ETS 1.35 FINAL YA DISPONIBLE ... e-135.htmlChangelog:
Germany improvements, stage 2
New French roads: A10-A6 (Vive la France! DLC) and A6-N44
Sardinia island (Italia DLC)
Scandinavian signage improvements (Scandinavia DLC)
New special transport routes (various DLCs)
Purchased container trailers
Purchased logging trailers
Browse purchased trailers & accessories
Double trailers in Germany and Netherlands
Krone Boxliner for 40ft or 2x20ft containers (Krone DLC)
Purchased Schwarzmüller reefer, curtain and log trailers; also traffic (Schwarzmüller DLC)
Adjust purchased trailers without service visit (extendable trailer, sliding tandem)
Copy truck/trailer configuration across fleet
Wiper settings improved
GPS Voice navigation
Use your own purchased trailers in External Contracts (WoTR)
Online garage purchase
Emergency refuelling service
Input improvements (Steam controller support, Tobii eye tracker support, controller hotplug support, better FF on Linux)
Razer Chroma support (RGB)
New options: truck stability, truck suspension, cabin suspension, dual localization of names in map
Faster job generation for hired drivers
Lots of new drivers to hire
Experimental DX11 support
Curve item (new editor item)
Walker/mover item improvement
Multiple LODs for models
Modded trucks support (in-game function)
Traffic data improvement
Vehicle data improvement (COG, wipers, transmission names, bracers sound)
Randomized cargo model (eg. container color)