Redigit escribió:I got a lot of really good feedback from my last post, so I wanted to go ahead and show off a few more changes to the interface.

There is now a lock button on the top left of the inventory that disables changing the selected hotbar item with mouse clicks.
Items sold to NPCs can now be repurchased for the selling price.
There are now 4 ammo slots in your inventory.
Life text above the hearts now displays actual life amount.
Mana is now blue instead of purple, this includes mana potions and combat text. (Health gain text is now green)
Right clicking accessories and armor now automatically equips them.
Holding shift while clicking items vendors them if at a shop, or trashes them if not.
Adding and removing backgrounds has been sped up. In addition the game will automatically fill in 1 tile holes in the wall when placing them.

Items on the hotbar that require ammo now show how much ammo you have left.

The multiplayer menu now saves the recent servers that you have connected to.

The amount of damage given and received now has a 15% variance. Players also now have the ability to do critical strikes for 100% extra damage. The base chance right now is 4%, but this number can be increased with gear.

There are now status ailments in addition to buffs. A few that have been added so far are Poisoned, On Fire!, Cursed, and Darkness.

This also applies to most NPCs. Flaming arrows just became a lot more useful...

The magic system has been greatly improved. Mana regeneration has been replaced with max mana increase on items. The speed that mana regenerates depends on what your maximum mana is, and what percent your mana bar is at. If your mana bar is near empty it will regenerate slower than if it was almost full. This encourages careful mana use, while still allowing the ability to go all out if needed.

Ranged players are also getting a bit of love in this update. Necro armor now has a set bonus that reduces the amount of ammo used by %20. Melee players shouldn't feel left out either with the improved flail mechanics that are coming their way.

Probably one of the biggest core changes that you guys will notice with this update is how potions are now handled. A lot of players have mentioned to me that this game takes a huge turn in difficulty around the corruption phase. We've found this mainly to be due to the fact that the player has quite a bit of life and can easily refill half of it every 15 seconds. This seems to make the game feel less about skill and more about gear, as you don't really have to worry too much about taking damage.

You are probably wondering how you are supposed to get life back now that you can only restore 5 hearts every minute. Life will now automatically regenerate depending on how long it's been since you've been hit. This change doesn't really make the game feel any harder or easier, as much as it just encourages players to avoid taking damage.

A good example is that the dungeon is no longer something that you can run through in 10 minutes while massacring everything you see. You need to take your time and carefully work your way through it.
I still don't have a time-line for when this patch is going to be out. I am really trying to perfect the current content in the game before I start adding more progression stuff to it.