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jimi escribió:Pero de que narices vas? Ahora he puesto una pagina ultraderechista... lo que me faltaba por oir.
Por si no te has molestado en buscarlo o no entiendes lo que has encontrado (no se que es peor). Samba TV es un servicio de recoleccion de datos que viene incluido en un monton de android TVs. Es algo parecido a lo de Nielsen que se usa para las audiencias en españa y en la mayor parte del mundo solo que a mucha mayor escala.
Los numeros exactos que des es indiferente, pero lo importante es que nos permite comparar con datos mas o menos objetivos (al menos mas objetivos que los que proporcione una plataforma donde tiene 100% interes en inflarlos lo mayor posible) con otras series de otras plataformas. Entonces podemos saber si por ejemplo en este caso la precuela de juego de tronos la vio mas gente en estados unidos que la precuela del señor de los anillos.
Y porque no usamos los datos de las propias plataformas? porque no los dan o por lo menos durante el mismo periodo y sobre el mismo territorio, solo muestran lo que les interesa y punto, jamas van a dar datos donde queden mal.
Amazon no dijo cuantos usuarios de usa vieron la precuela en usa que yo sepa.
Ademas mucha gente mezcla cosas, por ejemplo cuanta gente tiene Prime Video en usa y da datos de Prime, pero en usa el servicio Prime Video es independiente del Prime (no es como aqui por si no lo sabes). Asi que es complicado tener datos reales porque los que los pueden dar no les interesa darlos.
jimi escribió:Asi que si no quieres creerlo es tu problema. Pero inventarte burradas absurdas como las que te inventas ya me parece cruzar 20 pueblos.
En fin paso de discutir con gente como tu, que empiezan llamando a los demas ignorantes cuando luego demuestran su propia ignorancia, donde en cada post solo se dedican a insultar y a inventarse cosas para justificar sus burradas y nos hacen perder el tiempo al resto en leerlo.
Miniviciao@ escribió:Kavezacomeback escribió:
Curiosamente da a entender Feanor cayó en la trampa de Melkor, pero en otro párrafo de otro relato dice que poco influencia a Feanor por que este lo odiaba y tenía sus propias motivaciones![]()
Supongo se refiere a que cuando le robo este se volvió loco, no que lo corrompio.
Si lo encuentro lo pongo, pero vamos que eso que digo sobre no revisar uno mismo la obra que se publica.
Solo se consideran hijos de Ilúvatar a los elfos y hombres.
Sobre si ese sabe más que yo, pues seguro, para empezar jamás me planteé cual es el más fuerte así en plan "serio" por qué no leo un libro prestando atención a eso y además hace años leí, esto de encontrarlo en PDF está bien para recordar o caer en ciertas cosas, pero vamos que me da igual.
jajajajaja si a vecs ponia una cosa y luego otras o mas adelante o en otro relato, y yo no se si es porque cambi de idea o un error de revision.
De todas formas en esos fragmentos te dice que era el TOP 1 en el ranking de elfos Feanor, por palabras de Tolkien, si es por hechos y demostraciones, nadie pego una exhibicion de poder como Luthien para mi.
Crivil escribió:jimi escribió:Pero de que narices vas? Ahora he puesto una pagina ultraderechista... lo que me faltaba por oir.
Por si no te has molestado en buscarlo o no entiendes lo que has encontrado (no se que es peor). Samba TV es un servicio de recoleccion de datos que viene incluido en un monton de android TVs. Es algo parecido a lo de Nielsen que se usa para las audiencias en españa y en la mayor parte del mundo solo que a mucha mayor escala.
Los numeros exactos que des es indiferente, pero lo importante es que nos permite comparar con datos mas o menos objetivos (al menos mas objetivos que los que proporcione una plataforma donde tiene 100% interes en inflarlos lo mayor posible) con otras series de otras plataformas. Entonces podemos saber si por ejemplo en este caso la precuela de juego de tronos la vio mas gente en estados unidos que la precuela del señor de los anillos.
Y porque no usamos los datos de las propias plataformas? porque no los dan o por lo menos durante el mismo periodo y sobre el mismo territorio, solo muestran lo que les interesa y punto, jamas van a dar datos donde queden mal.
Amazon no dijo cuantos usuarios de usa vieron la precuela en usa que yo sepa.
Ademas mucha gente mezcla cosas, por ejemplo cuanta gente tiene Prime Video en usa y da datos de Prime, pero en usa el servicio Prime Video es independiente del Prime (no es como aqui por si no lo sabes). Asi que es complicado tener datos reales porque los que los pueden dar no les interesa darlos.
En serio, deja de retratarte:
Prime Video is included with an Amazon Prime membership for $15 a month or $139 a year. If you're not interested in any of Amazon Prime's other perks, you can sign up for Prime Video on its own for $9 a month.
No puedes tener Prime sin Prime Video. Lo que puedes tener es Prime Video sin Prime.jimi escribió:Asi que si no quieres creerlo es tu problema. Pero inventarte burradas absurdas como las que te inventas ya me parece cruzar 20 pueblos.
En fin paso de discutir con gente como tu, que empiezan llamando a los demas ignorantes cuando luego demuestran su propia ignorancia, donde en cada post solo se dedican a insultar y a inventarse cosas para justificar sus burradas y nos hacen perder el tiempo al resto en leerlo.
Tus posts en sí mismos son un insulto a la inteligencia y ni deberías estar posteando dado que estás baneado y aquí estamos, aguantando tus chorradas, Tukaram.
Goncatin escribió:Miniviciao@ escribió:Kavezacomeback escribió:
Curiosamente da a entender Feanor cayó en la trampa de Melkor, pero en otro párrafo de otro relato dice que poco influencia a Feanor por que este lo odiaba y tenía sus propias motivaciones![]()
Supongo se refiere a que cuando le robo este se volvió loco, no que lo corrompio.
Si lo encuentro lo pongo, pero vamos que eso que digo sobre no revisar uno mismo la obra que se publica.
Solo se consideran hijos de Ilúvatar a los elfos y hombres.
Sobre si ese sabe más que yo, pues seguro, para empezar jamás me planteé cual es el más fuerte así en plan "serio" por qué no leo un libro prestando atención a eso y además hace años leí, esto de encontrarlo en PDF está bien para recordar o caer en ciertas cosas, pero vamos que me da igual.
jajajajaja si a vecs ponia una cosa y luego otras o mas adelante o en otro relato, y yo no se si es porque cambi de idea o un error de revision.
De todas formas en esos fragmentos te dice que era el TOP 1 en el ranking de elfos Feanor, por palabras de Tolkien, si es por hechos y demostraciones, nadie pego una exhibicion de poder como Luthien para mi.
Nein. En mi opinión Fingolfin es más poderoso que Luthien. O al menos, lo único que hizo Luthien fue metamorfosis, pasar inadvertida frente a Sauron, dormir a Morgoth y conmover a Mandos. Fingolfin dirigió la expedición por el Helcaraxe y dejo a Morgoth renqueante para siempre. Y perdió por cansancio nada mas
jimi escribió:Crivil escribió:jimi escribió:Pero de que narices vas? Ahora he puesto una pagina ultraderechista... lo que me faltaba por oir.
Por si no te has molestado en buscarlo o no entiendes lo que has encontrado (no se que es peor). Samba TV es un servicio de recoleccion de datos que viene incluido en un monton de android TVs. Es algo parecido a lo de Nielsen que se usa para las audiencias en españa y en la mayor parte del mundo solo que a mucha mayor escala.
Los numeros exactos que des es indiferente, pero lo importante es que nos permite comparar con datos mas o menos objetivos (al menos mas objetivos que los que proporcione una plataforma donde tiene 100% interes en inflarlos lo mayor posible) con otras series de otras plataformas. Entonces podemos saber si por ejemplo en este caso la precuela de juego de tronos la vio mas gente en estados unidos que la precuela del señor de los anillos.
Y porque no usamos los datos de las propias plataformas? porque no los dan o por lo menos durante el mismo periodo y sobre el mismo territorio, solo muestran lo que les interesa y punto, jamas van a dar datos donde queden mal.
Amazon no dijo cuantos usuarios de usa vieron la precuela en usa que yo sepa.
Ademas mucha gente mezcla cosas, por ejemplo cuanta gente tiene Prime Video en usa y da datos de Prime, pero en usa el servicio Prime Video es independiente del Prime (no es como aqui por si no lo sabes). Asi que es complicado tener datos reales porque los que los pueden dar no les interesa darlos.
En serio, deja de retratarte:
Prime Video is included with an Amazon Prime membership for $15 a month or $139 a year. If you're not interested in any of Amazon Prime's other perks, you can sign up for Prime Video on its own for $9 a month.
No puedes tener Prime sin Prime Video. Lo que puedes tener es Prime Video sin Prime.jimi escribió:Asi que si no quieres creerlo es tu problema. Pero inventarte burradas absurdas como las que te inventas ya me parece cruzar 20 pueblos.
En fin paso de discutir con gente como tu, que empiezan llamando a los demas ignorantes cuando luego demuestran su propia ignorancia, donde en cada post solo se dedican a insultar y a inventarse cosas para justificar sus burradas y nos hacen perder el tiempo al resto en leerlo.
Tus posts en sí mismos son un insulto a la inteligencia y ni deberías estar posteando dado que estás baneado y aquí estamos, aguantando tus chorradas, Tukaram.
Es que no dejas de inventarte cosas, que si puse una web ultraderechista, que si estoy baneado? pero baneado de que? en serio pero tienes algun problema psicologico o algo?.
Es que me cuesta entenderte y lo intento xD.
@resto del foro: Alguien en este foro conoce a este tio? Tiene algun problema o algo? lo digo en serio. Porque es suelta cosas sin sentido o venir a cuento y me cuesta entender a que vienen xD.
Don't listen to the review bombs
thomsonmatthewj2 September 2022
People on here are complaining about "oh it doesn't feel like Tolkien." What they really mean when they say that is "it doesn't feel like Peter Jackson." The show is incredible! It introduces us to a whole new world of middle earth that we previously have never been able to see before. As a REAL Tolkien fan, I couldn't have asked for any better. Anyone who complains otherwise isn't a Tolkien fan, but a Peter Jackson fan, and can't accept someone new showing their creative vision for the lore.
For anyone who really loves the stories and beauty behind Lotr or the hobbit, you will love this too. The shots are gorgeous, acting and cast is fantastic, and wonderful writing and score! Can't wait to see more of what's next!
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Welcome back to Middle-earth!
snowadian2 September 2022
I was a doubter, I did not believe this was going to be very good. However, I enjoyed every minute of the first two episodes! The visuals are outstanding, the music is incredible and the stories are entertaining! I wanted more and never felt bored!
This version of Middle-earth is very well crafted. It is beautiful but feels very dangerous. There is so much more to explore in this World, and the show runners have crafted an excellent start for us to begin this journey.
World building is the best I've seen in any show - ever. It's otherworldly on another level and sucks you right in.
I am very much looking forward to the next episodes! Great job to everyone involved, you have certainly taken great care of Mr. Tolkiens works!
I hope I get to see the Silmarillion in my lifetime, done with this much care!
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Immersive and glorious.
saimariejohnson2 September 2022
I was immediately drawn in! I loved the beginning sequence and the world built is truly beautifully immersive! I can't wait to see what more comes from this exciting new fantasy series!
They did a great job filming and integrating various species and backstories to set the stage for this, and I am sure it will be a fan favorite in no time.
The explanation for the elves' position in having to begin fighting and their lack of a word for death was especially notable from the start. It gave a healthy understanding of why they feel so reluctant to trust any other groups. As an avid lover of fantasy I feel that seeing all the places such as Lindon, the Capitol of the Elves really helps to fully visualize Galadriel's experience and her suffering alike.
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So Much Better Than I Expected
VertigoOne2 September 2022
Few series' have stirred up this much controversy; and I, for one, find it impossible to write a review for these first two episodes that isn't in some way affected by the current cultural zeitgeist.
Well, in a perfect world, Rings of Power would be a hit. It has all the elements a TV-lover could ever ask for in an epic story -- the directing, acting, cinematography, set design, etc. Are all top-notch and build a beautiful world to become immersed in. Is it Tolkien's world? I don't know. I propose that most of these modern additions to time-tested materials should be assessed through the lens of fan-fiction. In the same way that Disney's Star Wars additions feel like fan fiction, I would say that Rings of Power feels like fan fiction. But very clean, well-produced, and artfully envisioned fan fiction. I, personally, loved it and was not disappointed, but I, also, am not accustomed to the body of work of J. R. R. Tolkien. So I think all the cinema world can do is stop and wait and see what the "true" fans have to say. 10/10, so far.
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LOL at the bad reviews
wpnzvkgzb2 September 2022
Don't listen to the negative reviews. Some people have an idea of what something should be in their own mind. I too have read mostly all of Tolkien's books. You form a world in your mind from those words. It's yours it's personal. This show is Magnificent. It's a big bold dive into Middle Earth. Beautifully filmed and acted. The first too episodes are structured in a way to set a scene for the multiple storylines for multiple characters which as the series progresses will merge in to one common fight against the darkness. It's absolutely fantastic and if you don't watch it because of someone's snobby 1/10 then you will be missing out.
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One ring to rule them all one ring to find them and in the darkness bind them
gabethedinosaur2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
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Lives up to the hype.
s_sahar992 September 2022
The music, the screenplay, the cinematography, the direction, the costume design, the editing all done very well. Much better than game of thrones by far. Personally, the characters of the show were detestable and respulsive. Most of the shows are terribly made in a smililar way. This is not one of them. The ambience, the intrigue draws you in. The landscape and scenery is beautiful. I have stopped watching shows because they are poorly made. I think the fact that a billion dollar was spent on this show, actually shows when you watch. I could go on and on. But that is sufficient for the novice and the expert.
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Beautiful; hopefully Tolkien's substance shines through
chaakar2 September 2022
So far so good. Is it a little bit empty with some interesting casting choices? Yes. But are the characters interesting, with strong archetypal undertones and potential for plot growth, yes -- I think something that is going underappreciated here by a lot of viewers is the fact that I can watch this show with children; it has a lot more Mandalorian vibes than GoT, and I welcome this. We have noble characters, some strong lines, absolutely beautiful landscapes and CGI, and a younger audience can engage with this very meaningfully.
I will not underestimate the fact that the source material here is Tolkien, and so far, things could probably have been better given the budget, but definitely nothing so far that is extremely off-putting to say in the least, so really rooting for the show to shine!
As said above, I will not deny there is some mediocrity, but I cannot fathom why/how a massive 30% of all the ratings are 1 stars... does not seem genuine to me.
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Nothing Short Of Epic
rodneymoore-177552 September 2022
The first two episodes were definitely worth watching full Stunning Visuals, Strong Acting, Great Script kinda disappointed though wish there was more action,and more episodes to watch. I don't wanna wait😭, Great to watch with families kind of like a PG13 House Of Dragons, But oddly enough just as good, so many strong performances in this show, and i don't really care about what anyone has to say about Galadriel or the actress playing her, she was at the very least the second most interesting character right next to the two hobbit girls there's not too much I would want to see them change about the show that I haven't already mentioned. But I'm low key upset that I we didn't get to see Sauron yet thouh now that I think about it, it may be best to save him for a later episode. Anyone who is saying this show is woke is 🤥 cause it's not .I think Amazon Finally has winner on there hands, we'll see it's worth that billion dollars though.
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Wow. Just wow.
forceouthate2 September 2022
Well, I can honestly say so far I am surprised. I went into this thinking it would be entertaining at the most and left shocked at how much I enjoyed it. The characters are well done and the dialogue feels very Tolkien-esk. Some of the characters that stood out to me were Elrond and Prince Durin. They are very intriguing and give this show the levity it so desperately needs. The main standout is the visuals. The most stunning show I've ever seen. And the music is fantastic too. Do yourself a favor, put your phone down or shut your computer off and go watch this on the biggest screen you can. Lord of the Rings is back. Let's celebrate that.
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The dream, the stage of LOTR, the elf methodology, the dwarves attitude of ever lasting
sassershawn2 September 2022
Not bad so far! When it comes to dwarves, bring your best lassie! I will always bring mine! The imagination of its story writers, if you had the cobod2 concrete 3d printer, you could build your worlds for real. So long after, you can amuse the masses. I see beyond, you should too. Just requires alot of time cement, rebarb, imagination and the finishes. But, I'm seriously impressed so far and would be happy to build your worlds if you should so request it. 3d printing is a way of life and is an art. An art that I hold dear and enjoy. At the end of the day you inspire. Inspiration is what gets us out of bed and gives us reason. Thank you for reminding me, that with a little Inspiration, anything is possible.
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All of these book critics....
gccookpnw2 September 2022
Listen...we know it is not book accurate. Much of The Lord of The Rings and Hobbit movies (modern era non cartoon versions) weren't either. NO length of television show or movie could capture what Tolkien put on pages. So GET OVER IT.
What this show IS, is an amazing cinematic slice of the universe many of us have missed for SO long. If you do not compare the show to the book (as you pretty much should NEVER do with any book based movie because it usually leads to disappointment) then it is a wonderful cinematic dive into ancient LOTR.
ITS AMAZING to be seeing new characters in a universe I thought was long dead. Thank you for bringing us back into the wonderful universe of LOTR.
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Wow. Amazing. Game of thrones killer!
jleite-405152 September 2022
Amazon really kicked it out of the park. This is honestly already on par or better than game of thrones. If the rest of the series is like the first two episodes, this is a winner. Only time will tell. The production value is honestly at the level of the hollywood movies. Let's see if the writing continues to be as good. I think the attention to detail and even the music is as epic as the movies and really shows the attention to detail Amazon focused on. I think they truly wanted to live up to the quality of the movies, but this is not true to the books, but that's ok for me. I'm really hoping that they continue this through the series.
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rhall-937272 September 2022
The attention and respect of the appendices is very clear , there are many allusions to the first age as well, which gives a its similar feel to the fellowship of the ring. The sets are second to none and its truely a work of art. Having read all of Tolkien's and his son's works they dont stray far and all the people complaining about it being "woke" are idiots and don't deserve to absorb the wonderful world to which we are being brought into. This will influence how television is filmed for many years to come. The forging of the rings is one of the most important parts of the legendarium and to be able to see it brought to life before my own eyes is an honor .
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A fantastic return to Tolkien's world
vaccajames2 September 2022
This is truly an amazing adaptation of material from the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion. It is beautiful, from the sets to the effects to the costumes, and so well crafted. Like the Jackson movies, the world looks lived in and alive, full of history and depth. The storyline is excellent, even though it has some departures from established canon. But so far, those departures have done nothing outside the realm of possibility for Tolkien's work and the show stays true to the themes and mood of LotR. This is absolutely worth every penny spent on it.
The acting was brilliant, especially for Galadriel, who Carrie's so much trauma and war weariness and still radiates grace and beauty. Elrond is vibrant and full of charisma; all the characters are fully developed and realized.
And the writing is pure Tolkien. The attention to prose style and shifting turns of phrase for each character is just 'chef kiss'.
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It's Good To Be There And Back Again!
jordanmb-876172 September 2022
Philosophically profound, poetically crafted, teeming with characters who feel like they live and exist in the world Professor Tolkien so indelibly crafted, and set against a landscape as breathtakingly beauteous as it is gilded by untold grimness and great shadows yet looming over this world (all woven together by a gorgeous score and a frankly staggering attention to detail, from trees to thrones to threads to the tiniest of trinkets)... yes, I'm thinking Lord of the Rings is back. If these first two episodes are anything to go by, filled as they are with deep-cut lore, astute changes/reimaginations/entirely new creations, and enough intrigue to span the Second Age, then the mandate from Jeff Bozo (no typo) to create something to rival Game of Thrones has been met. There's an elegance here that only the sophisticated vernacular and worldbuilding of Tolkien's works (plus $1 Billion, obvs) can achieve, and the showrunners have done an impeccable job of honouring both Middle Earth as we have seen it before in Jackson's works as well as Tolkien's own descriptions without bending or bowing to the pressure to deliver more of the same. It baffles me how desperate so many can have been to see this series fail, when it is already so staggeringly apparent that this is no less than a landmark moment in fantasy television, a work which - fingers crossed - will bring the Professor's peerless legendarium to the attention of a whole new generation as it continues to energise and enthrall those who've gladly, lovingly served as its custodians to date.
Just fantastic work all round. Watch for yourself, and soon you will see that there is far more to be found here than fodder for the next chapter in the ceaseless social media-driven culture wars. We're at the dawn of not only a relatively unknown Age in the history of Middle Earth here, but a bold new age for fantasy television holistically. Enjoy it!
Also, one other small (but important) additional comment - Morfydd Clark! How lucky are we to have her talents being lent to this production? So few could've followed Cate Blanchett, and fewer yet could do so with the instantly mesmeric effect that Clark conjures.
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So far so good!
iglooman-629832 September 2022
This is my first time reviewing on IMBD I'm Huge Tolkien fan and love middle earth. I've read all his books. Lord of the Ring movies were great and The Hobbit movie not so much. Honestly I was worried when I heard Amazon purchased the Tolkien franchise. Apparently Bezos is a huge fan as well since Amazon spent like 1 Billion to produce the first season. Long story short. I'm very happy with the first 2 ep of The Ring of Power. I cant wait to see where the story is going. But so far I'm very impressed!! And i absolutely love the adaptation of the harfoots. Quite terrific for sure!! I'm really hoping that when more episodes come out, I won't have to come back and bring down the stars... Time will tell.....
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Genuinely impressed and surprised at how captivating the story is.
eddiesilva-505022 September 2022
The visuals are fantastic with a lot of broad brushing the land scape (very Jackson) but still bringing it down to a very personal level, audio and musical score are really nostalgic of the movies and very well done. Actors playing known roles were a slight jump to get over but quickly overcame any doubt I had and knew they could handle the task. Can't wait to see more of middle earth and these characters we know and some we only have heard in passing in the films. Overall I'm very excited for the future of this universe as long as they continue with the type of quality and consideration to the Tolkien set universe.
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Greatest thing ever created for TV
fathert2 September 2022
It just is. Visuals, characters, epic-ness. All wonderful, and it looks beautiful.
Disclaimer: I have not read the 1st/2nd age works of Tolkein, and maybe if I had I'd have a different opinion. However, I am a fan of the Hobbit and LotR books (didn't like the Hobbit movies, did love LotR). This show dropped me right back into Middle Earth and felt immediately familiar and glorious.
The story telling works, the acting is spot on. There are delightful performances and Nori is an instant hit. Can't wait to see more of her.
Having watched the first 2 episodes a couple of times now, I can't wait for the 3rd.
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Recaptures the magic!!!
comicrogue2 September 2022
A worthy prequel to the monumental achievement that is the original trilogy of Lord of the Rings. With an abundance of reverence for the lore and source material created by J. R. R. Tolkien this show takes me back to a time 20 years ago when 3 magical movies transported me in a way I never thought possible. Please support and watch, the amount of love that went into this show is so evident and almost tangible.
Every character is distinct and vibrant in their own way, the special effects a dazzling blend of practical and cgi, and every shot a painting. The amount of detail apparent in this is nothing short of phenomenal. With about 4 different storyline running concurrently, each feels different enough yet woven so seamlessly together there are no problems in following it.
Do yourself a favour and watch the magic unfold.
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Fascinating, Glorious, and better than I expected.
nicholaspeteredwards2 September 2022
I just watched The Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power.
To preface any sort of review, I must begin simply stating that I am a massive Tolkien fan. I've been watching LOTR since I was 3, and read my first Tolkien novel at 6. By the time I was 14, I had read the Children of Hurin, Silmarillion, and Unfinished Tales. By 16, I added the entire HoME (History of Middle-Earth) to my list. When I first heard of Amazon's show, I was immediately sceptical. I was worried it would be awful, as bad as Wheel of Time. I thought, of all things, that it would be a frivolous waste of time and money.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is a spectacular return to Middle-earth. Visceral, breathtaking and immersive, from the prologue reminiscent of the first minutes in Fellowship of the Ring, to the vast landscapes of Tir-Harad - I found myself gloriously gripped and filled with joy. Eyes watering, I cried tears of joy, seeing Middle-Earth brought to screen unlike I've seen since I was but a small boy, when watching Jackson's incredible LOTR Trilogy for the first time (which is the greatest trilogy ever made, fight me!). The dialogue rang in my ears like song and poetry. The lit of each race's speech making each distinctive and unique. This show is unlike anything I've seen on TV. It's cinema masquerading as TV, yet retains all the glorious writing of its medium intact. I have never been so impressed with an adaptation since the LOTR Trilogy, and I may well never encounter these feelings again. The musical score hit my heart, drifted in my ears and resounded in my soul. The acting of the characters was so good, they felt truly real to me. There was never a dull moment - this felt like a book brought to screen.
Everything about this show is grand and visually stunning. Many have feared that the show would shove a political agenda down viewers' throats. I am thrilled to say that at least so far, that concern is unfounded. There has been much internet chatter and scrutiny over the particular casting choices that were made. However, the casting director made fantastic choices and each actor fits their role perfectly. Also, the female characters display an inner strength, but without any of the self-intitled, narcissistic idiocy that make a Mary Sue. Each character is beautifully flawed, with a journey ahead. All are treated with the same care and cadence.
Again, I must say the acting is phenomenal. Within the first episode, one gets a sense of what each character is like. The Harfoots provide a charming and full of heart solace from the darker storyline threads. Prince Durin IV and Princess Disa are both boisterous bundles of fun. The costumes and the sets were beautiful. Fans of the Jackson trilogies will be able to find similarities in the various architectural styles. Bear McCreary's score is incredible, with each character and location having a distinct theme, varying from simple choral voices for the elves to dramatic swells for the character of Galadriel. The CGI is first rate, and I was in awe of the detail and the beautiful design of the realms belonging to the Elves. Khazad-Dum especially presents vast scope and grandeur. I cannot give this anything but a perfect score. Truly a jaw dropping success from Amazon. The haters are wrong.
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adderallnationdestiny2 September 2022
For context, I'm a big Tolkien fan. There are many reasons why I had preconceived notions this show was going to be a very big let down, but after watching the first two episodes, I'm surprised (and relieved) to say if the trend of the first two episodes continues, I'm really going to enjoy this series. The first two episodes were solid! There are two different types of LOTR fans, those that are fans Peter Jackson's franchise and those who aren't. I happen to be one that is so I was very surprised Amazon didn't try to reinvent the original look of LotR, but instead, built upon the look Peter Jackson brought to life. Everything from writing to acting, cinematography, score and special effects is 100% as it should be, the show is truly stunning. I'd even venture to say this show makes GoT look like poop lol. I hope you enjoy the show as much as I am so far!
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The TV show every real Tolkien fan always dreamed
lucaspedrosa-940122 September 2022
This show starts slow, but definitely establishes middle earth with so much soul taken directly from the books, with astonishing visuals, amazing soundtrack and brilliant actors. Every character from the books are very accurate about what we expect them to be based on what we know they pass through on the events written by Tolkien but also very close to their personalities on PJ movies, but of course we're seeing theses characters still much younger and with a lot of this to learn, and I hope to see them grown with a properly development but by now I'm really excited and confident about what the future will bring. The original characters always associated with some mistery plot makes things even more interesting, not just for the more hardcore fans but to the casual audience as well, to everyone who like fantasy/adventure in any form give this show a chance, it is a chance of a life time to see this happening and despite all the irrational hate the show is receiving we are about to have some good years of TV master class up head.
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Just memories of LOTR good ones
annefernanda2 September 2022
The mines of Moria ! On its prime glory ! I just loved to see it and all the life on it and thought where the balrog was! I also wondered how was the crossing of seas to the eternal landsI found it magical and beautiful ! I just had so much fun and caressed my 12 yo girl memories of going to the movies and watching LOTR and loving it more than anything. The series is clean and marvelous, nothing bad so far! Acting is solid and the effects are top notch! I am just so curious with the one character I know nothing about (the one with nori). I wish I could watch all nine episodes today. Galadriel has showed such wild will!
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ergoncalves2 September 2022
Absolutely gorgeous! Still just 2 episodes, but completely got me.
I'm aware it's too soon to judge because there's much to tell, but I'm certain they'll do an excellent job doing so, and the feeling now is the anxiety to watch the next episodes!
I can relate to those unsatisfied with some of the lore, like in the prologue, but remember guys, they don't have all the rights about the First Age and having to adapt A LOT about it, I can sure tell they did a brilliant job with this adapting, and even who didn't read the books will understand, obviously with time, as the episodes are released, because the story isn't complete to rate like that.
But for now I'm satisfied and anxious to see where they'll lead us!
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Rings of power is not your average TV series
OfficialBadPug2 September 2022
Much like the movies and much like the books, RoP (rings of power) is not for the average tv viewer, it is for those who know what lord of the rings is and generally lovers of this type of genre because ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls RoP is not a "adventure wrapped in 60 min" type tv show, no no theyre trying to tell a story that will take a whole season ro complete and much like the movies and the books, each scene eventually adds up to a grand finale and not just its own contained thing with a "cliff hanger" tie in to the next episode.
I will also say in the spirit of disclosure i expected to dislike this series bsed on trailers and such so i watched it expecting to click off in 10min or so but nope, whole thing so far has been amazing!
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You will really like it if you dont bring LOTR baggage of expectations
gzfcsshbwb2 September 2022
Dont know why so much hate towards this show. You will really like it if you dont bring LOTR baggage of expectations. I have enjoyed thoroughly. Dont look at it from LOTR prism. This story is taking place 2000 years before LOTR timelines. The establishment of characters, plots and execution of action scenes are fantastic. The CGI is top class and clearly shows the quality in the show. Please watch it and you will love it. The breathtaking cinematography and sound score takes us to that time and I dont find any issues with story or cast. Episode 1 takes some time to establishment timeline and cast and Episode 2 takes the story to a next level. There is action, emotion, humour, thrill what else could I ask for. I hope the level goes up in the upcoming episodes.
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Better than expected
imperialmattie2 September 2022
It might not quite be Peter Jackson's LoTR but we've only gotten 2 episodes so far and to say it exceeded expectations would be an under statement. Came into like a lot of people expecting something not great but they out did themselves, only wish their marketing could have been at the same level.
Very interested to find out who meteor man is, so far their best character by far.
Any Lord of the Rings fan should definitely give this show a try, there is something to interest most people if you come into it with an open mind.
The negative response this shown has received really feels to be more down to bad marketing and trailers than actually being a bad series. For a first season this feels like an amazing start.
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This is an event!
rdavies-801962 September 2022
The negative reviews make me chuckle, dull??? I'm not sure what you're watching but this is a spectacle the likes of which weve not seen on tv, which I guess explains the 400 plus million spent on the first series. You can see where the money's gone - this makes all other fantasy shows seem small, including house of the dragon. This isn't perfect, it couldn't be, and it might not be exact enough for purist Tolkien fans but it's a wonder to behold, just close the curtains and immerse yourself in the magic - I sat back and marvelled at the beauty of it all - it really is the pinnacle of cinematic tv making. Which still manages to capture the heart of the books - wondrous!
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Better than GOT & HOD
scienceguyyyyy2 September 2022
This series respects source material very well, dont listen to the naysayers. The production quality is simply the greatest in the world. The story is very compelling. The dilogues are written by a poet. Every line spoken is gold standard. ........ One thing can not be more true- this is a extremely underrated series. The rating should have been atleast above 9. The cast is just great. No cast member seems unnecessary. The series is just like Peter jacksons movies but only longer. I did not come across a single thing or a single sentence that seemed unecessary. Overall one of the greatest shows i have ever watched.
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Spectacular and feels very Tolkien.
davidrobson-703542 September 2022
Epic visuals really help it along.
The first episode is sure slow but is necessary for character building. The story of Tir-Harad is very interesting and looking forward to seeing it develop.
A lot of Tolkiens second age was just historical events and no dialogue or short stories so interested to see how the original ones develop but stick to the lore.
The second episode is much better and the dwarves are spectacular. The pacing is much better in this and really pushes you to wanting more.
I can't wait to see this develop. I have my reservations about certain story plots but I am open to learning more as this an adaptation of a little expanded on time in Tolkiens Literature.
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haroonmajeed2 September 2022
One of the best tv show of 2022. Great start for book lover who reads every book and memorize it on fingertips. Others feels this show a little bit slow but we all know how this end with what pace. Overall everything is good CGI, Visuals, Cinematography, Choreography, Background Score, IS PERFECTLY combined with one another. Can't wait to see remaining episodes and the story. The one thing that bothers me is how they end this story because it is clear from the 2 episodes they changed a lot of story + they add some new unknow character as well.
Well, in a perfect world, Rings of Power would be a hit. It has all the elements a TV-lover could ever ask for in an epic story -- the directing, acting, cinematography, set design, etc. Are all top-notch and build a beautiful world to become immersed in. Is it Tolkien's world? I don't know. I propose that most of these modern additions to time-tested materials should be assessed through the lens of fan-fiction. In the same way that Disney's Star Wars additions feel like fan fiction, I would say that Rings of Power feels like fan fiction. But very clean, well-produced, and artfully envisioned fan fiction. I, personally, loved it and was not disappointed, but I, also, am not accustomed to the body of work of J. R. R. Tolkien. So I think all the cinema world can do is stop and wait and see what the "true" fans have to say. 10/10, so far.
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Amazingly mesmerizing
charbelelchaerr2 September 2022
These 2 episodes were worth waiting for three years since this show was announced. It saddened me that huge fans of Tolkien 's work are hating it just because the directors used some of their imagination since they hadn't enough material to create a complete show. I mean I am really disappointed by the Tolkien community, instead of encouraging various people who, for some reason didn't like the idea of reading huge books, to come and watch a show that could lead them to fall more in love with Tolkien's world, they are chasing them away, and in this way not letting their community enlarge. This show is beautiful in every way. This show isn't contradicting any of Tolkien's beliefs, since I don't think that casting people with different colors of skin would offend Tolkien at all. I know that Tolkien was a devout Catholic, and that his faith shaped the mythology of Middle Earth, but I am a strong Catholic believer too and I can assure you that nothing that this show has to offer contradicts or offend my beliefs (as far as the first 2 episodes have released). So please stop hating on something that has so much potential and could benefits Middle Earth's community.
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awesome and it's just the first episode
michaelblatter2 September 2022
Really awesome looking forward for more. The only bad thing is, that we have to wait one week everytime!really recommended and just great to see some more LoTR stuff after such a long time. Good acting, story and visual effects. Keep up the good work. Was waiting for it and I'm really not disappointed by the great work and effort which was put into this new series. One of the best pilots so far for they year 2022. Maybe it doesn't stick to much to tolkien but in my opinion that doesn't matter! Cannot wait for next Friday for episode two
this is going to be a really huge thing I'm pretty sure about this. Let's see how far this will go in the future.
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julianeliasrehm2 September 2022
Wow wow wow. It looks absolutely incredible. Story is good as well. I can finally rest. I can't believe people are just hating it because of nothing. Don't trust the haters, it looks, sound and is incredible. The pacing is also very good, which was a huge complain I've read along. I would say sometimes it is a bit off, but nothing serious. I actually feel like I'm diving back into middle earth. A dream is coming true. The first two episodes feel and look like a movie, which is quit impressive. After the shot of galadriel and his brother under the tree I was able to completely dive in. The visual beauty and the awesome atmosphere created by the soundtrack gave me chills.
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A good start to a show that will hopefully be better
am3r1canpyro2 September 2022
While there are many flaws in the first two episodes, it is expected of such an anticipated show. Many base their reviews and likeness of the show to closeness to the source material and Tolkein. In any prequel, this is something that should be adhered to. I thought the first two episodes were a great start to warming us up to the World of Middle Earth again. It is expected for at least the first episode to contain some form of filler. All shows must advance the story, but also introduce characters and settings. I thought the first episode did a good job in doing just that. I am hopeful that it will get exponentially better and become the EPIC we all hoped it would be.
Give it a chance! (or two)
jimi escribió:@Kavezacomeback Te sirve como orientativo, lo mismo que metacritic. Cuando tienes miles y miles de peliculas, series, juegos es directamente imposible probarlos todos.
Al final no es mas que la democracia en estado puro o procesamiento distribuido.
Asi que son muy utiles como primer filtro para ir priorizando que vas a probar con tu escaso tiempo. Y vamos, en general las puntuaciones suelen ser bastante consistentes. Que si, que hay generos mejor puntuados que otros (como las peliculas de animacion que suelen tener puntuaciones muy altas), o peliculas chinas o indias donde se inflan bastante tambien, pero te da una idea y si comparas con estilos similares te sirve para priorizar lo que vas a ver.
Pero bueno, todos sabemos como funciona hoy en dia la democracia, donde los que mas se inflan la boca por supuestamente defenderla son los primeros en censurarla si contradice su dogma. Una pena.
Igualmente, yo creo que no se puede tapar indefinidamente y con el paso de los dias se ira descubriendo todo, algun dia dejaran de censurar y las puntuaciones se ajustaran a la realidad. Y al final se sabran los numeros reales y se sabra si la serie funciono bien o no.
Ya lo comente muchas veces, pero se sabe mas por los datos que no publican las empresas que por los que publican. Y cuando faltan tantos datos, suele indicar que buenos no son xD.
jimi escribió:Yo no he visto The Walking Dead porque no es algo que me atraiga por ejemplo, pero la ha estado viendo mucha gente durante años y conozco a bastante gente a la que le ha gustado.
En cambio esta serie, de mis conocidos a nadie le ha gustado, creo que es la primera vez que coincidimos todos xD.
Y bueno es normal que los primeros episodios tengan seguimiento porque es la novedad y tal (yo mismamente por ejemplo), pero con el tiempo a los que no nos gusto la vamos a dejar de ver y entonces si me entra la duda si la dejaran durante 5 temporadas por orgullo y seguiran metiendo pasta o la cancelaran.
Y bueno Samba TV publico que solo la vieron 1.8 millones en los primeros 4 dias, mientras (por poner en contexto) a la precuela de juego de tronos la vieron 4.8 millones :S. A mi me parece bastante poca gente y mas con la cantidad de marketing y propaganda que se hace de ella, es abrir amazon (la tienda) y salirme a pantalla completa la serie xD.
Stanjov escribió:Por otro lado, siempre he visto un poco absurdo votar una serie de la que se han visto solo dos capítulos.
Kavezacomeback escribió:Pensé estaría el tercero disponible a la misma hora que los anteriores y resulta no hay nada, ¿sabéis a que hora estará disponible?
Killer D3vil escribió:Por si a alguien le interesa, aparte de la propia obra de Tolkien, y dentro de las externas al autor, recomiendo un libro llamado Bestiario de Tolkien por David Day.
Celebrimbor murió en el 1697 de la segunda edad e Isildur nació en el 3209
friskes escribió:Killer D3vil escribió:Por si a alguien le interesa, aparte de la propia obra de Tolkien, y dentro de las externas al autor, recomiendo un libro llamado Bestiario de Tolkien por David Day.
Hola compañero. Recomendadisimo, fue mi regalo de reyes cuando tenía 14 años, hoy tengo 43 y le sigo teniendo mucho aprecio, como a toda la obra de Tolkien.
Cuando pueda veré el 3er capítulo, a ver que tal está esa recreación de Numenor. Luego me paso a comentar. 1 saludo!
Miniviciao@ escribió:“Nosotros, el reparto de Los Anillos de Poder, nos posicionamos juntos y en solidaridad absoluta contra el despiadado racismo, las amenazas, el acoso y el abuso a los que algunos de nuestros compañeros negros son sometidos de forma diaria. Nos negamos a ignorarlo y a tolerarlo”, han dicho contundentes.
De acuerdo con el comunicado, J.R.R. Tolkien construyó un mundo que es, “por definición multicultural”, en el que diferentes individuos de distintas razas y culturas luchan para acabar con las fuerzas del mal. “Los Anillos de Poder refleja eso, nuestro mundo nunca ha sido blanco, la fantasía nunca ha sido blanca y la Tierra Media tampoco es blanca. Las personas negras forman parte de la Tierra Media y están aquí para quedarse”.
“Finalmente, todo nuestro amor y confraternidad va dirigido a los seguidores que nos están apoyando, especialmente los fans negros que están siendo atacados simplemente por existir dentro del fandom. Vemos vuestra valentía, vuestra creatividad”. El equipo de la serie de El Señor de los Anillos ha lanzado un mensaje muy claro: “Sois válidos, se os quiere y formáis [parte de esto]”.
Kavezacomeback escribió:Llevan bien la cronologíaCelebrimbor murió en el 1697 de la segunda edad e Isildur nació en el 3209
Visto esto igual si es Gandalf![]()
Esta claro hay que verlo sin revisar o no verlo.
friskes escribió:Killer D3vil escribió:Por si a alguien le interesa, aparte de la propia obra de Tolkien, y dentro de las externas al autor, recomiendo un libro llamado Bestiario de Tolkien por David Day.
Hola compañero. Recomendadisimo, fue mi regalo de reyes cuando tenía 14 años, hoy tengo 43 y le sigo teniendo mucho aprecio, como a toda la obra de Tolkien.
Cuando pueda veré el 3er capítulo, a ver que tal está esa recreación de Numenor. Luego me paso a comentar. 1 saludo!
Falkiño escribió:El problema de la serie es que las tramas y escenas inventadas son muy inferiores a lo que deberían, además de los absurdos cambios en las relaciones entre personajes y sus personalidades, que Galadriel es la tía de Gil-galad y la suegra de Elrond, por dios xD
¿Sabéis cómo inventar una escena que no ocurre, pero que es respetuosa con la obra, con la personalidad de los personajes, no desentona con el tono ni estilo y además puede ponerte los pelos de punta? Por ejemplo esta:
4 minutos, señores. 4 minutos que tienen más Tolkien, más épica, muchísima mejor interpretación, mucha más coherencia y trabajo de personajes, que las 3 horas que llevamos de Amazon. Podrían ponerse esta escena en bucle y estudiarla para aprender de cara a la siguiente temporada de la serie.
Un saludo!
Elendil e Isildur son marineros de Númenor ¿No deberían ser el rey y el heredero de Gondor? ¿Gondor ya existe?
Straydog escribió:Algo que me ha chocado, no recuerdo muchos detalles sobre el Silmarillion pero creo que esto es una ida de olla grande, corregidme si me equivoco.Elendil e Isildur son marineros de Númenor ¿No deberían ser el rey y el heredero de Gondor? ¿Gondor ya existe?
Elendil y sus hijos, Isildur y Anárion, son los Señores de Andúnië, un feudo de Númenor, y son además descendientes de Elros, gemelo de Elrond y primer Rey de Númenor. Gondor aún no existe, fué fundado tras la destrucción de Númenor; y Elendil como tal nunca fué Rey de Gondor sino de Arnor; mientras en Gondor gobernaban a la vez sus dos hijos, Isildur y Anárion. El segundo muere en el asedio a Barad-dûr junto a Elendil, y el reino de Gondor queda a cargo de los hijos de Anárion mientras isildur se dirije a gobernar en Arnor. Con el paso de los siglos la línea de Anárion se extingue pero la Isildur pervive en el Norte, y al final de la Tercera Edad es esa línea la que restaura el trono en Gondor, refunda Arnor y Elessar Telcontar, conocido como Aragorn, se convierte en Alto Rey del Reino Unificado.
Falkiño escribió:El problema de la serie es que las tramas y escenas inventadas son muy inferiores a lo que deberían, además de los absurdos cambios en las relaciones entre personajes y sus personalidades, que Galadriel es la tía de Gil-galad y la suegra de Elrond, por dios xD
¿Sabéis cómo inventar una escena que no ocurre, pero que es respetuosa con la obra, con la personalidad de los personajes, no desentona con el tono ni estilo y además puede ponerte los pelos de punta? Por ejemplo esta:
4 minutos, señores. 4 minutos que tienen más Tolkien, más épica, muchísima mejor interpretación, mucha más coherencia y trabajo de personajes, que las 3 horas que llevamos de Amazon. Podrían ponerse esta escena en bucle y estudiarla para aprender de cara a la siguiente temporada de la serie.
Un saludo!