que tienen que "reafirmar" nada?
Porque no es como si nadie hubiera preguntado nada. Ni MS ni ABK, ni mucho menos la UE, han cuestionado, ni siquiera mencionado, la decisión de la CMA. Que necesidad tenían de decir que la decisión de la UE es equivocada?
Porque esa es otra. No han dicho "nuestra decisión es esa", han dicho con todas las letras que la UE se ha equivocado (aunque después hayan dicho que "reconocen y respetan que la UE tiene derecho a una opinión distinta")... sin que nadie les haya dicho nada.
Si lo han hecho, es porque están sufriendo presiones en UK.
Sacado del MLex. Hay algunas cosas interesantes que dijo la señora Verstager. Me gustan mucho las que están en negrita (mía).
- A 10-year commitment to license the developer's games catalog "significantly improves the conditions for the emergence of cloud game streaming."
- Vestager said that"remedies will make [Activision's games] available for millions of consumers" in Europe, regardless of the operating system they use. "We think this is pro-competitive ... We think the remedies will kick-start this market."
- "We end up with a different conclusion based on how we see the nascent cloud streaming market start," she said.
- She said that her competition department officials conducted two market tests and received positive responses from cloud gaming services in the US and the EU, as well as European game developers and EU consumer groups.
- She pushed back at the idea that the "behavioural" remedy accepted might be hard to monitor or enforce. A commitment to license all-comers for free was "very simple" and "not hard to monitor," she argued. Non-compliance would be obvious to anyone seeking a license.
- She said that the difference between behavioural and structural remedies was a "gray zone" in the digital sector. "If you make a free license for 10 years, is that then a partial divestiture? Have you sold the game?"
- Vestager also countered claims by the CMA that accepting the remedy was akin to regulating or tampering with a new and fast-growing market. She claimed it was "future proof," since the games will be available to cloud-streaming services regardless of their computer operating system or business model. It's not "prescribing anything."
Uno de los principales argumentos de la CMA para no aceptar remedios comportamentales era que sería imposible hacer la verificación. Ahí está la señora Verstager diciendo que es la cosa más fácil del mundo, si MS no hace algo que había prometido, pues vendrá la empresa que no consiguió la licencia y les dirá.