megox escribió:Yo al final de esta beta ciertamente me quedé con ganas de jugar más para evaluarlo mejor, aunque me molestaron bastante algunos bugs; por ejemplo al ir a craftear cualquier cosa, cuando pulsaba escape (o alt) se quedaba la animación del personaje, la pantalla sin menú y sin poder moverme.
No me parece mal juego, pero personalmente creo que no me ha transmitido lo suficiente para pagar por la key y por la suscripción mensual.
Garranegra escribió:megox escribió:Yo al final de esta beta ciertamente me quedé con ganas de jugar más para evaluarlo mejor, aunque me molestaron bastante algunos bugs; por ejemplo al ir a craftear cualquier cosa, cuando pulsaba escape (o alt) se quedaba la animación del personaje, la pantalla sin menú y sin poder moverme.
No me parece mal juego, pero personalmente creo que no me ha transmitido lo suficiente para pagar por la key y por la suscripción mensual.
A mi ese bug no me ha ocurrido, pero ten en cuenta que es una beta, y que hoy mismo han anunciado los cambios del nuevo parche.
A mi me hecha para atrás, que se tenga que pagar mensualidades, cuando ni siquiera han puesto una triste traducción y que me pierda parte del lore por ese motivo. Por lo demás, si que estaría dispuesto a pagar.
The Elder Scrolls Online v0.181 features many fixes and improvements to existing content. Here’s a brief overview of what awaits you in this test:
Streamlined and made modifications to the tutorial. It should now be faster to complete and have more interesting encounters.
Many adjustments to overall gameplay and combat.
Numerous fixes for quest issues and blockers.
Several UI fixes and improvements.
Alliance War
Mender and Honor Guards at keeps and resources now cast Negate Magic as part of their abilities.
Art & Animations
Updated and improved several character animations for the start of the game.
Fixed an issue where the animation would stutter while riding your horse.
Fixed an issue where the animation would stutter while in stealth.
Fixed a rare issue where art would be missing in some areas.
Polished many animations and effects in the Main Quest 6 boss battle.
Fixed an issue that was resulting in some quest scenes having incorrect or missing effects.
More final orchestral music has been added to the game (this is an ongoing effort).
Fixed a number of issues with audio from UI and monsters.
The game audio balance has been improved (this is an ongoing effort).
Combat & Gameplay
You can now skip the tutorial with new characters if any of your characters have completed it already. When you click “Create” on the character creation screen, you will be presented with a pop-up which will ask you if you wish to skip the tutorial or not.
NOTE: Pre-existing characters before this patch do not qualify; you must complete the tutorial one more time before you are able to skip.
We are aware of the issues brought up by some of you regarding magicka and stamina regeneration. We are continuing to look into this issue, and a number of fixes included in this patch may address this problem. Please keep us posted on whether this patch fixes, improves, or does not change anything for those of you experiencing it.
Fixed an issue that was causing some players to become permanently invisible. This may still occur in very rare cases, so be sure to keep an eye out and /bug anything you come across.
Health enchants are now 50% more effective than before.
Health picks grant less health than before.
Marginally reduced base magicka and stamina regeneration at higher levels. The change of base regeneration is exponentially less with lower level players.
This change was included in the last patch, but was accidentally omitted from the notes.
Reworked the re-spec cost to 100 gold per skill point. This results in a very similar cost as the old formula for the first 60 skill points, and a significant reduction in the cost beyond that.
Reduced the veteran points gained from completing over world content; instanced dungeons and Cyrodiil are unaffected by this change.
Fixed several issues with the vampire skill line that was causing it to progress much more slowly than intended.
Fixed an issue where if you were cured of Lycanthropy after becoming a full werewolf, you would no longer be able to sprint, block, or bash.
Fixed an issue that was preventing battle leveled characters from getting critical strikes.
Made some modifications to the XP sharing system to fix an issue with power leveling.
Fixed an issue when the reticle would flash red, confirming a hit, even though the target dodged the attack.
Collision updates
You will no longer collide with other player’s pets or followers.
You will no longer experience collision with NPCs while you are stationary and viewing a UI screen (such as your inventory).
Reduced the size of the mudcrab’s collision area.
Fixed an issue with Path of Darkness that could sometimes cause the damage to end earlier than intended.
Bolt Escape now decreases out-of-combat magicka recovery for 4 seconds, instead of stopping all magicka recovery
This change was include in the last patch, but was accidentally omitted from the notes.
Fixed an issue where Restoring Spirit was adding a percentage to all costs, rather than subtracting it.
This originally-intended change was included in the previous patch notes, but was not correctly implemented.
1h + Shield
Properly removed the cast time from the Power Bash ability.
This change was included in the previous patch notes, but was not implemented.
Destruction Staff
Fixed an issue with Wall of Elements that could sometimes cause the damage to end earlier than intended.
Decreased the cost of Wall of Elements.
Increased the range of Destructive Reach.
Dual Wield
Increased the duration of the Twin Slashes damage-over-time, resulting in an increase of damage per cast.
Increased the overall damage from Flurry, though the final hit damage remains unchanged.
Crafting and Economy
Fixed an issue that was causing some jewelry enchantments to temporarily stop functioning after you were killed.
Fixed an issue with the Bash Damage enchant that was causing it to have half the intended effect.
Dungeons/Group Content
Speed Run and Undaunted Achievements in Veteran Instances have had their VP rewards temporarily removed.
Fixed several quest-blocking issues in Veteran Instances.
Summoned Stone Atronach monsters in Tempest Island no longer grant Fighters Guild rep.
Fixed several instances of missing icons for enemy abilities used in dungeons.
Fixed an issue where the effects around Dark Anchors would only appear for players who were nearby when the anchors were triggered. You should now be able to see them from a greater distance.
Iterated on Dark Fissures to make them soloable.
Exploration & Itemization
Decreased the sell values of raw and refined materials.
Updated the sell values of potions and trash items so they sell for at least 1 gold at low levels.
Increased and standardized the sell value of weapons and armor. The old values were a bit inconsistent, so the amount of increase varies depending on the item.
Decreased the cost to buy items from vendors. The old values were a bit inconsistent, so the amount of decrease varies depending on the item.
Treasure chests in veteran zones will now have veteran-ranked items inside.
Inventory & Bank
Increased the starting bank size by 30. We removed 3 potential bank upgrades, and increased the cost of the later bank upgrades to account for this.
Increased the starting inventory size by 10. We removed 1 potential inventory upgrade, and increased the cost of the later inventory upgrades to account for this.
Mac Client
Fixed an issue where copying one character out of a block of text would instead copy the entire block of text.
Fixed an issue where copy/paste keyboard commands were causing the game to occasionally freeze.
Fixed an issue where players with Iris Pro GPUs were seeing many copies of every NPC on-screen.
Fixed an issue where only the first letter of a copied text block would paste when attempting to paste text into the chat window in-game.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when using a crystal shard, jumping into water, using social jumps, or traveling via wayshrines.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when a quest portal teleported you to a location below the world.
Fixed an issue where the game could crash if you had an effect on you while you had a food buff or held item.
Fixed an issue where ship doors caused you to go to an incorrect location.
Many voice-over mismatches and typos have been fixed.
Known Issue: If you have not completed the quest Soul Shiven in Coldharbour, you will be moved back to the beginning of the quest.
Fixed an issue in the Fighters Guild quest The Prismatic Core that prevented you from joining your group members in the instance.
Adjusted the level on the Prismatic Sword that you receive from the Fighters Guild quest The Prismatic Core.
Fixed an issue that was preventing Mages Guild achievements from properly granting upon completion.
Map compass pins were added for the Mages Guild quest The Mad God’s Bargain.
Gutsripper is no longer quite as fearsome as his name, and his difficulty has been adjusted.
Fixed an issue with the quest Glade of the Divine.
Main Quest
Adjusted the difficulty for a skeleton in the tutorial so he can now be killed.
Segments of the tutorial have been removed to improve pacing.
Weapon racks were removed from the tutorial and replaced with a table full of swords.
Fixed an issue in the tutorial where Cadwell’s song was no longer being played when you approached him.
Fixed several issues with skeleton animations in the tutorial to stop pops and stutters.
Interactable objects were added to iron maidens, wheelbarrows, buckets, and skull piles in the tutorial.
Lyris Titanborn now respawns reliably when you log out on any step of the tutorial.
The Harvester at the end of the tutorial was replaced with multiple skeletons, followed by a Bone Colossus.
Molag Bal’s appearance at the end of the tutorial was re-worked with new effects and VO.
Adjusted the difficulty for The Duchess of Anguish in Castle of the Worm.
Fixed an issue where you were incorrectly allowed to keep the powers granted by the Amulet of Kings in God of Schemes.
Adjusted the ritual scene in God of Schemes to prevent the lines from stomping all over each other.
Fixed several issues that could break the battle in God of Schemes.
Starter Islands
Fixed an issue where Razum-dar did not go to the proper location once you spoke to him in the quest Storm on the Horizon.
Compass pins were added for both the Bosun and Razum-dar for the quest Storm on the Horizon.
Malareth’s compass pin has been updated to her new location.
Holgunn has been moved to a more conspicuous location in Davon’s Watch.
Niima now gives an appropriate response if you have not come from Bal Foyen.
Fixed an issue to increase the reliability of refugees spawning in the quest Last Rest on Bleakrock.
Fixed an issue to increase the reliability of Deathclaw spawning when there are many players in Bleakrock.
Fixed an issue in Carzog’s Demise where the spirit would not follow you when it should, blocking the quest.
Quartermaster Oblan should now appear, which will unblock the quest Cast Adrift.
Fixed an issue in the quest Tormented Souls where Drusilla Nerva would not spawn.
Alik’r Desert
Fixed an issue with the quest Left at the Altar in Bergama where thugs would not turn hostile.
Fixed an issue where Tancano was not spawning in the Phaer Catacombs.
Fixed an issue in the objective Silsailen to make the quest more group friendly.
Fixed a blocker in Vulkhel Guard where the marines in front of the door prevented you from entering the Manor.
Fixed an issue in the quest The Unveiling where Malanie would not appear.
Fixed an issue in the quest Harsh Lesson where you could not spar with the proctors.
Fixed an issue where you would be unable to complete the quest Destroying the Dark Witnesses if you had already completed the quest Heart of Evil.
Fixed an issue where logging out at a certain point prevented you from completing the quest Beyond the Call.
Fixed an issue that caused a harvester boss battle to despawn prematurely.
Fixed an issue where you could not complete the quest Victory at Morvunskar if you had already completed the quest The War Council.
Fixed an issue in the quest Giant Problems where logging out on a certain step prevented you from completing the quest.
Fixed an issue that prevented you from entering Ragnthar, blocking the Fighters Guild quest line.
Fixed an issue at the Beldama Wyrd Tree in the quest Reclaiming the Elements which prevented you from talking to the Guardian of Air and completing the quest.
Fixed an issue in the quest Champion of the Guardians where you were unable to interact with Wyress Ashtah.
Foulwing in the Shrieking Scar should now spawn correctly.
Fixed an issue in the quest Rare Imports where you could not interact with the cooking fire to advance the quest.
Fixed an issue in the quest Retaking the Pass where Indaenir would disappear if you wandered too far away from his scene, blocking the quest.
The quest Pelidil’s End has been heavily reworked.
Reapers March
Fixed an issue in Arenthia where you could destroy an earring that blocked the quest The Colovian Occupation.
Fixed an issue where there was no interact prompt on the crates in the quest Down the Skeever Hole.
Fixed an issue in Fort Grimwatch which caused Shazah to follow you indefinitely once the quest was abandoned.
Adjusted the monster difficulty in the Cave of Memories so the boss is now more difficult than the mobs before him.
Fixed an issue in Fort Virak where you could become stuck as a spirit outside of the Ruined Corridors.
Fixed an issue in Fort Arand where Ahknara would fail to appear.
Adjusted the level of the monsters in the Supernal Dreamers camp.
Moved a ship door to its proper place in Koeglin Village.
The Rift
Fixed a blocker in Ivarstead where you could not turn in the quest if you left a certain conversation.
Adjusted the difficulty of Kevinne Blightheart to be soloable.
Fixed an issue with the compass settings in Northwind Mine so you are properly pointed toward the goal.
Fixed an issue with the compass that would mislead you on the quest Drink, Drink, and be Merry.
User Interface
Veteran Rank water now displays as level 50 in the Alchemy UI.
Fixed an issue where an error would appear when using Rings of Mara with another player.
Fixed an issue where French and German words occasionally would not be properly capitalized at the beginning of the sentence.
Fixed an issue with the Customer Support window not loading properly.
Fixed an issue where the cursor would become active during lockpicking and prevent you from interacting with the tumblers.
Alliance War
Polished some French and German sentences in the Alliance War overview window.
Fixed an issue where Enchanting sounds were missing for Runes.
Fixed an issue where sounds would not play while Provisioning.
Fixed an issue where sound would occasionally stop playing while Enchanting.
Fixed an issue where sounds would play when choosing dialogue options; you should now not hear a sound at all.
Fixed an issue where /chatlog did not function. This is now saved to a file upon exiting the game. You can find this in \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\Logs\ChatLog.log
Added an option under the Game Menu in Social/Settings that lets you disable the default behavior of the cursor being brought up when hitting Enter or typing into chat.
Fixed an issue where guilds would reorder upon login, causing you to have your slash commands for chat not map to the same guilds.
Fixed an issue where turning off quest giver indicators would not persist after closing the client.
Added back the "." keybind to enable cursor mode.
Several maps have been updated to include more detailed information.
Tool Tips
Improved the messaging on the Rings of Mara and how they work.
Added a message when an item is deconstructed but no materials are obtained in the process.
Foxindarian escribió:Algún sitio donde reservar la Imperial Edition física? Se me pasó la de la Fnac, y no la veo en ningún otro sitio...
Y en no la mandan porque es demasiado grande
maximen13 escribió:Pues en la tienes para reserva, en su web la acabo de ver.
Foxindarian escribió:maximen13 escribió:Pues en la tienes para reserva, en su web la acabo de ver.
Muchas gracias!
Joder... toda la maldita semana anterior mirando y ni aparecía en la web... me despisto 5 días porque ya creía que ni la iban a traer, y en ese tiempo sale y se agotan las reservasAhora solo se puede reservar la de XONE... yo quería la de PC
Taureny escribió:¿Cuando vuelve la beta?.
perracon escribió:A mi un amigote me regalo una key y probé la última beta, aunque no pienso pagar un duro por no estar en mi idioma, y lo digo por el simple hecho de jugar a un juego de esta saga sin enterarte de casi nada o con las incomodidades que tiene traducirlo no es jugar a un juego de esta saga.
En cuanto a mi opinión sobre lo poco que he jugado casi todo es bueno, claro que solo he jugado 4 o 5 horas, los graficos son bonitos, tira bien en ordenador medio como el mío, las misiones son entretenidas, la jugabilidad en general es fluida para ser una beta, pero no olvidemos que esto es un juego online y no podemos comparar nada de este juego con el resto de la saga excepto su historia o lore o como se le llame.
Y lo de las cuotas pues un juego con cuotas si se lo curran bien y se gastan mucho de ese dinero en seguir mejorandolo y metiendo contenido pues el juego irá mejorando y creciendo como muchos otros.
He leido casi todo el hilo, no todo y he visto muchos comentarios de esto va a caer ftp en menos de un año y cosas así y realmente me parecen comentarios tan banales como los que he leido vitorenado al juego antes de que siquiera hubiera salido del tipo me lo compro solo por ser de esta saga.
Yo personalmente esperaré, que prisa no hay, a ver si sale en mi idioma, a ver los comentarios de los que llevan tiempo jugando, a esperar que los del ftp en menos de un año se traguen sus palabras, o digan eso lo sabía yo...
Tambien digo lo de esperar por que muchos de los que se gastaran el dinero, si luego el juego no les gusta no lo dicen tan rápido.
Por cierto esas ediciones de colecionista que he visto por ahi merecen la pena solo por tener eso en una estanteria, si luego el juego es un truño eso seguira siendo bonito en la estanteria.
ZackHanzo escribió:perracon escribió:A mi un amigote me regalo una key y probé la última beta, aunque no pienso pagar un duro por no estar en mi idioma, y lo digo por el simple hecho de jugar a un juego de esta saga sin enterarte de casi nada o con las incomodidades que tiene traducirlo no es jugar a un juego de esta saga.
En cuanto a mi opinión sobre lo poco que he jugado casi todo es bueno, claro que solo he jugado 4 o 5 horas, los graficos son bonitos, tira bien en ordenador medio como el mío, las misiones son entretenidas, la jugabilidad en general es fluida para ser una beta, pero no olvidemos que esto es un juego online y no podemos comparar nada de este juego con el resto de la saga excepto su historia o lore o como se le llame.
Y lo de las cuotas pues un juego con cuotas si se lo curran bien y se gastan mucho de ese dinero en seguir mejorandolo y metiendo contenido pues el juego irá mejorando y creciendo como muchos otros.
He leido casi todo el hilo, no todo y he visto muchos comentarios de esto va a caer ftp en menos de un año y cosas así y realmente me parecen comentarios tan banales como los que he leido vitorenado al juego antes de que siquiera hubiera salido del tipo me lo compro solo por ser de esta saga.
Yo personalmente esperaré, que prisa no hay, a ver si sale en mi idioma, a ver los comentarios de los que llevan tiempo jugando, a esperar que los del ftp en menos de un año se traguen sus palabras, o digan eso lo sabía yo...
Tambien digo lo de esperar por que muchos de los que se gastaran el dinero, si luego el juego no les gusta no lo dicen tan rápido.
Por cierto esas ediciones de colecionista que he visto por ahi merecen la pena solo por tener eso en una estanteria, si luego el juego es un truño eso seguira siendo bonito en la estanteria.
Pero si vas a hacer una critica destructiva... al menos argumenta el porque un juego donde han metido 260 millones de dolares pasara a ser free to play... Ya no B2P sino F2P.
¿Has probado el PvP? ¿La importancia del craft? ¿Contenido High-End PvE? ¿Leveleo a High-End? ¿Dungeon en Cyrodill? ¿Has probado como funciona el comercio de los gremios?
Esque no se si será tu caso pero tu comentario parece del tipico que no entiendo que el juego es un mmorpg basado en el lore de TES y nada mas como se anuncio en un principio.
Que argumentes que sera free to play, porque has jugado al contenido y te parece de baja calidad o cantidad entender tu critica, pero con lo que has jugado no has podido ver ni la 1º Dungeon grupal, por lo que no entiendo...
Entiendo tambien que a una persona el idioma pueda echarle para atras como es logico, pero salvando el WoW (año y pico despues de su salida) y juegos que se llaman mmorpg por llamarse algo (DCUO) todos los juegos de este estilo han salido en ingles, al menos de salida...
Vamos, con todo el respeto, tal y como has argumentado parece que es mas una opinion de un fan de la saga que no tiene mucho conocimientos de un mmorpg que de un seguidor de un mmorpg, porque poner el idioma, y asegurar que el juego sera f2p sin probar tan siquiera el contenido (y parece ser que ni informarse de este...).
Que va a ser F2P en 1 año, puede ser... pero mira el FFXIV que con muchisimo menos contenido ahi esta a reventar, mira el FFXI que todavia sigue a cuotas, y ultimamente el mundo TES ha ganado muchos enteros con respecto al mundo FF.
No niego que pueda ser free to play algun dia, ahora pensar que un juego con el nombre TES, donde se han gastado 260kk $ va a ser free to play pronto... pues bueno, es respetable![]()
Para mi, tanto las quotas, como el idioma en Ingles me sirve como filtro.
PD: No se aun si me lo voy a pillar o no, pero de ahi a trollear como se ha hecho en el hilo, y criticar algo negativamente sin hablar de "nada" y con un conocimiento nulo de mmorpgs es un tanto absurder.
perracon escribió:Me parece que te has equivocado citando por que yo no leo nada de lo que estas diciendo en mi comentario, no hago crítica destructiva ni digo que será ftp en menos de un año, es mas digo que esos comentarios me parecen banales, creo que digo lo contrario, me imagino que estarás tan acostumbrado a jugar en inglés que ya no lees bien en tu idioma, anda vuelvelo a leer y cita con conocimiento por favor.
Lo único que he dicho es que esperaré antes de ir corriendo con la pasta en la mano, simplemente eso.
Lo dicho o te has equivocado citando, o no lees bien
maximen13 escribió:perracon escribió:perracon lo *** sobra, respeto y buen rollo por favor
perracon escribió:Me parece que te has equivocado citando por que yo no leo nada de lo que estas diciendo en mi comentario, no hago crítica destructiva ni digo que será ftp en menos de un año, es mas digo que esos comentarios me parecen banales, creo que digo lo contrario, me imagino que estarás tan acostumbrado a jugar en inglés que ya no lees bien en tu idioma, anda vuelvelo a leer y cita con conocimiento por favor.
Lo único que he dicho es que esperaré antes de ir corriendo con la pasta en la mano, simplemente eso.
Lo dicho o te has equivocado citando, o no lees bien
Ealdor escribió:A mi algo que no me gusta y parece que ahora se está poniendo de moda es que un personaje pueda pertenecer varias guilds a la vez (en este caso 5). Quizás sea muy tradicional pero para mi gusto le quita competitividad al juego.
De cualquier manera, ¿se va a crear algún clan durante los primeros días para ir subiendo juntos?.
"Greetings Wanderer,
Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team!
This can happen if the region setting on the launcher is switched either manually or automatically from "United States" to "Europe." It is important to note that while you can set their region to Europe in the ESO launcher's Settings menu, the current beta will ONLY be testing the North American server and requires the region to be set to the United States.
If this switch occurred by accident, there is a work-around that will allow players to access the beta without having to re-install the game yet again.
The steps are listed below.
Windows users:
Click "Settings" (marked by a cog symbol) in the top right corner of the launcher.
Change the region to "United States" and click "Apply."
Exit the launcher and locate the client's install folder (most often C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online).
Rename the folder "The Elder Scrolls Online (EU)" to "The Elder Scrolls Online."
Open the launcher to ensure that the region is still set to "United States" in Settings and that it can access the North American server.
Mac users:
Click "Settings" (marked by a cog symbol) in the top right corner of the launcher.
Change the region to "United States" and click "Apply."
Exit the launcher and locate the client's install folder (Navigate to "Finder", then click "Application" and finally "Zenimax Online").
Rename the folder "The Elder Scrolls Online EU" to "The Elder Scrolls Online."
Open the launcher to ensure that the region is still set to "United States" in Settings and that it can access the North American server.
Feel free to contact customer support if they have any further issues downloading the client or connecting to the beta server.
Blessings of the moon upon you,
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online Team"
deangelis escribió:A mi me salia ese error, y lo que hice fue seguir esto. ... er_update/
ZackHanzo escribió:deangelis escribió:A mi me salia ese error, y lo que hice fue seguir esto. ... er_update/
A ti te reconoce la cuenta? porque me pasa como @gaus, despues de probar mil formas consegui llegar a que pueda ejecutarlo en la version, sin embargo no me deja loggear, ni en el juego ni en la web
Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team.
That information is correct, you should note that the current beta will ONLY be testing the North American server and requires the launcher's region to be set to the United States. Players can ensure their region is set to United States by clicking on "Settings" (marked by the cog symbol) in the top right corner of the launcher.
If you receive a login error, this is due to the beta event not being live yet. All dates and times for beta events are included in the beta invitation.
I tried to reset my password and it doesnt work at all. My friends have the same problem too. Why we cant log in with our usernames/passwords on the website or client?
D0NV1T0 escribió:¿sabeis si la version final estara en español?
D0NV1T0 escribió:¿sabeis si la version final estara en español?
The North American and European megaservers will first be hosted in North America. This gives us a more efficient way to address any platform issues that may arise at launch. After the initial launch phase is over, we will move the European megaserver to the European datacenter – but this will be a seamless migration for users, without additional downloads, logins or action required.
deangelis escribió:D0NV1T0 escribió:¿sabeis si la version final estara en español?
Lo unico que han dicho, es que si tiene suficientes players hispanos se lo plantearan mas adelante, pero vamos que viendo lo verde que esta el juego a dia de hoy , lo veo dificil.
por cierto que os parece esta noticia...The North American and European megaservers will first be hosted in North America. This gives us a more efficient way to address any platform issues that may arise at launch. After the initial launch phase is over, we will move the European megaserver to the European datacenter – but this will be a seamless migration for users, without additional downloads, logins or action required. ... road-ahead
GAIZKO LSK escribió:Alguien sabe porque cada vez que intento jugar tengo que instalar el juego de nuevo? :S
megox escribió:No se si han cambiado algo "en caliente" pero esta mañanaque le he dedicado otro buen rato he sido incapaz de hacer más que 2 misiones por los absurdos tiempos de respawn de objetos / objetivos de quest.
He llegado a estar por lo menos dos horas dando vueltas esperando para terminar dos quests (una de encontrar a unos asesinos en dos barcos y otra de matar a una especie de sucubo. Cuando he vuelto después de comer ha sido casi inmediato el tiempo de respawn ya que había como 35 o 40 personas en la zona esperando también.
Ya tengo a mi templar en el 10 y jugaré otro ratito por si llego a alguna mazmorra o algo que vea y haga que pique para comprarlo y suscribirme.
volcango escribió:Yo tengo la beta pero lo unico que he hecho ha sido mirar el editor de personajes y juguetear un poco con las combinaciones de clase y raza y demas, no voy a jugar a la beta porque paso de spoilearme el juego hasta el dia de su salida.
Turnedo escribió:Dudas:
Sabéis si se comparten los servers de pc-ps4? Es decir, podré jugar con alguien que juege en el pc, y yo en la ps4?
Si tengo el juego para ambos dispositivos, me sirve la cuenta? Pagaré una sola suscripción?
Gracias, espero que me haya explicado bien.
maximen13 escribió:
Por lo que yo tengo entendido:
No, no se comparten los servers entre plataformas.
Por desgracia y en mi opinión completo error, no, tampoco te sirve la cuenta por lo que tendrías que pagar dos suscripciones.
deangelis escribió:maximen13 escribió:
Por lo que yo tengo entendido:
No, no se comparten los servers entre plataformas.
Por desgracia y en mi opinión completo error, no, tampoco te sirve la cuenta por lo que tendrías que pagar dos suscripciones.
Hombre yo lo veo normal, estos cross servers nunca salen bien, ya que los que juegan con teclado y raton tienen mucha ventaja frente a los que jueguen con PAD y mas en un juego como este que hay que apuntar y tiene PvP.
maximen13 escribió:
No si yo eso tambien lo veo bien lo que no veo bien es que yo por ejemplo que juego tanto en ps4 como en pc me compre el juego en las dos plataformas y tenga que pagar dos suscripciones.