nachobarro, despues de esto nos jugamos unas al Haze, ok?
![Que me parto! [qmparto]](/images/smilies/net_quemeparto.gif)
"The graphics of God of War III are incredible, but the gameplay is equally as impressive. If you’ve played either of the first two God of War games, you’ll basically know what to expect. The gameplay model is solid enough that it didn’t need to be drastically changed. The additions, though, take it to the next level."
"The enemies are already more intelligent than the average game baddie, but their skills can increase when a commander-type enemy comes out. He’ll rally them and they’ll work together with more strategy. Luckily, there are plenty of awesome moves that you can combat them with. For instance, you’ll be able to grab enemies and use them as a battery ram, which looks really cool."
"The best combat addition, though, are the moves that are enemy specific. If you’re fighting a cyclops, for example, you’ll be able to rip its eye out of the socket. You’ll also fight a chimera in the game that changes forms as you cut different parts off. The best new combat feature, though, is the ability to disembowel. It’s not known how often or to which enemies you’ll be able to use this new feature. In one of the sequences shown, Kratos is fighting a large centaur that he finally pins to the ground. He takes out a blade and rips open his stomach, revealing his entrails. If more of God of War III is like this,
it could definitely be one of the goriest games yet. "
it’s already looking to be one of the best titles of this generation. The graphics are
unmatched (incomparables) and the
gameplay looks even more fun and solid than its predecessors.
Hopefully the entire game will end up as impressive as this early gameplay.If it does, the PS3 should finally have the game it needs."