si alguien los quiere traducir perfec, porque no entiendo que es cada logro jaja
ya podéis echar un vistazo a la lista oficial de trofeos/logros sobre el nuevo pack DLC de Black Ops 2, que se basan concretamente en los mapas de zombies.
Revolution incluye cuatro nuevos mapas multijugador (Hydro, Downhill, Grind y Mirage), un nuevo escenario y modo de juego para el zombie y una arma (Peacekeeper SMG) exclusiva para el multijugador.
La lista de trofeos/logros

High Maintenance
In Die Rise, be the architect of their instruction.

In Die Rise, fling 10 zombies in one game.

Mad Without Power
In Die Rise, reach round 10 before turning on the power.

ShaftedIn Die Rise, use Pack-a-Punch and all perk machines in one game.

Slippery When Undead
In Die Rise, kill 5 zombies with a single shot from the Sliquifier.

Facing the Dragon
In Die Rise, face the dragon head-on before reaching round 2.

I’m My Own Best Friend
In Die Rise, revive yourself.

In Diner Turned, get a kill with each primary weapon in a Public Match.

Monkey See, Monkey Doom
In Diner Turned, retrieve a chained Cymbal Monkey in a Public Match.

I See Live People:
In Diner Turned, kill the human while its decoy is in play in a Public Match.20GS!