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Morkar escribió:Tampoco es eso porque si segun eso nemesis no es el 3 y pasamos directamente al code todo dios se preguntarias y racoon que la dejaro ain llena de zombies para que la plaga siguiese extendiendose ?
el re3 cuenta lo que tiene que contar que es el final de raccon city punto y por cierto lo del code veronica es al REVES claire esta buscando a su hermano y la capturan entonces leon avisa a chris para que la rescate chris no buscaba a su hermana en ningun momento antes del code veronica es mas estaba buscando la sede europea de umbrella no a su hermana
Morkar escribió:error el 1ºresident 3d fue el gun survivor otra cosa es que en ps1 no se bea bien del todo (sin embargo en la ps2 se be bastante mejor )
y no chris se va de racoon a europa a buscar la sede de umbrella no a buscar a su hermana lo dice bien claro en el RE2 luego capturan a claire en paris (creo) chris avisado por leon que recibe un mail de claire al poco de huir de prision obiamente va a rescatarla y luego sigue con su busqueda de umbrella que lo lleva hasta rusia con jill
Manumtz escribió:Morkar escribió:error el 1ºresident 3d fue el gun survivor otra cosa es que en ps1 no se bea bien del todo (sin embargo en la ps2 se be bastante mejor )
y no chris se va de racoon a europa a buscar la sede de umbrella no a buscar a su hermana lo dice bien claro en el RE2 luego capturan a claire en paris (creo) chris avisado por leon que recibe un mail de claire al poco de huir de prision obiamente va a rescatarla y luego sigue con su busqueda de umbrella que lo lleva hasta rusia con jill
eso quise decir tio, que chris no la estaba buscando en un pincipio, lo que poasa esque dije que clare lo estaba buscando y despues fue chris el que la buscaba. elgun survivor ya se que es 3d, pero me refiero al primer resident evil estilo survivar-horror no a un shooter de resident evil.
Morkar escribió:si vas con la mentalidad de esto no me va a gusatar olvidalo porque hagas lo que hagas NO te va a gustar y respecto al tema sustos pues chico creo que el ultimo susto que me dio esa saga fue la visita de mrx en la comisaria en la sala de las antorchas
porcierto que version del resident evil 4 has provado ?
y ya puestos olvida el modo facil empiezalo como minimo en normal
Morkar escribió:pero viste al doctor salvador y su "bisturi" por ej ?
y respecto a tension y que en cualquier momento lleges a palmarla el 4 gana de lejos al zero de calle es mas el zero yo me lo pase sin morir ni 1 vez y la 1º vez el 4 me mataron bastantes veces y sitios tensos pues hay un par de zonas oscuras que son bastante jodias y puede que algun otro sustillo te den vamos que en tema de "survival" es mucho mas jodido sobrevivir en el 4 que en todos los demas (al menos para mi )
de todas formas el 1º caputulo es muy introductorio te queda mucho juego aun pero MUUUUCHO
Morkar escribió:entonces 2 cosas te recomiendo 1º si puedes pasartelo en wii mejor entre el control y los extras el juego mejorano solo en duracion si no encima la trama gana mucho mas peso la presencia de wesker (y de paso si catas antes el umbrella cronicles aun mejor ) y 2º la proxima vez que empieces en el pueblo nada mas empezar la lucha metete en la casa grande la de los 2 pisos te aseguro que la cosa mejora BASTANTE ( o empeora segun se mire)
utilizando la reina roja y los satelites de umbrella de los que se apodera en el umbrella cronicles
Morkar escribió:digamos que csale pero indirectamente en la wii con los extras se le ve in person dando ordenes varias y de pasoutilizando la reina roja y los satelites de umbrella de los que se apodera en el umbrella cronicles
y ya puestos no solo por los resident la wii tiene muy buenos juegos aunque la gente se emperre y se ciegue en que no es mas yo la tengo es la unica que dispongo de esta gen y demomento me sobra tengo ya 12 juegos y por conseguir todos los juegazos que salen a priumeros de año tengo para rato (madworld project zero 4 el tales of el overkill el conduit etcetc...) y seguro que por ebay o en alguna tienda de 2º mando la encuentras mas barata fijo
Razielus escribió:Otro fan de la saga por aqui, el cual te recomienda que le des una oportunidad a RE4. Bien sabemos que se pierde ese aura misteriosa que rodeaba a los demás títulos, pero esa tensión que demandas, créeme que la encontraras.
Como Resident a lo mejor no es tan "puro" pero como juego es muy bueno, por lo que una cosa acabara compensando a la otra. Cuando le cojas el vicio, no podrás parar.
Eru escribió:Morkar escribió:digamos que csale pero indirectamente en la wii con los extras se le ve in person dando ordenes varias y de pasoutilizando la reina roja y los satelites de umbrella de los que se apodera en el umbrella cronicles
y ya puestos no solo por los resident la wii tiene muy buenos juegos aunque la gente se emperre y se ciegue en que no es mas yo la tengo es la unica que dispongo de esta gen y demomento me sobra tengo ya 12 juegos y por conseguir todos los juegazos que salen a priumeros de año tengo para rato (madworld project zero 4 el tales of el overkill el conduit etcetc...) y seguro que por ebay o en alguna tienda de 2º mando la encuentras mas barata fijo
La verdad es que me tira más la 360, pero como no hay dinero, ni una ni otra, ni de primera ni segunda manoRazielus escribió:Otro fan de la saga por aqui, el cual te recomienda que le des una oportunidad a RE4. Bien sabemos que se pierde ese aura misteriosa que rodeaba a los demás títulos, pero esa tensión que demandas, créeme que la encontraras.
Como Resident a lo mejor no es tan "puro" pero como juego es muy bueno, por lo que una cosa acabara compensando a la otra. Cuando le cojas el vicio, no podrás parar.
Lo tendré en cuenta. Creo que empecé demasiado predispuesto y además pienso que no sabia muy bien como afrontar el juego. Tanto enemigo, la verdad que no se si estaba haciendo disparando tanto y gastando tanta munición. De acabar de pasarme el 0 y pasar a este en menos de una semana pues demasiado cambio para mi mente
Por cierto, ¿es el más largo de los Resident aparecidos hasta la fecha? Me refiero a la versión de GC. Es decir, que recuerdo haber leido que puede durar sobre las 20 horas.
Un saludo.
Morkar escribió:si es el mas largo las 20 horicas la 1º vez lo te las quita nadiey ya pouestos la version de wii con los extras puede durar 5 horas mas de juego facilmente
y Rai no es que me olvide el no more heroes 2 es que 1º tendria que conseguir el 1º sin censurar asi que no hay prisa
Morkar escribió:cuando un juego necesita un pàrche y usar un mando de 360 para jugarlo bien en pc es que no esta optimizaco como dios manda
Morkar escribió:cuando un juego necesita un pàrche y usar un mando de 360 para jugarlo bien en pc es que no esta optimizaco como dios manda
Chris Redfield drives across the African savannah in his humvee towards Kijuju. Kijuju, an area of a "fictional" African country (it's actually Nigeria) has been sealed off by the army after a massive surge in violence, rioting and the murder of foreign residents. Whilst the BSAA is not sure if it's a BOW outbreak or just an outburst of nationalist sentiment, they are investigating the situation and have already infilitrated the area. Chris meets up with his new partner Sheva Alomar. Sheva is there to help "smooth over" interactions as the government has recently been replaced after a bloody civil war and the natives still fear any colonial interference by the West.
The two approach the gate to Kijuju and have to bribe a local army officer to get past. They explore the village, taking in the hostile attitudes of the locals and casual violence. As they head towards their contact, a siren sounds and the village clears. After meeting up with Reynard Fisher and obtaining their equipment they head towards the town square to look for any leads on finding an arms dealer called Ricardo Irving. The pair witness the brutal implantation of a Plagas paraiste into a local. They progress to the town square just in time to see Fisher's execution and are forced to hold out against the Majini hordes. After a BSAA chopper takes out the gate they press on. They fight their way through the town, encountering foreign girl Allyson along the way only to have to put her down when a Plagas parasite explodes from here head. They reach the sewers where Alpha team has been wiped out. The first Uroboros BOW makes itself known to them and they tap it in a furnace.
Moving through a trainyard to a mining office the pair finally encounter Irving, only for him to be rescued by a mysterious masked woman. The two agents search the files Irving left behind and find a flash drive with Jill Valentine's picture on it. Chris has a minor flashback and upon searching the rest of the files, discovers that Irving is heading towards an oil field. After pitch black caves, roads and cliffsides a truck crashes out of control in front of them. Popokarim, a giant bat BOW, emerges and attacks. After being defeated it flies away and Chris and Sheva are picked up by Josh and another agent in a humvee. After checking in with HQ they are given the order to withdraw from the area due to the scale of the problem. Heading towards the extraction point, they are pursued by motorbikes and trucks. As darkness falls they reach the village, only to learn that the other BSAA team has also been wiped out, this time by an El Gigante. After killing the troll Chris states his intent to disobey HQ's orders, saying he must find out what happened to Jill. He tries to convince Sheva to leave but she sticks with him. They head off at first light to the refinery on an airboat.
Sheva convinces Chris to tell him how Jill died. Chris and Jill were given a tip on where Ozwell E. Spencer was hiding out, but when they entered they found Wesker standing over Spencer's body. They immediately opened fire but Wesker easily dodges the bullets and disarms them. After throwing Jill against a bookcase he prepares to dispatch Chris for good, but Jill tackles him and they both fall out the window. Both Wesker and Jill were presumed dead. Chris and Sheva approach a group of islands with seemingly primitive dwellings on them. They are attacked by tribal Majini and even crocodiles in the swamps. They search to find a piece of a crest on each island in order to assemble it and use it to open a gate blocking their boat's path. They finally arrive at the refinery and meet up with Josh.
After fighting their way through yet another horde and a set of lifts they see Irving on a monitor. Irving tells them they're about to be blown to bits along with the refinery. Josh radios them to say he's secured a boat. Chris and Sheva observe Irving leaving on a gunboat, with the mysterious woman heading in a different direction on a speedboat. They fight to the docks and escape in the nick of time with Josh. Next they blast their way through a set of gates and continue into the swamp, before literally running into Irving's gunboat. They board it and confront Irving. Irving has a small flashback of his own to the refinery where the mystery woman demands to know how he will deal with the pursuing BSAA. Irving laughs it off but when the woman threatens him he agrees he will do something about it.
Irving injects himself with something and mutates into a hideous sea monster. In his death throes he is interrogated by Chris. Chris threatens to shoot Irving but Sheva restrains him. Realising who Chris is, Irving directs Chris to a cave, delighted to be the one who will cause Chris such emotional torment when he catches up with his former compatriot. Meanwhile Excella is injecting Wesker with a syringe marked PG67A/W. She makes it clear her desire to rule Wesker's new world at his side. Wesker brushes her off. The mystery woman enters and informs them the BSAA are approaching. She leaves with Excella, and Wesker has a small flashback to his confrontation with Spencer. Back with Sheva and Chris, they are making their way through a complicated ziggurat that has steps that can be raised and lowered. Popkarim returns for one last battle before they leave. After dodging a bunch of lasers and then solving a puzzle involving refracting laser beams the pair come across a crop of brightly coloured flowers growing underground. Chris spies the Umbrella logo and some Tricell equipment. An AK74 can be found here as well as a bunch of lab animals in cages. Unfortunately something else is hiding in the darkness. Lickers. Dozens of them. And they are incredibly tough taking three grenades to be put down. They also have an instant kill move where they leap on top of you. If you do not shake them off in time, they tear your throat out. However you can circumnavigate some as they are still blind, although for some reason they dissolve like Ganados when they die. Inside a lab area they find the flowers in tanks, with some sort of substance being extacted from them. In the next room is a giant lift filled with hundreds of people in incubation tanks.
Chris calls up Jill's name on the computer and activates the lift. Halfway down an alert sounds and the lift stops. U8 appears, a gigantic crab-like BOW. During this battle it showers you in its offspring. After begin shoved off the side the lift continues down to Jill's pod. The pod opens up to reveal... nothing. It's empty. A woman appears on the monitor. Sheva recognises her as Excella Gionne, head of Tricell's West African branch. As a member of an NGO composed of pharamceutical companies against the proliferation of BOWs, Tricell was able to influence the BSAA's leadership to make them order the withdrawl. It was also Excella who sent U8 after them. She claims to know nothing of Jill and advises they leave if they want to live. They don't.
Going down another elevator they accidentally pick up some comm chatter from Excella asking Wesker how he's holding up. At the bottom they are confronted with Plagas infected soldiers, armed with AKs and flash grenades. Unlike the Majini at the beginning, they do not pause for a while before attacking. They empty their entire clip into you. This marks the beginning of cover becoming prevalent throughout the levels. The pair enter a waste disposal facility that incinerates scrap and in some cases dead bodies from failed experiments. Here you can find the SIG556. Next they find themselves in the area from the trailer with the pipes marked Uroboros and the aerosol missiles. They also encounter their first Mantis, a chimera-like BOW that can discharge poison from its body and also has its own instant-kill move, where it holds you with its uper set of pincers and jabs its lower set deep into your torso.
Finally they catch up with Excella in a testing chamber, except she's in the control room above and the test subject is in the room below with Chris and Sheva. Chris asks where Jill is and Sheva demands to know if they're going to sell Uroboros to terrorists. Excella says that it is simlar to other BOWs created by the Progenitor virus like the leechman but it won't be sold, it'll be used for evolution. As the test subject rises Excella says that those who have worthy DNA will be transformed into a superior race. Uroboros tentacles suddenly explode out of the subject and Excella remarks that he wasn't worthy. In thiss boss fight a flamethrower is dispensed from a wall. It decimates the Uroboros, but when it runs out of fuel the flamethrower must be replaced so its tanks can be filled. After killing it we come to another industrial area filled with soldiers. You can pick up the PSG1 here. You go round in a circle eventually returning to the huge lift shaft where you fought U8. You set it rotating, all the while dodging the Majini shooting at you from on high.
This brings you to some more ruins, filled with more lickers. In this part Sheva goes it alone whilst Chris covers her with a sniper rifle. Finally you reach Excella. Chris and Sheva point their guns at her and order her to halt. Excella remains unfazed and out of nowhere appears the cloaked woman. She attacks them both but Chris manages to shoot off her mask. She backflips across the room as Wesker makes his entrance, confirming to Chris that he's still alive and meeting Sheva for the first time. He pulls down the mystery woman's hood to reveal a blonde Jill Valentine. Chris tries to talk to her but she attacks him. Sheva manages to get a clear shot at her head but Wesker super-charges across the room sending her flying. He remarks he only has seven minutes of free time as they gear up to fight. In this boss battle Wesker and Jill wipe the floor with you, with Wesker dodging everything from knife swings to grenades. Sheva and Chris decide they need a new strategy: hide. They flee into small maze with Wesker and Jill stalking them. Jill carries dual machine pistols but if you kill her you get the "Your partner has died" screen. You can find a Desert Eagle here which improves your odds. After seven minutes have elapsed Wesker moves to leave and receives a call on his PDA. Using this distraction Chris and Sheva draw teir guns on him, but once again Jill appears and disarms them, pinning Chris to the ground. Chris begs her to listen to him and for a moment he reaches her. Wesker remarks how amazing it is that someone at that stage can still resist. He activates his PDA causing Jill to convulse. She rips open her top to reveal an electronic device implanted on her chest. This marks the beginning of the next boss battle where you must first snipe the device on her chest, avoiding hitting a very aggressive cat-like Jill, and then use non-lethal attacks to stun her. Then one of you holds her down whilst the other tries to rip the device off. This also must be the first boss battle in history to have a "press X to reason with her" attack.
They finally succeed in removing the device. Jill recovers, saying her ordeal was like having her mind intact and aware but not being able to control her body. Chris doesn't want to leave her after just getting her back, but she pleads with him saying he's the only one who can stop Wesker destroying the world. After all, "don't you trust your partner"? Chris and Sheva leave and spot Wesker and Excella boarding a cargo ship. Chris and Sheva climb up onto the deck and battle through infected dogs, Majini with grenade launchers and a new type of Plagas Majini that has its head protected by a natural shell, forcing you to target the parasite poking out its side. They find Excella, but she runs off carrying two briefcases. They open fire causing her to drop one. She seals the door behind her as Sheva picks up the PG67A/W syringes that spilled out te briefcase. The alarm is activated and Majini armed with sniper rifles and even a minigun appear. After picking up a keycard they next encounter Majini armed with RPGs. They use the keycard to activate a lift and go down, all the while being observed by Wesker on camera.
Wesker has a flashback to the Spencer Estate. Spencer is talking about how a Progenitor virus experiment created some super-humans called the "Wesker children". Even though only one survived it was a great success. Wesker asks if this means he was manufactured instead of born. Spencer says he was meant to become the God of this new race, but all was lost with Raccoon City. He is dying of old age, and he stuggles to his feet from his wheelchair so he can look Wesker in the eye. Wesker states that the right to be a God is now his, and punches through Spencer's chest, dismissing him as an arrogant old man with no right to Godhood. In the present Wesker remarks that with Uroboros, he now has the right and the means to become a God.
Chris and Sheva come across a huge pile of Majini on the top deck of the ship. Excella is also there stumbling in pain, clearly dealing with the effects of a virus. Wesker betrayed her and taunts the group over the intercom system. He says Uroboros rejected Excella and she isn't worthy. Uroboros tentacle shoot out of Excella's body, abosorbing the huge pile of bodies next to her, creating a gigantic BOW. Chris and Sheva flee back inside the ship in an extended QTE. The Uroboros creature is tearing the ship apart with its tentacles. Chris and Sheva arrive at the ship's bridge and find a file on a satellite laser weapon. Conveniently, the laser designator is located on top of the ship. The creature is no match for the laser and is blasted apart. Going back inside the ship the two see an assault bomber and Wesker on the CCTV monitors. Sheva remarks that no country will shoot the bomber down as it crashing would cause a viral outbreak. Chris gets a call on his PDA from Jill. She tells them that Wesker's strength comes from a virus, but it's unstable. He needs regular injections of PG67A/W like the one Excella gave him. However it must also be a precise amount, too much would be like poision. Sheva still has the syringes she took from Excella's briefcase.
A loudspeaker announces a fire in the engineroom and seals it off. Chris and Sheva make their way though unlocking the bulheads, battling the remaining Majini soldiers and some Mantis. At the end two minigun majini and a whole group equipped with stun rods attack you. Finally you reach Wesker in the hangar. They confront him but Wesker throws his sunglasses at Chris who catches them, only to find Wesker standing over him. He disarms Chris and retrieves his shades. Chris says he won't stop fighting against BOWs until he's dead. Wesker retorts that he'll just have to kill him quickly then. After some somersaults Wesker throws Chris and Sheva over the railing next to the plane. He leaps over to join them and the next boss battle begins. You have to stun Wesker enough so you can inject him with the syringe. Wesker is still adept at wiping the floor with you. He can even catch an RPG in his hands and pick up one of the plane's giant missiles and throw it at you. During the fight Wesker says that the world is overpopulated, only a handful of people truly matter and the rest are chaff. People's superior DNA will mark the out for survival. Once you inject him Wesker is racked with pain and his vision blurs. He retreats and leaps onto the plane. Chris chases after the jet as it launches from the cargo ship deck. He outpaces Sheva but she manages to get on just in time.
Wesker is still feeling the effects of the virus and is going into overdrive mode. He says that in five minutes they will reach the optimum altitude to fire the missiles and release Uroboros into the atmosphere leading to complete global saturation. In a big QTE fight Wesker charges at Chris and Sheva who dodge. Wesker shoots at Sheva to his side whilst dodgin Chris's fire. Sheva hides behind a metal support as Wesker puts his gun to Chris's head. Wesker jumps onto the ceiling but Chris manages to shoot him. Wesker kicks him away as Sheva attacks with her knife. Wesker blocks it... with his arm. he starts to choke Sheva but she flips him over. Chris grabs him in a hold and stabs him with another syringe, exclaiming "I've had enough of your bullshit. You're just another one of Umbrella's leftovers." Chris goes for the override lever whilst Sheva covers him. Wesker leaps over her and punches at Chris, just missing him as he pulls the lever. The bomber's loading ramp opens and the plane depressurises. All three try to not get sucked out. Sheva is holding onto a support near the ramp with Wesker holding onto her boot. Chris looks back at them and has a flashback of losing his previous partner. Just as Sheva loses her grip, Chris lets go, catches her and grips another support. Wesker says he's taking the two of them with him. Sheva replies "Like hell you are." and draws her pistol and shoots him in the head at point blank range. Wesker falls out of the plane as it crash lands into an active volcano.
Chris and Sheva are sitting on the side of the crater catching their breath when a shirtless Wesker appears. He punches into the downed bomber's Uroboros tanks and the telltale tentacles wrap themselves round his arms, holding pieces of the bomber's fuselage like a Tyrant's arm-blades. Chris and Sheva fallback and get separated as the volcano's rocky ridges collapse. Wesker goes after Chris.
Join us tomorrow when hopefully someone will have figured out how to kill Wesker.
1- Ese gran momento donde se habria la capsula en los trailers, no es tan grande. Despues de abrirse, Crish se da cuenta de que e esta vacio.
2-Efectivamente, Jill estaba bajo el control de Wesker. Pero no mediante las plagas, si no un dispositivo electronico que maneja el cuerpo de Jill, no su mente. ¿Que quiero decir?, pues segun las propias palabrsa de Jill, ella seguia con su mente intacta, pero no podia controlar su cuerpo. Aun asi, Crish consigue desactivar dicho dispositivo. Y salva a JILL. Vamos, que Jill no muere.
3-Spencer no aparece en el juego. Aparece solo en el flashback donde se recuerda la muerte de Jill y donde Wesker recuerda haber hablado con el.
13 años despues, por fin podemos ver morir a Wesker.
baronluigi escribió:13 años despues, por fin podemos ver morir a Wesker.
Por fin? es mi personaje favorito y muere en una escena cutre cutre. Y el rollo que se inventan de Spencer y la raza superior?? por favor... me niego a jugarlo.
dudo mucho que wesker palme de verdad seguro que vuelve a aparecer recordad que tb murio en el 1º y luego en el code veronica ZAS o igual simplemente muere un clon suyo o un doble con su cara o vete a saber pueden hacer 10000 cosas
Morkar escribió:tanto cut escene y tan to royo se sabe cual es la duracion real del juego por fin ?dudo mucho que wesker palme de verdad seguro que vuelve a aparecer recordad que tb murio en el 1º y luego en el code veronica ZAS o igual simplemente muere un clon suyo o un doble con su cara o vete a saber pueden hacer 10000 cosas
Su actor de doblaje dijo que cualquier cosa podría pasar. Pero sinceramente, viendo el ultimo video, creo que es mejor dejar la figura de Wesker tal como esta. Muerto en un combate apoteosico.
Morkar escribió:se sabe ya la duracion real del juego ?
Al final parece que Wesker esquiva los misiles pero eso si con un buen baño de lava, pero de todos modos esta realmente muerto , se puede realmente decir.. the end?
Quedan cabos sueltos aun
-Que le paso a Ada
-Que sucedio con Sherry
-Steve sigue vivo
-Leon dejara a Ada por Hunnigan??
Y si por lo que parece habra un nuevo resident evil con el tan famoso reinicio de la saga , cuando saldra quizas en algun momento del 2013?
paulkubota escribió:Sobre el final del juego...Al final parece que Wesker esquiva los misiles pero eso si con un buen baño de lava, pero de todos modos esta realmente muerto , se puede realmente decir.. the end?
Quedan cabos sueltos aun
-Que le paso a Ada
-Que sucedio con Sherry
-Steve sigue vivo
-Leon dejara a Ada por Hunnigan??
Y si por lo que parece habra un nuevo resident evil con el tan famoso reinicio de la saga , cuando saldra quizas en algun momento del 2013?
respecto a leon/ada en todo caso si leon no se queda al final con ada se quedara con la swat del degeneracion no con huningam
Morkar escribió:paulkubota escribió:Sobre el final del juego...Al final parece que Wesker esquiva los misiles pero eso si con un buen baño de lava, pero de todos modos esta realmente muerto , se puede realmente decir.. the end?
Quedan cabos sueltos aun
-Que le paso a Ada
-Que sucedio con Sherry
-Steve sigue vivo
-Leon dejara a Ada por Hunnigan??
Y si por lo que parece habra un nuevo resident evil con el tan famoso reinicio de la saga , cuando saldra quizas en algun momento del 2013?
si ya has visto el final podsrias decir cuantas horas te ha durado ?respecto a leon/ada en todo caso si leon no se queda al final con ada se quedara con la swat del degeneracion no con huningam
Degeneration, aunque influye en la historia original, no es mas que relleno. No creo que tenga ninguna trascendencia. Todavía faltan muchas cosas por saber, ademas lo que habeis dicho. Por ejemplo que paso con Barry y Rebecca. Y Billy. Pero seran cosas que supongo que nunca sabremos. Es lo que tiene que se crea un juego sin tomar en serio el argumento (solo por salir del paso) y despues, cuando ven que tiene exito, entonces empiezan a tomarla en serio.
Y lo de wesker, si te fijas, no los esquiva...le atraviesan la cabeza.
Eru escribió:Yo creo que, aunque nos duela a muchos, deberian ir planteándose el poner fin a la saga o más bien a la historia. Llevan unas cuantas entregas y como dice baronluigi parece que se lo toman en serio el guión a ratos. A veces me da la impresión que improvisan
Pero vamos, no seria bueno que alargaran esto hasta el infinito y más alla.
Un saludo.
Lo de que Wesker fue el unico de los niños probeta manipulados geneticamente que sobrevivio, puede tener logica, ya que asi se justificaria porque el Virus T no le convirtio en zombi, dado que segun lei en un file hace la tira de años, se puede dar el caso (1 entre un millon) de que un infectado del Virus T desarrolle sintomas diferentes a los comunes,y este seria el caso.. Ya se que teoricamente ese virus es una version BETA dada por Birkin, pero oye, esto lo justificaria