› Foros › PlayStation 3 › General
July 2010
PS3 Game: Little Big Planet, Wipe-Out HD.
Minis: Field Runners, Age of Zombies.
PS1 Game: Destruction Derby.
Demos: Mod Nation Racers, Heavy Rain, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
One Hour Game Trial: Savage, Shatter Moon.
Themes: Little Big Planet Theme, Play Station ‘‘Game is just a start’’ Theme.
Avatars: Fat Princess Avatars.
Game Add on: Kill Zone 2 Content.
Discounts: Gravity Crash – 20%, Fat Princess Add on – 20%, Little Big Planet God of War & Loco Rocco Costume Packs – 50%.
August 2010
PS3 Game: Zen Pinball.
Minis: Alien Zombie Death, Blast-Off.
PS1 Game: Medievil.
Demos: Mafia 2, Pixel Junk Shooter, R.U.S.E.
One Hour Game Trial: Infamous, Mushroom Wars.
Themes: Clock Theme, SCEE Play Station Theme.
Avatars: Heavy Rain Avatars.
Game Add on: Motor Storm: Pacific Rift Content.
Discounts: Wipe-Out HD – 20%, Pixel Junk Racers: 2nd Lap – 20%, Tomb Raider – 20%, Super Stardust HD – 20%, War Hawk Triple Combo Pack – 50%, GTI Club – 50%.
September 2010
PS3 Game: Sam and Max: Episodes 1-5.
Minis: Echoes, Vector Tower Defence.
PS1 Game: Odd World: Abe’s Odyssey.
Demos: CastleVania: Lords of Shadow, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Inferno Pool, War Hawk.
Themes: Fish Tank Theme, Play Station Move Theme, After Burner Climax Theme.
Avatars: Eye Pet Avatars.
Game Add on: UFC Undisputed 2010 Content.
Discounts: Pixel Junk Shooter – 20%, War Hawk – 50%, Metal Gear Solid – 50%, Little Big Planet ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Costume Packs.
October 2010
PS3 Game: Street Fighter 2 HD Remix.
Minis: Aero Racer, Yeti Sports.
PS1 Game: Kula World.
Demos: Kill-Zone 3 [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Ferrari: The Race Experience, Tomb Raider Underworld, Hustle Kings.
Themes: Halloween Theme, Start the Party Theme, Kill-Zone 3 Theme.
Avatars: Pain Avatars, Sing Star Avatars.
Game Add on: Burn Zombie Burn Content, Fall-Out 3 Content.
Discounts: Ace Armstrong Vs the Alien Scumbags – 20%, Alien Breed: Impact – 20%, Red Dead Redemption: Un-dead Nightmare – 20%, Burn Zombie Burn – 50%, Gravity Crash – 50%, Trine – 50%, Shatter Music & Theme – 50%.
November 2010
PS3 Game: Critter Crunch.
Minis: Bloons, Vempire.
PS1 Game: Syphon Filter.
Demos: Vanquish Survival Mode.
One Hour Game Trial: God of War 1, God of War 2, Red Faction Guerrilla.
Themes: Dead Nation Theme, MUBI Theme, Shapes Theme, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Theme.
Avatars: Dead Nation Avatars, MAG Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Penny Arcade Part 1 and 2 – BOGOF, Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess – BOGOF, Who’s That Flying? – BOGOF, God of War Collection – 20%, Dead Nation – 20%, Red Faction: Guerrilla – 20%, Crazy Taxi – 20%, Play TV: Live Chat Upgrade – 25%, Land it Bandit – 50%, Punisher: No Mercy – 50%.
December 2010
PS3 Game: Cuboid, Sack-Boy’s Prehistoric Moves.
Minis: Bubble Trubble, Dracula: Undead Awakening, A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks.
PS1 Game: Odd World: Abe’s Exoddus.
Demos: DC Universe Online [Beta], Little Big Planet 2 [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Assassins Creed, Prototype.
Themes: Lava Lamp Theme, Snowman Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Dead Nation Avatars, Hustle Kings Avatars.
Game Add on: Play Station Home Content, Little Big Planet PSP Turbo Pack.
Discounts: Impossible Mission & Super Fruit Fall Deluxe – BOGOF, Any NEO GEO Station Launch Titles – 20%, Dead Nation – 20%, Eat Them – 20%, Play TV Live Chat – 25%, Blokus – 25%, Battlefield 1943 – 40%, Age of Hammer Wars – 50%, Greed Corps – 50%, Punisher: No Mercy – 50%.
January 2011
PS3 Game: Shatter, Samurai Showdown.
Minis: Kahoots, Pipe Madness.
PS1 Game: G-Police.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: Border Lands, Mass Effect 2.
Themes: Fire Theme, Chinese Year of the Rabbit Theme, Sonic 4: Episode 1 Theme.
Avatars: Eat Them Avatars, Super Street Fighter 4 Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Costume Quest: Grubbins On Ice – 20%, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite – 20%, Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max – 20%, Modern Combat Domination – 25%, Play TV Live Chat – 25%, Battlefield 1943 – 40%, Cap Com Classics Reloaded – 40%, Cap Com Puzzle World – 40%, Dark Stalkers Chronicles – 40%, Mega Man Maverick Hunter – 40%, Power Stone Collection – 40%, Cap Com Classics Remixed – 50%, Fate Unlimited – 60%.
February 2011
PS3 Game: Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West, Stacking, Magician Lord.
Minis: Break Quest, I Must Run, Karimogi, Flying Hamster.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Kill-Zone 3, Yakuza 4.
One Hour Game Trial: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
Themes: Cloud Theme, Symbolic Art Theme.
Avatars: Echo Chrome Avatars, Mod-Nation Racers Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Alpha Mission 2 – 20%, Art of Fighting – 20%, Boom Beats – 20%, The King of Fighters ’94 – 20%, Metal Slug – 20%, Samurai Showdown – 20%, Black-Light: Tango Down – 25%, Play TV Live Chat – 25%, Flight Control HD – 40%, Crash Bandicoot – 50%, Worms: Battle Islands – 50%.
March 2011
PS3 Game: Astro Tripper, Sonic the Hedgehog.
Minis: Enigmo, Pix n Love Rush.
PS1 Game: Guilty Gear.
Demos: Mortal Kombat, SOCOM: Special Forces [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Prince of Persia 2008.
Themes: Sega Mega Drive Classics Theme, Infamous 2 Theme.
Avatars: Eye Pet Avatars, Motor Storm Apocalypse Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Prince of Persia Titles – B2GOF, Play TV Live Chat – 25%, MAG Expansions – 25%, MAG – 50%, Cool Boarders 2 – 50%, Fat Princess – 50%, Premier Manager – 50%, Star Drone – 50%.
April 2011
PS3 Game: Pain, Red Factions: Battlegrounds, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Prince of Persia Classic.
Minis: Dual Invaders, Dynogems.
PS1 Game: Creatures 3: Raised in Space.
Demos: Virtua Tennis 4, Infamous 2 [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Abstract Art, Clock Theme, Growing Garden.
Avatars: Motor Storm Apocalypse Avatars.
Game Add on: Kill Zone 3 Content, SOCOM: Special Forces Content.
Discounts: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes – 20%, Motor Storm Apocalypse: Super Car Elite – 20%, Outland – 20%, Mod-Nation Races – 20%, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance – 25%, Play TV Live Chat – 25%, Red Johnson Chronicles – 50%, Precipice of Darkness: Episode One & Two – 75%.
May 2011
Unavailable due to Play Station Network Outage.
June 2011
PS3 Game: Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planes Walkers, Burnout Paradise, Streets of Rage 2.
Minis: BABEL: The King of the Blocks, The 2D Adventures of Rotating Octopus Character.
PS1 Game: James Pond 2: Code Name RoboCod.
Demos: Beyond Good and Evil, Under Siege 3.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: City Theme, Dragon 1 Theme.
Avatars: Patapon 3 Avatars.
Game Add on: MAG Content, SOCOM: Special Forces Content.
Discounts: Beyond Good and Evil – 20%, Chime – 20%, Motor Storm Apocalypse Super Car Elite – 20%, Play TV Live Chat – 25%, Under Siege – 40%, Burn Zombie Burn – 50%, Thexder NEO – 50%, Worms – 50%, Braid – 75%, Young Thor – 75%.
July 2011
PS3 Game: Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, Golden Axe, Castle Crashers, Comet Crash.
Minis: Dr. Maybe and the Adventures of Scary Girl, Jelly Car 2, Me Monstar – Hear Me Roar.
PS1 Game: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.
Demos: Limbo, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter 2.
Themes: PS Plus Anniversary Theme, Symbol Flow Theme.
Avatars: Infamous 2 Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 – 40%, 3 on 3 NHL Arcade – 50%, Death ***** – 50%, Death *****: Thongs of Virtue – 50%, Madden NFL Arcade – 50%, Micro Bot – 50%, Shank – 50%, Spare Parts – 50%, Tetris – 50%, The Fancy Pants Adventure – 50%.
August 2011
PS3 Game: Crash Commando, Comix Zone.
Minis: Bashi Blocks, OMG-Z!
PS1 Game: Rayman.
Demos: Driver, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, The Baconing, Resistance 3 [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Far Cry 2.
Themes: Giant Robot Battle Theme, Penalty Shoot-Out Theme, Cubixx HD Theme.
Avatars: Renegade Ops Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow HD – 10%, Worms 2 Expansion Packs – 15%, Studio Themes – 20%, Cubixx HD – 20%, Splinter Cell HD – 20%, Spelunker – 20%, Street Fighter III – 20%, The Baconing – 20%, Mod Nation Racers – 20%, Assassins Creed 2 – 20%, Arcade Sports Bundle – 30%, Assassins Creed – 50%, Alien Zombie Mega Death – 50%, Worms 2: Armageddon – 50%.
September 2011
PS3 Game: Plants vs. Zombies, Altered Beast.
Minis: Guerrilla War, Jelly Pops, Kaleidoscope.
PS1 Game: Resident Evil: Director’s Cut.
Demos: Blood Rayne: Betrayal, Renegade Ops, Assassins Creed: Revelations [Beta], Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Resident Evil: Operation racoon City Theme, Assassins Creed: Revelations Theme.
Avatars: Resident Evil: Operation racoon City Avatars.
Game Add on: Uncharted 2: Drake’s Fortune Content.
Discounts: Blood Rayne: Betrayal – 20%, Renegade Ops – 20%, The Impossible Game – 25%, Athena – 20%, HAL 21 – 20%, Marvin’s Maze – 20%, Ozma Wars – 20%, Sasuke vs. Commander – 20%, Vanguard – 20%, Alpha Mission – 20%, From Dust – 20%, Mercury HG – 20%, Section 8 Prejudice: Frontier Colonies – 50%, Explodemon! – 50%, Resident Evil 4 – 50%, The Under Garden – 50%.
October 2011
PS3 Game: Costume Quest, Dead Nation.
Minis: 1000 Tiny Claws, Speed Ball 2: Evolution, Street Smart, Age of Zombies.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Halloween Dynamic Theme, Stripes: Part One Dynamic Theme, Worms Theme.
Avatars: ICO Avatars, Shadow of the Colossus Avatar.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Topatoi: Episode One – 70%, Under Siege – 60%, Zombie Apocalypse – 60%, Alien Zombie Mega Death – 50%, Burn Zombie Burn – 50%, Armageddon Riders – 40%, Alice Madness Returns: Weapons of Madness – 30%, Dead Space 2: Severed – 30%, Dante’s Inferno: Dark Forest – 30%, Dante’s Inferno: Trials of St. Lucia – 30%, Army of Two The 40th Day: Characters of Deceit – 30%, The Marbians – 25%, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition – 25%, Grand Turismo 5 – 25%, Renegade Ops – 20%, Okabu – 20%, Rocket Birds: Hard Boiled Chicken – 20%, Worms: Crazy Golf – 20%, Infamous 2: Festival of Blood – 20%, Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime / Challenge Pack – 20%, Alien Breed / Alien Breed 2 / Alien Breed 3 – 15%, Phantasy Star Portable 2 – 10%, Valkyrie Chronicles / Full Pack – 10%, Back to the Future – 10%, Tales of Monkey Island – 10%, Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People – 10%, Puzzle Agent – 10%, Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse – 10%.
November 2011
PS3 Game: Hydrophobia: Prophecy.
Minis: Rumble Trucks, Where Is My Heart.
PS1 Game: Crash Bandicoot 1 / 2 / 3, Crash Team Racing.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: I Am Alive! Dynamic Theme, Start The Party! Save The World! Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Animal Avatars: Bulldog, Eagle, Panda, Shark and Wolf Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: About A Blob – 70%, Hard Corps – 50%, WWTBA Millionaire? – 50%, Daytona USA – 30%, TokiTori – 25%, Call Of Duty 4/Black Ops – 20%.
December 2011
PS3 Game: Tomb Raider: Underworld, Marvel Pinball, Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planes Walkers 2012, 11 Previous Playstation Plus games.
Minis: Sneezies, Orbit.
PS1 Game: Cool Boarders.
Demos: Golden Eye 007: Reloaded.
One Hour Game Trial: Assassins Creed II, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood, Dante’s Inferno, EA Sports MMA, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, Mod Nation Racers, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, Battlefield 3, Prototype.
Themes: Snowfall Dynamic Theme, Stripe Shift: Part 2 Dynamic Theme, Mobile Dynamic Theme, Beckorama Dynamic Theme, Christmas Lights Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Pixel Junk: Sidescroller Avatars.
Game Add on: Split / Second: Velocity Deadline Content.
Discounts: Little Big Planet 2 + bundle – 10%, Driver: San Francisco – 10%, Child of Eden – 10%, Prejudice + bundle – 10%, War-hammer 40,000: Space Marine – 10%, Payday: The Heist – 10%, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition – 10%, Renegade Ops – 10%, Who Wants to be a Movie Millionaire – 10%, LA Noire – 10%, Mickey’s Wild Adventure – 20%, Deus Ex: Human Revolution – 20%, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – 20%, Red Dead Redemption & Un-dead Nightmare – 20%, Dungeon Defenders – 20%, Rocket-Birds: Hard Boiled Chicken – 20%, Jurassic Park: The Game – 25%, 4 Elements HD – 40%, Disney’s Bolt – 50%, Rocket Knight – 50%, Split / Second: Velocity – 50%, Burnout: Crash – 50%, Captain America Table – 50%, Fantastic Four Table – 50%.
January 2012
PS3 Game: Back to the Future – The Game: Episodes 1-5, Voodoo Dice.
Minis: Stick Man Rescue, Trail Blazer.
PS1 Game: Rally Cross, Arc the Lad.
Demos: Star Hawk [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Cuckoo Clock Dynamic Theme, Robot Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Infamous 2 Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: After Burner: Climax, Blood Rayne: Betrayed, Crazy Taxi, Dark-siders, Dungeon Defenders, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, Eurfloria, Mortal Kombat Arcade Collection, Odd World: Stranger’s Wrath, Okabu, Out-land, Pay Day: The Heist, Rochard, Sam & Max: Beyond Space and Time, Side Ways: New York, Street Fighter 3: Online Edition.
February 2012
PS3 Game: The Simpsons Arcade, Far Cry 2.
Minis: Farm Frenzy, Hungry Giraffe.
PS1 Game: Final Fantasy V, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Jellybeans Theme, Skulls Theme, Hitman Theme.
Avatars: Rayman Origins Avatars, Malicious Avatar.
Game Add On: Sonic Adventure DX Content.
Discounts: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition, House of the Dead 3, Kill Zone 3, Malicious, Rayman Origins, Sonic Adventure, Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement, Worms Ultimate Mayhem.
March 2012
PS3 Game: Sly Cooper & the Thievius Racoonus HD, Trine 2.
Minis: Farm Frenzy 2, The Impossible Game.
PS1 Game: Jet Rider.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: Mass Effect 3.
Themes: Jak & Daxter HD Trilogy Theme, City Drive Dynamic Theme, Journey Dynamic Theme, Daydream Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Jack & Daxter HD Trilogy Avatars, MotorStorm RC Avatar.
Game Add On: None.
Discounts: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, Avatar: The Game, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Duke Nukem Forever, Just Dance 3, Phineas & Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension, Toy Story 3, Ferrari Challenge Deluxe, Half Minute Hero, Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley, Innocent Life, Kung-Fu Live, MotorStorm RC Pro- AM, Rayman 3 HD, Shoot Many Robots, Super Car Challenge, The Adventures of Tintin, Top Spin 4, Valhalla Knights, Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance), Who Wants to be a Millionaire: Special Editions.
April 2012
PS3 Game: Shank 2, Shift 2: Unleashed,
Minis: Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims, Golf Mania.
PS1 Game: Silent Hill.
Demos: Pixel Junk 4am [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Mesh Dynamic Theme, Samurai Dynamic Theme, Journey Dynamic Theme 2.
Avatars: Dead Cloud, Mutant Skull, Gear & coloured Demon Avatars, Escape Plan Avatars.
Game Add On: Pure Chess: Park Pack.
Discounts: I am Alive, Wheels of Destruction, Red Dead Redemption, Midnight Club Los Angeles, Akimi Village, DC Universe Online Subscription, Free Realms Online Subscription, Bejewelled 2, Plants vs. Zombies, Rochard, Sideway: New York, Slam Bolt Scrappers, Swords and Soldiers, Pay Day: The Heist, Pure Chess, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Greg Hastings Paintball 2.
May 2012
PS3 Game: Awesomenauts, Hamster Ball, Magic Orbz, Mah-jong Tales; Ancient Wisdom, Mushroom Wars, Ricochet HD, Sky Fighter, Smash Cars, Wakeboarding HD.
Minis: LA Gridlock, Velocity.
PS1 Game: Max Payne [PlayStation 2 Classic].
Demos: Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, Bio-shock 2, Borderlands, Dark-siders, Driver: San Francisco, Grand Theft Auto IV, GTA: Episodes From Liberty City, Mafia II, Medieval Moves, PlayStation Move Heroes, Ray-man Origins, Red Dead Redemption, Sonic Generations, Sports Champions, House of the Dead: Overkill.
Themes: Odd World Dynamic Theme, Spectral Dawn Dynamic Theme, House of the Dead Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Wild Animal Avatars, House of the Dead Avatars, Jon Burgerman Avatar.
Game Add On: None.
Discounts: Avatar: The Game, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Zack Zero, Binary Domain, Datura, Pixel Junk Eden, Pixel Junk Monsters, Pixel Junk Racers: 2nd Lap, Pixel Junk Shooter, AMY, Worms 2: Armageddon, All Zombies Must Die, Burn Zombie Burn, Borderlands (additional game packs), Bio-shock 2 (additional game packs), Fallout 3 (additional game packs), Fallout: New Vegas (additional game packs), Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Signature Edition, Mad Riders, Just Cause 2, Castlevania Multi-Packs.
June 2012
PS3 Game: Chime Super Deluxe, Darksiders, Infamous 2, Little Big Planet 2, Motor Storm Apocalypse, Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD, Outland, Renegade Ops, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.
Minis: None.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: PlayStation Plus 2nd Anniversary Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Avatars, Wild Animal Avatars 2.
Game Add on: Renegade Ops Content.
Discounts: Babel Rising & DLC, Dungeon Hunter Alliance, Little Deviants, Lumines Electronic Symphony, Mad Riders: Daredevil, Mod Nation Racers: Road Trip, Reality Fighters, Resident Evil Chronicles Collection, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Unit 13.
July 2012
PS3 Game: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light, Saints Row 2.
Minis: None.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Little Big Planet Karting [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Athletics Dynamic Theme, Mad Riders Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Electrical and Mechanical Avatars.
Game Add on: Saints Row 2 & Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light Content.
Discounts: Deus Ex, Deus Ex Packs, Dungeon Twister, Rainbow Moon, Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, NASCAR 2011: The Game, Everybody’s Golf: World Tour Complete Edition, Everybody’s Tennis, Move Fitness, Sports Champions, Hustle Kings, Top Darts, High Velocity Bowling, Foosball 2012.
August 2012
PS3 Game: Dead Space 2, Rock of Ages, Borderlands, Just Cause 2, Retro / Grade.
Minis: None.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Dust 514 [Beta], Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Beach Dynamic Theme, Dragon 2 Theme, Poly wave Blue & Red Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Fast Food Avatars.
Game Add on: Just Cause 2 Content.
Discounts: Arc The Lad, Burger Time: World Tour, Eufloria,FIFA 12 & UEFA EURO 2012 bundle, Half Minute Hero, Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley, Hydrophobia Prophecy, L.A. Noire: Complete Edition, Dead Space 2 DLC Packs, Blazing Souls Accelerate, Innocent Life, Midnight Club Los Angeles: Complete Edition, Payday The Heist: Wolf pack Bundle, Real Steel, Valhalla Knights 1 & 2 Battle Stance, Zack Zero, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Super Stardust HD, A-men, Just Cause 2 Game Packs, Papa & Yo, Sound Shapes, Prototype 2, DIRT Showdown, Battlefield 3, American McGee’s Alice: Madness Returns, Shank 1 & 2, Crysis, Dust 514: Mercenary Pack, The Expendables 2, Borderlands Game Packs, Spec Ops: The Line, Lights Camera Party, Spelunker HD Championship Game Packs.
September 2012
PS3 Game: Red Dead Redemption, Machinarium, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Double Dragon: Neon, Starhawk - Campaign Mode, Super Stardust Portable [PSP Only].
Minis: None.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Jet Set Radio.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Earth Dynamic Theme, Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Avatars.
Game Add on: Tokyo Jungle Content, Starhawk Content.
Discounts: Crash Bandicoot PS1 Collection, Syphon Filer 1 & 3, Destruction Derby, Kula World, Kurushi Final, Jet Rider, G-Police, BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend, Jet Set Radio, Max Payne 3 Bundle, Sports Champions, Move Fitness, Tokyo Jungle.
October 2012
PS3 Game: Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, BulletStorm, Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition.
Minis: None.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Double Dragon: Neon Arcade Dynamic Theme, Halloween: Trick or Treat Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Disney Pixar’s Brave, Foosball 2012, Spelunker HD Championship Game Packs, Derrick the Deathfin, Joe Danger Mega Bundle, Dogfight 1942 Bundle, The Unfinished Swan, Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit DLC Packs, Assassin’s Creed DLC Packs, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City, All Zombies Must Die, I Am Alive, Dead Island: GOTY Edition, AMY, Burn Zombie Burn!
November 2012
PS3 Game: Crysis 2, Cubixx HD, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One.
PS Vita: Chronovolt, Gravity Rush, Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, Uncharted: Golden Abyss.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: F1 Race Stars.
Themes: Swirl pool Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: Jet Set Radio Avatars.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Dyad, WWE Fan Axxess, Portal 2 In Motion, Sorcery, F1 Race Stars, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Saints Row 2: Ultimate Edition, Saints Row The Third: The Full Package, Escape Plan, Hustle Kings, Motorstorm RC, Super Stardust Delta & Advanced Star Fighter Pak Bundle, Little Deviants, Mod Nation Racers: Road Trip, Reality Fighters, Unit 13, Top Darts, Music Unlimited Year Pass. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Break Quest: Extra Evolution, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown: Complete Edition, Nights Into Dreams, Jet Set Radio, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Space Channel 5: Part 2, Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition, GTA Episodes from Liberty City, GTA IV DLC Packs.
December 2012
PS3 Game: Batman: Arkham City, Limbo, Vanquish, Big Sky Infinity, Knytt Underground.
PS Vita: Big Sky Infinity, Knytt Underground, Mortal Kombat.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Marble Run Dynamic Theme, Winter Journey Dynamic Theme, Jet Set Radio Dynamic Theme, Bertie B-Boy Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: Batman: Arkham City Content.
Discounts: Rayman Origins, Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded, Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed, Capcom Puzzle World, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite, Power Stone Collection, Topatoi: The Great Tree Story & DLC, 4 Elements HD, Jetpack Joyride, Batman: Arkham City Bundle Packs, The Amazing Spider-Man, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD, Sleeping Dogs DLC, Just Cause 2, Prototype 2, Of Orcs and Men, Game of Thrones, Resident Evil Operation Racoon City, Ice Age 4 Continental Drift: Arctic Games, London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympics, Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider II, Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition, Worms: Ultimate Mayhem, Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD, Oddworld: Munch’s Odyssey HD, Foosball 2012, Escape Vector, Crazy Taxi, Deus Ex: Human Revolution & DLC, The King of Fighters XIII, Men In Black: Alien Crisis, Mini Ninjas, Rune Factory Oceans, Golden Eye 007: Reloaded, Battlefield 3, Tokyo Jungle, Sleeping Dogs, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Little Big Planet Karting, Journey & The Unfinished Swan Bundle, Hitman: Absolution.
January 2013
PS3 Game: Bioshock 2, Guardians of Middle-Earth, Mortal Kombat, Pinball Arcade.
PS Vita: Jet Set Radio, Pinball Arcade.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: God of War: Ascension [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Chroma Dynamic Theme, Snowman Theme, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Sonic Adventure 2, Vanquish, Saints Row: The Third, Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Bundle, Prototype, Wolfenstein 3D, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron & Bundle, Pool Shark 2, Room Zoom: Race for Impact, Valhalla Knights Trilogy, Spec Ops: The Line, RPG Classic Collection, RSG’s Magnificent Seven, Mafia 2 & Bundle, The Darkness 2, Rocks N’ Rockets, Smash Cars, Wakeboarding HD, Everybody’s Tennis & Golf, Rocksmith Packs, Derrick The Death fin, Pain, High Velocity Bowling, Sports Champions 1 & 2, Table Top Tanks Football & Ice Hockey, PulzAR, Move Street Cricket, Move Fitness, Dust 514, Borderlands & Borderlands 2, Deus Ex & DLC, Just Cause 2 & DLC, PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, GTA IV: Complete Edition, Max Payne 3, Tomb raider: Legend, Mini Ninjas.
February 2013
PS3 Game: Sleeping Dogs, Quantum Conundrum, F1 Race Stars, God of War HD.
PS Vita: Wipeout 2048, Lumines: Electronic Symphony.
PS1 Game:
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: F1 2012.
Themes: None.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: Dust 514: Starter Pack.
Discounts: Alien Breed Impact, Alien Breed Trilogy, Aliens Colonial Marines, Far Cry 3, Anomaly Warzone Earth, F1 Race Stars DLC, Sleeping Dogs DLC, NHL 13, Urban Trial Freestyle, Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse Pack, Little Big Planet Collections, Fat Princess.
March 2013
PS3 Game: Mass Effect 3, Dead or Alive 5, Joe Danger 2: The Movie, The Walking Dead Episode 1: A New Day.
PS Vita: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Puddle.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Defiance [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Johanna Dynamic Theme, The Traveller Dynamic Theme, Island Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: God of War Avatars.
Game Add on: Bioshock Infinite Content.
Discounts: Reality Fighters, Mass Effect 2, God of War Collections, Battlefield 3, Dead or Alive 5 Costumes, Bioshock Infinite Season Pass, Air Conflicts, Reality Fighters, Planets Under Attack, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World DLC, Dead Island GOTY Edition, Far Cry 2, Agarest: Generations of War, Prince of Persia Collections, I Am Alive, Jurassic Park, The Secret of Monkey Island, Tintin, Machinarium, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Two Worlds 2, F1 2011, Tales of Graces F, Big Sky Infinity: Retro Mode, Doodle God, Page Chronica.
April 2013
PS3 Game: Okami HD, The Cave, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Thomas Was Alone.
PS Vita: Zero Escape:Virtue’s Last Reward, Thomas Was Alone.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Fish Tank 2 Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Defiance, Escape Vektor, Rainbow Moon Bundles, Soldner-X Bundles, Crysis 1 & 2, Guacamelee, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Collections, Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2, Graw 2, Metal Slug 1 & 2, Hitman Trilogy HD, Hitman Absolution, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Men In Black: Alien Crisis, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, SoulCalibur 5, Beyond Good & Evil, From Dust, Gotham City Imposters, Might & Magic, After Burner Climax, Sonic 4, Datura.
May 2013
PS3 Game: Hitman Absolution: Special Edition, Hitman: Sniper Challenge, Catherine, Malicious, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Demon’s Souls, ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD.
PS Vita: Sine Mora, Velocity Ultra.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Grid 2 Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: Hitman Absolution Content.
Discounts: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball, Hamilton’s Great Adventure, Grand Theft Auto Collection, Fat Princess: Supersize Anniversary Bundle, ICO, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Medieval Moves, Sorcery, Trine 2, Black Knight Sword, Game of Thrones, Dark Souls, Demons Souls, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Wizardry: Labryinth of Lost Souls, Rune Factory Oceans, Dragon’s Lair, Draw Slasher, Hitman DLC, Terraria, Metro: Last Light, Pool Nation, Grid 2, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Dark stalkers: Resurrection, Germinator, Double Dragon Neon, The King of Fighters XIII Gold Edition, Final Fight: Double Impact, Marvel Vs. Capcom: Origins, Street Fighter 2: Turbo HD Remix, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Golden Axe, Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown: Complete Edition, Mini Ninjas, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection, Draw Slasher.
June 2013
PS3 Game: Little Big Planet Karting, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception – Campaign Mode, XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
PS Vita: Rayman Origins, Coconut Dodge Revitalised.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: Shadow of the Colossus Dynamic Theme, Skaters Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Little Big Planet, God of War: Chains of Olympus, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, Motor Storm: Arctic Edge, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, Jak & Daxter: The Last Frontier, Mod Nation Racers, Resistance: Retribution, SOCOM: Fire Team Bravo 3, Patapon 2, Loco Roco 2, Let’s Fish: Hooked On, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, 3 & 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 & 2, Infamous, Infamous 2 & all DLC Packs, Kill Zone 2 & 3 all DLC Packs, Sacred Citadel: Jungle Hunt bundle, Topatoi, Pid, 5-in-1 Arcade Hits, Mini Squadron, Blimp: The Flying Adventures, One Epic Game, The Impossible Game, Music Unlimited Premium: 1 Year Pass, Batman: Arkham City & DLC Packs, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, Portal 2 in Motion, Infamous & Infamous 2 all DLC Packs, Shaun White Snowboarding, Sega Bass Fishing, London 2012: The Official Video Game, All-In-One Sports Collection, Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge, Rugby League Live 2, Rugby World Cup 2011, Tour de France 2012, Odd World: Stranger’s Wrath HD, Kung-Fu Live, Burn Zombie Burn, World Snooker Championships 2005, Castlevania; Symphony of the Night, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Odd World: Abe’s Exoddus, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Fear Effect, Resident Evil 1, 2 & 3 Bundle, Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2 Starring Lara Croft, Guilty Gear, Mickey’s Wild Adventure, Rayman, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Tekken 2, Wipeout, Warhawk, Twisted Metal, Syphon Filter, Spyro the Dragon Trilogy, Medieval, Jumping Flash, Destruction Derby, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Team Racing.
July 2013
PS3 Game: Battlefield 3, Saints Row: The Third, Payday: The Heist, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Mafia 2, Spec Ops: The Line, When Vikings Attack.
PS Vita: Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Unit 13, LEGO The Lord of the Rings, When Vikings Attack.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: None.
Themes: When Vikings Attack Dynamic Theme.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Odd World: Munch’s Odyssey HD & Stranger Boxx, Quantum Theory, Doom 3: BFG Edition, Armageddon Riders, Dead Space 1, 2, 3, Ignition & Extraction, Shinobi, Deus Ex, Neo Contra, Zone of the Enders HD Collection, Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3, Okami HD, God Hand, Maximo vs. Army of Sin, Cel Damage Overdrive, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon & Advanced War fighter, Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight, Uncharted 1, 2, 3 & Fight for Fortune, Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3 & Crash Team Racing, Machinarium, Smash Cars, A-Men, Creat Studios: Summer Survival Pack, Tomb Raider, Sky Fighter, Germinator: Bundle, Lead & Gold: Gangs of the Wild West, Worms Crazy Golf, Pixel Junk Monsters, Super Frog HD, Star Wars Pinball, Urban Trial Freestyle, Persona Bundle, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Need for Speed Bundle, Beyond Good & Evil HD, Prince of Persia Bundle, Resident Evil 4, Alice: Madness Returns, The Walking Dead: Season Pass, Demons Souls, Tales From Space: About A Blob, F1 Race Stars, F1 2012, Wipeout HD, Starhawk, Ratchet & Clank, Infamous Collection, Motor Storm Apocalypse & Rift, Medieval Moves, Kill Zone, ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD, Ape Escape, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, Planet Mini Golf, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Castle Crashers, Linger in Shadows, Super Stardust HD, 3D Collection, Malicious, Lemmings, Little Big Planet, God of War Collection, Fat Princess, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, WRC Power Slide, Death *****, WRC 3 FIA World Rally Championship, Dirt 3, Sniper Ghost Warrior 2, Trine 2.
August 2013
PS3 Game: Assassin’s Creed 3, Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark, Jak & Daxter: The Precursors Legacy, Jak 2, Jak 3.
PS Vita: New Little King’s Story, Urban Trial Freestyle, Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark, Jak & Daxter: The Precursors Legacy, Jak 2, Jak 3.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: Killzone Mercenary [Beta].
One Hour Game Trial: Payday 2.
Themes: None.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: Assassin’s Creed 3 Content.
Discounts: Worms 1, 2 & Add-on Packs, Thexder Neo, Brain Chalenge, Puzzle Chronicles, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Blue Toad Murder Files: Episodes 1-6, Monstrer Hunter: Freedom Unite, Premier Manager, Hoard, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, War Hammer 40K: Kill Team, Baseball Stars 2, 4 Elements HD, Cars 2, Learning With The PooYoos: Epsiode 2, World Heroes, All Zombies Must Die, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, Asphalt Injection, The Simpsons Arcade Game, Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, Brave, Ice Age 4: Continental Drift, Anomaly Warzone Earth, Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All, Dead or Alive 5, Way of the Samurai 4, Joe Danger 2: The Movie, Dogfight 1942, Doom, Auditorium HD, Demolition Inc, Bio Shock Infinite, Mountain Crime: Requital, Guacamelee, Thomas Was Alone, Dead Island: Riptide, Ms Germinator, Ibb & Obb, Spelunky.
September 2013
PS3 Game: Far Cry 3, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams.
PS Vita: Street Fighter X Tekken, Touch My Katamari.
PS1 Game: None.
Demos: None.
One Hour Game Trial: Grid 2.
Themes: None.
Avatars: None.
Game Add on: None.
Discounts: Mad Riders, Ridge Racer 7, NASCAR 2011: The Game, Legasista, Jo Jo’s Bizarre Adventure HD, Agarest: Generations of War Zone, One Piece: Pirate Warriors, Dead or Alive 5, Way of the Samurai 4, Assassin Creed Bundles, Silent Hill: Book of Memories, Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition, Dyad, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Virtua Fighter 2, Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2, Zombie Driver HD, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, Ragnarok Odyssey, Warriors Orochi 3, Dollar Dash, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus, Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires, Absolute Supercars, Zone of the Enders HD, Black Rock Shooter, Soul Caliber 5: Legendary Edition, Mugen Souls, Resident Evil: Revelations, Moto GP 13, Grid 2, Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway, Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers & Secret Wars, Doodle God, Flying Hamster HD, War Hammer 40,000: Space Marine, Renegade Ops, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Sniper Elite V2, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Birds of Steel, Modern Combat: Domination, Soldner-X2 Final Prototype, 1942: Joint Strike, Pixel Junk Monsters: Ultimate HD, Worms: Revolution, Tom Clancy’s HAWX 2, End War, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier & Rainbow Six Complete Pack
Gorthaug escribió:Uff buscar en éste hilo es una locura, pero creo que hace cosa de un mes o puede que 2 alguien publicó una lista con todo lo que se había dado hasta la fecha.
Edit: Encontré el mensaje, es éste: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=1446383&p=1733851307#p1733851307
jondal escribió:Por cierto, hablando de la tabla... en su día me pareció bien el aumento de información que se incluyó (gigas, enlace a la store) pero, personalmente, me sobra una columna. No estaría mejor poner el enlace directamente en el número de los gigas?.
Algo tal que así: 18,5GB
Rossonero777 escribió:Hablando de los proximos juegos, esta semana yo creo que diran los juegos, para ser publicados la proxima semana (dia 20). Yo veo que va a caer tarde o temprano Resident Evil 6, hace tiempo que vengo temiendomelo, pero esta vez lo dejo escrito para que conste xD. Espero que me equivoque.
Gorthaug escribió:Yo las tablas las veo bien como están ahora mismo.
De juegos yo querer Tomb Raider
jondal escribió:Por cierto, hablando de la tabla... en su día me pareció bien el aumento de información que se incluyó (gigas, enlace a la store) pero, personalmente, me sobra una columna. No estaría mejor poner el enlace directamente en el número de los gigas?.
Algo tal que así: 18,5GB
(que por cierto, digáis lo que digáis, sin la S de https me sigue sin funcionar)
Se ahorra espacio y al menos yo lo veo más elegante...Gorthaug escribió:Uff buscar en éste hilo es una locura, pero creo que hace cosa de un mes o puede que 2 alguien publicó una lista con todo lo que se había dado hasta la fecha.
Edit: Encontré el mensaje, es éste: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=1446383&p=1733851307#p1733851307
Y este es el hilo que ahora tienen asociado a esa lista...
http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/ ... lse#M49336
(parece que la van actualizando)
guile13 escribió:Si quereis un año de plus por 39.47€ os mando privado.
Oferta hasta el jueves
jondal escribió:Yo no es que las vea mal... pero siempre se puede mejorar.
Lo de quitar una columna es porque, por poner solo un ejemplo, a mí la "fecha salida" en según qué casos ya no se me ve en un solo renglón porque no cabe en el ancho que tiene su columna (más estrecha desde que se añadieron dos más). El ahorro no es solo de 4 caracteres, hay que sumarle el espacio del icono de enlace y el de los correspondientes márgenes. Además... una columna extra solo para llenarla de la palabra "link" en toooodas las filas?. A mí me chirría bastante.
Lo de si es más intuitivo pasar el enlace a la imagen del juego o a "los gigas" ya me da más igual. Yo asocio los gigas a descarga y, si es pinchable, sé que los tiros irán por ahí, por eso lo decía. No relaciono imagen con store... además, ahora mismo no sé si una imagen se puede enlazar a un sitio que no sea el suyo propio en la wiki.
En fin... reflexiones en voz alta de posibles cambios que creo que nos harían ganar en simplicidad y claridad...
CrowX escribió:Creo que si introdujeses ese cambio habría muchos, legión seguramente, que con lo atentos que se desenvuelven por los foros y la atención que ponen, empezarían a preguntar "¿Por qué habéis borrado el enlace?" y "¿Donde demonios está ahora el enlace?". Serían incapaces de ver que ahora el espacio está subrayado y con caracteres de enlace, incluso aunque lo pongas en el mismo nombre de la columna lo preguntarían, me apuesto......... me apuesto un brazo
Van Buuren escribió:guile13 escribió:Spam
En Gamestop esta a 40euros, 53 centimos mas y es para siempre![]()
No veo tu oferta por ningun lado. Venga, hasta luego
campa112 escribió:La oferta esta en que no todo el mundo tiene un gamestop cerca, y pillarla asi conlleva no moverse de su casa y no tener que ir hasta un gamestop, el chaval pone una oferta para ayudar a la gente y vas tu y la desprecias de esa manera...si not e interesa te callas, ya le interesara a otra persona
largeroliker escribió:campa112 escribió:La oferta esta en que no todo el mundo tiene un gamestop cerca, y pillarla asi conlleva no moverse de su casa y no tener que ir hasta un gamestop, el chaval pone una oferta para ayudar a la gente y vas tu y la desprecias de esa manera...si not e interesa te callas, ya le interesara a otra persona
Pues yo no sé tú, pero yo de un usuario que se acaba de registrar y no para de publicar la misma "oferta", no me fío.
@DarK-LaMoS @jondal: Comprad una buena pantalla panorámica y olvidaos de los saltos de línea no deseados
guile13 escribió:Si te fijas bien llevo mas tiempo registrado que tu, que no te fies es cosa tuya yo no estoy engañando a nadie, descubri esa pagina la semana pasada compre un año y es donde mas barato lo encontrado
guile13 escribió:largeroliker escribió:guile13 escribió:Si te fijas bien llevo mas tiempo registrado que tu, que no te fies es cosa tuya yo no estoy engañando a nadie, descubri esa pagina la semana pasada compre un año y es donde mas barato lo encontrado
Pues menudo resurgimiento cual ave fénix, ¿no? Llevas 6 meses más que yo, pero empezaste a postear a finales del mes pasado, y sólo fue 1 post antes de la traca del Plus. Cuanto menos sospechoso.
Mira paso de discutir creete lo que te de la gana, esto lo hago para que la peña se gaste lo menos posible y mas ahora que para jugar online sera casi obligatorio en la ps4 y si te puedes ahorrar unos € bienvenidos sean.
Yo puse la pagina y el descuento sin privado y se aprovecharon y empezaron con los privados
largeroliker escribió:campa112 escribió:La oferta esta en que no todo el mundo tiene un gamestop cerca, y pillarla asi conlleva no moverse de su casa y no tener que ir hasta un gamestop, el chaval pone una oferta para ayudar a la gente y vas tu y la desprecias de esa manera...si not e interesa te callas, ya le interesara a otra persona
Pues yo no sé tú, pero yo de un usuario que se acaba de registrar y no para de publicar la misma "oferta", no me fío.
@DarK-LaMoS @jondal: Comprad una buena pantalla panorámica y olvidaos de los saltos de línea no deseados
DarK-LaMoS escribió:Pero sí yo no me quejo, xD sí yo Lo veo bien todo.
plaza escribió:siento salirme del tiesto pero ya vale con el spam encubierto que están llevando a cabo 2 usuarios anunciando en varios hilos que el plus es mas barato con un link que mandan de afiliados por mp que les está reportando dinero con la tonteria,lo voy a decir sin link de afiliado ni leches,la página es la que se ha dicho mas atrás de g2a.com,aparte de la rebaja de tarjetas y plus que tienen,del 7 al 15 de este mes poniendo el código MADRIDGAMESWEEK te hacen un 6% de descuento adicional,ale,se acabó el spam encubierto de estas 2 personas que ya estaba cansado de leer
Mir74 escribió:Realmente la wiki da igual como esté, nadie la mira![]()
largeroliker escribió:Te faltan factores en la ecuación. El primero, que repitan o no juegos, que puese pasar. El segundo, Gaikai en PS4.
También es muy jugoso comprarse PS4 y poder jugar a los juegos de los Plus de PS3 y la propia PS4
alvaro82 escribió:largeroliker escribió:Te faltan factores en la ecuación. El primero, que repitan o no juegos, que puese pasar. El segundo, Gaikai en PS4.
También es muy jugoso comprarse PS4 y poder jugar a los juegos de los Plus de PS3 y la propia PS4
a ver a ver, que estoy desconectado del tema ps4 todavia y no sabia que eso era asi, ¿es seguro que con la ps4 podemos jugar a los juegos del plus de ps3 en la propia ps4 ?
Si esto es asi va a caer ps4 antes de lo que pensabarealmente lo unico que me retiene a seguir con ps3 son los jueguecillos mensuales gratis del plus, juegos que vayan a salir en las dos generaciones no pienso pillarlos en ps3.
DarK-LaMoS escribió:Por ahora.
largeroliker escribió:DarK-LaMoS escribió:Por ahora.
El tema es que Gaikai funcionará para dotar a PS4 de retrocompatibilidad por streaming y claro, los primeros títulos disponibles con casi total seguridad serán los digitales de PS3, Plus incluido.
No hay confirmación oficial, pero es un silencio a gritos
DarK-LaMoS escribió:largeroliker escribió:DarK-LaMoS escribió:Por ahora.
El tema es que Gaikai funcionará para dotar a PS4 de retrocompatibilidad por streaming y claro, los primeros títulos disponibles con casi total seguridad serán los digitales de PS3, Plus incluido.
No hay confirmación oficial, pero es un silencio a gritos
Para mi, tanto el tema de Gaikai como "La nube" de Juan, es eso, Vaporware... humo...
Cuando salga algo oficial, hablaremos
DarK-LaMoS escribió:largeroliker escribió:DarK-LaMoS escribió:Por ahora.
El tema es que Gaikai funcionará para dotar a PS4 de retrocompatibilidad por streaming y claro, los primeros títulos disponibles con casi total seguridad serán los digitales de PS3, Plus incluido.
No hay confirmación oficial, pero es un silencio a gritos
Para mi, tanto el tema de Gaikai como "La nube" de Juan, es eso, Vaporware... humo...
Cuando salga algo oficial, hablaremos
Night Terror escribió:Aquí el único humo que hay es el de vuestras consolas intentando descargar el Uncharted 3![]()
Ahora en serio, está confirmadisimo que esta semana tenemos el anuncio del Próximo mes (seguramente el Miércoles). Va, hagan sus apuestas
Gorthaug escribió:Algún j-rpg estaría bien como Final Fantasy XIII-2
largeroliker escribió:Gorthaug escribió:Algún j-rpg estaría bien como Final Fantasy XIII-2
Por favor, un JRPG bueno al menosNi no Kuni sí
Además que el XIII-2 lo regalan hasta con los cereales
EDIT: Todos pensamos igual
Gorthaug escribió:No, el Ni No Kuni no... que me lo compré de salida![]()
FF XIII-2 lo quiero jugar, pero no quiero pagar por él, así que prefiero que lo den para PS+![]()
Pero bueno, también podrían dar el Tales of Graces F o el Dragon's Crown jajajajaja, ese ni de coña tan pronto...
Nordal escribió:PD: ¿qué cereales tomas? a mi no me salen cosas de esas en los mios...
Gorthaug escribió:FF XIII-2 lo quiero jugar, pero no quiero pagar por él, así que prefiero que lo den para PS+![]()
largeroliker escribió:Nordal escribió:PD: ¿qué cereales tomas? a mi no me salen cosas de esas en los mios...Gorthaug escribió:FF XIII-2 lo quiero jugar, pero no quiero pagar por él, así que prefiero que lo den para PS+![]()
Pues estando a juego+guía por 10 euros y de segunda mano a 5...quererlo y no comprarlo es un poco absurdo